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Yoko Tochigi[]

A women in her 30's who is Maki 's boss as a seamstress. She is famous in Ba Sing Se because of how many new fashions and styles she has introduced behind the walls!

Though Maki makes most of the clothes she still takes all of the credit for her work, and is known to be a bitter women.


She is known to be cold, heartless, bitter, and Snobby. She is rich and lives in the upper rings of Ba Sing Se. She is very arogent and looks down on other people often. Especially a seamstress that works for her named maki


Long Blond hair, always wearing clothes from her store and has flawless pail skin.


She was born in Ba Sing Se and inherited the clothing store from her mother and Maki was only 14 when Yoko hired her. It is assumed Yoko has no family.
