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The Wuyi Tea Cartel was a large business syndicate that controls much of the tea trade in the Earth Kingdom and beyond, helping to set reasonable prices for consumers. It was headquartered in Daxia Harbor.[1]


Keung, a former military spy for the Fire Nation, took charge of the Wuyi Tea Cartel sometime after the failed Siege of Ba Sing Se. He ran it as a seedy and illegal operation, where very few in the tea business even knew of its existence. It used a variety of suppliers as a front in order to maintain the guise of having legitimate operations.

In the 100s AG, the cartel began to withhold the supply of tea for various shops in Ba Sing Se. Meanwhile, Keung wished to exact revenge on the retired General Iroh over the deaths of his fellow spies, as well as his choice to abandon his attack on the city after the death of Lu Ten. Keung hired the bounty hunter June to bring Iroh to Daxia Harbor.

Iroh was shocked to see Keung in charge when he arrived at the Wuyi Cartel headquarters. While giving an Iroh a tour of the building, Keung and Iroh discussed what had happened since they last met. In the process, Keung revealed the extent of his anger. He told Iroh that he could only redeem himself in his eyes if he chose death. Once Iroh refused, Keung had him locked in a cell in the cartel's headquarters, intending to make Iroh suffer before killing him.

After soon changing her mind about Iroh, June hired llamapaca farmer and former bounty hunter Fan to break Iroh out of the Wuyi Cartel's prison. Fan and her allies also planned to end the Wuyi Cartel's unfair control of the tea trade before conducting their raid on the compound. The attackers were able to easily hold off most of the cartel's guards, while the laborers at the building chose to flee. June began to break out Iroh from his cell, but was confronted by Keung as she tried to do so. June managed to hold off the firebender by restraining him with flame-resistant llamapaca wool. While managing to get free, Keung was defeated once more in a confrontation outside with June, Iroh, and their allies.

With Keung defeated, Iroh suggested that the cartel be converted into a legitimate business. He noted that the buying and selling of tea could be set at reasonable prices if someone came in and took over the Wuyi Cartel's ships and supply lines. Knowing that he could not hope to run such an operation himself, he proposed that Fan take over as leader, as she had the respect of Daxia Harbor's community, and she and her crew had established themselves as savvy businesspeople. While Fan showed some hesitance at first, she quickly took to the possibility of expanding her business. She reiterated her mission to "free the tea", and stated that the tea would belong to the people.[1]


The Wuyi Cartel is operated out of a large compound in Daxia Harbor. There are various teas found in offices for leaders of the cartel. Rare and exotic blends are packed in the cartel's facilities. While operated by Keung, its headquarters were even large enough to host a jail cell for enemies of the cartel.[1]

Notable members[]

