Yoshiro, known as "the Iron Dragon", is the current leader of the Equalists, a radical anti-bender movement. He emerged as the new leader of the movement following the downfall of the previous leader, Amon, and his failed Anti-bending Revolution. Frustrated with the rise and fall of the Equalists, Yoshiro seeks to restore the group to its former glory.
Yoshiro was the only non-bending sibling in a family of firebending prodigies, but proved himself by becoming an expert martial artist. He joined the United Forces, where he lost the use of his legs after an accident.
Yoshiro eventually approached the Equalists and became the subject of an experimental procedure. By installing mechanical prosthetics modified off Hiroshi Sato's mecha tank designs, Yoshiro regained the use of his legs. Since then, he dedicated himself to the Equalist cause with zeal, filled with the desire that none should be made to feel lesser than another. He adopted "the Iron Dragon" as a nickname, enjoying to display his metal limbs both as a point of pride and to intimidate his foes.[1]
With the failure of the Anti-bending Revolution, Yoshiro watched the Equalists' rise and fall with frustration.[1] He gathered the disparate strands of the Equalist movement and reformed it into a small but dedicated group. Not everyone was willing to follow the charismatic would-be leader, but Yoshiro proved he treated those who earned his respect as true equals.[2] Yoshiro believed the Equalists would need to adapt in a rapidly evolving world, much like he had adapted multiple times throughout his own life.[1]
While he was cementing himself as Equalists' new leader, Yoshiro met Rabten at one of the group's revival meetings. Rabten was a professor of philosophy and ethics at Republic City University, and Yoshiro spoke to his concerns in a way that appealed to such a man, de-emphasizing violence in favor of ethical concerns. Rabten came to believe in Yoshiro being the one to balance the inequality in Republic City once and for all, and started recruiting students to a peaceful Equalist revival movement at the university.[3] He also began to use old Equalist bases located at the Warrens to recruit new followers and launch strikes into the city above.[4] Even when Yoshiro began undertaking more direct and dangerous actions, Rabten remained committed to his cause, providing a smokescreen of respectability for Yoshiro's violent activity.[3]
Yoshiro also became interested in spirit energy canisters and weapons located in the laboratory of Juniper Kim, a scientist in Republic City who had once worked for the Earth Empire. He believed that the canisters could strengthen the Equalist arsenal against bender threats. When the canisters went missing, Yoshiro's Equalists were among the suspects, as well as the Peace Lily Society and the Rising Flame Triad.[5][6][7][1]
Around the same time, Yoshiro kept an eye on the Equalist student movement. A controversial debate night was scheduled at the university, with students who supported the Equalists due to be in attendance. Yoshiro hoped to revive Amon's tactics by co-opting the emotions of angry students. Despite his larger plans for Republic City, it was still a priority for him that the next generation of Equalists get the correct, forceful education, trying to see that the event would end in violence.[8]
Yoshiro was charismatic enough to emerge as the primary leader of the Equalists after the Anti-bending Revolution. He has proven that he is willing to treat others in the movement as equals if they prove themselves to him,[2] but he also wishes to intimidate his foes. He is driven to restore the Equalists to their former glory, and has long dedicated himself to the cause with zeal.[1]
Yoshiro is a master martial artist and accomplished chi-blocker. Since having his experimental prosthetics installed, Yoshiro has always been seeking to upgrade them. He is able to push his equipment to the limit to move fast, as well as easily being able to disarm his foes. Yoshiro is also easily able to go straight for his target with precision and accuracy.[1]
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 27.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 26.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Republic City, Version 1.0, 2023, p. 42.
- ↑ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 29.
- ↑ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 20.
- ↑ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 21.
- ↑ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Starter Set, Adventure Booklet, pg. 23.
- ↑ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Republic City, Version 1.0, 2023, p. 43.