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Welcome to the Ultimate Shipping War!

The Ultimate Ship Turned Out to be : Kataang

I, Bahjy1, have organized a shipping war(tournament) which was inspired by The Avatar Tournament by 1st Avatar.

We will use the comment reply system to collect votes and editing blog post system to update the results. The following is the chart of the sixteen member ships which will be competing for the honor of being the ultimate ship in this tournament.

The tournament will include ONLY ships which were clear in A:TLA (Although crack pairings may be added if the tournament is re-started) and each "match" will have a voting process which goes in a week. The whole tournament should take 15 weeks, unless a match had no votes (which I would really be sad on), it would have another week annexed to it's voting process.

Weeks start and end on Mondays - no specific time of day. Needless to say, when a 'match' ends another starts, and have got a maximum period of a week -7 days-.

Current "Match"[]

Kataang VS Ro Min

First Round[]

Each ship competes the one bellow it, and the winner will compete with the neighboring winner in the next round.

Column : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Kataang Tokka Maiko My Cabbages! (And his cabbages) Zutara Ty Lokka Toko On Jide
2 Yuokka Harutara Maang Zukong Jetara On Jaang Sukka Ro Min (AKA Ra Min)

Second Round[]

After every "match" of the previous round is played, this round will be played.

Group : A B C D
1 Kataang Maiko Zutara Sukka
2 Tokka My Cabbages! Ty Lokka Ro Min


After every "match" of the previous round is played, this round will be played.

Faceoff : SF1 SF2
1 Kataang Ty Lokka
2 Maiko Ro Min

Final Round[]

After every "match" of the previous round is played, this round will be played.

Kataang Ro Min