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Fire Nation emblem

Zoryu Hall is a part-school, part-meeting hall, and part-auditorium located in eastern Hari Bulkan, within the larger Fire Nation Capital. Named after Fire Lord Zoryu, it is dominated by a a giant lecture hall, though also has a full assortment of smaller rooms for meetings and classes.[1]


In the mid-50s BG, the Four Nations Summit & Technological Symposium was held in Zoryu Hall. The summit's daily meetings and exhibitions took place in Zoryu Hall, with the delegates being housed in the nearby Tako Dormitory and a nearby storehouse being used to house various items that the delegations brought to Hari Bulkan. Zoryu Hall became very tense after crates of meteorite metal belonging to the Fire Nation were stolen, leading Minister Khuchtei to order Captain Enaka to provide additional security.[1]


Twisting Dragons[]

The Twisting Dragons is a ten-foot-tall metal sculpture made by the master artist Fusei, depicting a pair of dragons rising from the ground, spiraling around each other. In addition to the statue's intimidating beauty, each of the dragons briefly breathes flames at the top of each hour. This meant that the surrounding area was a considerable fire hazard.[1]

Meeting rooms[]

During the summit, delegates could be continuously found throughout the meeting rooms in Zoryu Hall in the daytime. There were lectures on a variety of topics, such as the spiritual and environmental impact of industrialization, the possibility of a joint moon observatory, and political alliances.[1]


Zoryu Hall had a tearoom, which was a natural gathering point for those in the building. High walls hung with bright red lanterns and numerous paintings of pastoral landscapes frame scholars carrying on debates from the lectures and challenging one another's ideas.[1]

