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This page covers the events and interactions in "Wolf Cove" sub-region of the South Pole region in Avatar: Generations. Some events of the story's introduction also take place in this area, but these are not triggered by opening the "Wolf Cove" region on the map. Accordingly, they are covered in the Transcript:Introduction (Avatar: Generations) article.

Extra mission 1: Rescue them, Heroes![]

The Wolf Cove area is unlocked after a player finishes the main storyline of the Ketu Harbor sub-region. This allows players to start the optional questline "Rescue them, Heroes!" which is initiated at the entrance of "Hakoda Village" in Wolf Cove. The scene begins in the village, not long after Team Avatar's departure.
Kanna [Concerned, addressing the adventurers.] Oh! You've visited at an auspicious time. Some children have gone missing. [Dejected.] We've sent out search parties, but they are being attacked by owl wolves.
Superstitious girl [Interjecting.] I'm telling you, spirits are behind this!
Owl wolves [Invading the village.] Hoo-hoo-hoooooooowwwwwwl!
Superstitious girl [Shocked.] Oh no, the spirits must have heard me!
Kanna [Addressing the adventurers.] Hurry, please help defend the village, we aren't-
Superstitious girl [Addressing the void.] Oh great spirit, please spare us!
Kanna [Seemingly unsure how she should react to the girl's statement.] ...
The adventurers drive the owl wolves away, saving the villagers.
Kanna [Addressing the adventurers.] Thank you for defending us. We are in need of warriors-
Superstitious girl [Interjecting.] To slay these wicked spirits-
Kanna [Angrily addressing the superstitious girl.] Enough, you know not of what you speak. [Turning back to the adventurers.] Excuse us. Please, help us find our kids... And may the spirits watch over you.
The adventurers venture deeper into the South Pole's interior in search of the missing children, entering an area simply known as "The Snowdrifts". From there, they move to the "Frigid Ridge", where they are attacked by more owl wolves.
After fending off the wild animals, the adventurers notices a "curious crag" in a nearby mountain, where ice and stone appear to have recently broken down. [Narration: As you approach, you can hear muffled cries for help from behind the rubble!]
It appears as if some villagers are trapped behind the rubble. At this point, the adventurers are again attacked by owl wolves, defeating them.
[Narration: With the owl wolves gone, you wonder how to safely clear away the rocks.]
An earthbending adventurer begins to dig through the rocks. [Narration: The landslide begins to be cleared away with Earthbending.]
Villager Child [Upon being saved.] We're sorry for sneaking off. We just wanted to help find food, but all we found was yucky gross stuff. [Happily.] Thank you, we're going home now. Byeee!
The adventurers return to the "Frigid Ridge", fighting off more owl wolves.
[Narration: The path ahead is clear, but you feel like there should be more here.]
After some searching, the adventurers realize that something unusual is on the other side of the nearby lake.
A waterbending adventurers begins to build an ice bridge. [Narration: The water begins to freeze through Waterbending.]
The first part of the bridge is finished. [Narration: Waterbenders sure know how to get around! You see a strange waterfall from across the water that flows down in an unusual way.] The bridge building continues. [Narration: The water begins to freeze through Waterbending.]
The remaining part of the bridge is finished. [Narration: That's a pretty cool bridge. Looking closely, there seems something behind the frozen waterfall. Exploring the cave, you find a rare artifact!]
A waterbending adventurers digs through the ice.
[Narration: You find a small cave behind the frozen waterfall. There might be something valuable inside.]
Further down the original "Frigid Ridge" path, the adventurers discover another location where a lawine had seemingly occurred. [Narration: You see a group of owl wolves digging away at a large mound of snow blocking a cave's entrance. Getting closer, you barely make out the sound of crying coming from within the cave.] The adventurers drive the owl wolves away.
[Narration: With the owl wolves gone you wonder how to clear away the ice and snow...]
An waterbending adventurer begins to dig through the ice. [Narration: The avalanche begins to be cleared away with Waterbending.]
[Narration: With the avalanche gone, you can more easily hear muffled voices, but there are now rocks in the way. The voices grow louder; it's the children!]
An earthbending adventurer begins to dig through the rocks. [Narration: The remains of the landslide begin to be cleared away with Earthbending.]
Villager Child [Upon being saved.] We're sorry for leaving home. This place is scary. There was sh-shaking and falling and it got really dark. We wanna go home now. Bye bye.
Finally, the adventurers come across the "Chilled Chasm". [Narration: Looking closely, there seems to be something behind the ice. You begin to clear away the ice.]
An waterbending adventurer begins to dig through the ice. [Narration: You begin to clear away the ice.]
[Narration: You find a cave behind the ice. Exploring the cave, you find a rare artifact!]
The adventurers return to the village after all children are saved.
Superstitious girl [Happily.] Thank you so much for finding our children.
Kanna [Happily.] I take it you didn't come across any evil spirits.
Superstitious girl [Annoyed.] ...
Kanna [Addressing the adventurers.] Hmm, those caves must've been where the owl-wolves would store their food. Hmph, explains their sudden increase in aggression, but I wonder what caused the collapse... Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Extra mission: Wolves of a Feather[]

After finishing "Rescue them, Heroes!", new optional battles are unlocked at the area's caves. A new mission, "Wolves of a Feather" is unlocked at the entrance of "Hakoda Village" in Wolf Cove.
Kanna [Addressing the adventurers.] The village and I are still grateful for your help, but I must admit we still need support. We need owl-wolf feathers, they are vital for crafting our clothes and such for warmth. You can find them scattered throughout their dens, and in exchange I promise to reward you fairly.
After delivering 10 feathers to the village.
Villager Thank you for this. We are eternally grateful for your kindness.
After delivering more feathers to the village.
Kanna Good to see you again, you are welcome back anytime.
From this point onward, interactions are repeated.



  • Unidentified adventurers


See also[]
