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Michael Dante DiMartino Hi, this is Mike DiMartino, co-creator and executive producer.
Bryan Konietzko And this is Bryan Konietzko, the other co-creator and executive producer.
Katie Mattila And I'm Katie Mattila, [Mike affirms.] the writer of this episode.
Mike And Katie is also our uh, writer's assistant, [Katie affirms intermittently.] who diligently takes notes, everything we say in the writer's room, verbatim. [Laughs.]
Bryan Katie also...
Katie [In the background.] I...
Bryan ... worked on Avatar: The Last Airbender [Mike and Katie affirm.] in that capacity, and others. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] You were in-you were also in, like, design coordinator, too, right?
Katie Yeah, I started as [Bryan affirms.] design coordinator, and then moved to the writer's room.
Bryan And you worked on one of the "Tales of Ba Sing Se", [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] if I'm not mistaken.
Katie Yes, when Zuko went on a date.
Mike Oh yeah.
Bryan That's right, with Jin.
Mike And you wrote "The Beach".
Katie Yes.
Bryan And "The Beach".
Mike [In a mock dramatic tone.] "The Beach".
Katie The O.C.
Bryan Fun episo-yeah, [Laughs.] the, yeah. [Katie chuckles.] The Eighties [Mike chuckles.] movie episode, which I'm very fond of. And this was your first uh, Korra script.
Katie Yes!
Bryan Yeah. So, what uh, so you'd been in the writer's room for a little-a little while by the time you [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] wrote this script, right?
Katie Yeah, and I was really excited to write this script 'cause uh, Lin Beifong was one of my favorite characters, [Refers to Lin remembering her past experiences with her mother and sister.] and I loved the opportunity to-to sort of get a glimpse into her past, and I always think it's interesting wondering, you know, watching a series and seeing how characters are, and not really knowing why they are the way they are, and I love that I was able to sort of, um, deal with that topic.
Bryan Kinda humanize her [Katie affirms.] a bit, yeah.
Katie Then you feel, obviously, more sympathetic, knowing what she went through.
Bryan So, you've written on some other shows; um, how does The Legend of Korra writing process, how is it unique to your professional writing experience?
Katie Um, some of the other shows, the writers wrote more uh, privately, the-we wouldn't really sit so much in a room, and I-and I love the way that on Korra, we all would sit in a room and pitch ideas together, 'cause I feel like, you know, four or five people's mind working together seems to be much more helpful than if someone's sort of working alone, and then it just seems like it works better, and...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, and especially [Katie affirms intermittently.] on a show like this that's so continuous, we kind of all need to be on the same page about every story and where it's headed, and, you know, especially something like this, where the-although they're not, like, literally part one and part two, like the, you know, the previous episode, "The Metal Clan", definitely set up a lot of stuff, uh, into this episode. So, yeah, I feel like we could never do this show as just a, like, "hey, pitch a-pitch a random episode," and... [Laughs.]
Bryan [Interjects.] It's kind of a freelance model. [Mike affirms.] It-me-yeah, that-that works, it seems to work fine for-for shows that are-ha-are just more standalone, [Mike and Katie affirm.] you know, [Mike affirms.] if the...
Mike [In the background.] Uh...
Bryan ... if the writer knows the characters, [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] and knows the world, then that sh-that'll probably work fine, as long as the showrunners feel that it-it fits in. But, yeah, with our show, e-especially on Korra, where we-we do shorter seasons, so it's-it's a lot tighter.
Katie And I feel like with Korra and Avatar, they're just such large worlds, and it's nice to have, obviously, Mike, and then Tim and Josh, who know this show inside and out, so if there's ever a minor detail that I don't know about, or-someone else in the room could always-was always there to help out.
Mike [Refers to Aiwei recommending an acupuncturist to Lin for dealing with her mental stress.] And uh, I remember we talked about having her do-do these acupuncture treatments. Didn't you-the-I can't remember, did you go to acupuncture when you were writing this?
Katie Yeah, yeah, I tried [Mike affirms.] acupuncture for the first time, [Mike chuckles.] and I was always sort of on the fence or skeptical, but I had a great experience doing...
Mike [Interjects; refers to Lin remembering her past experiences during her acupuncture sessions.] Did you have any major flashbacks or... [Bryan laughs.]
Katie [Interjects.] I did not. No uh, [Mike laughs.] major flashbacks.
Bryan You-you didn't just, yeah. You weren't woozy?
Katie Uh, nothing, no crazy memories. But it was a-sort of had the same sort of feeling as a back massage, after.
Mike Yeah. [Katie affirms.]
Bryan [Refers to Zaheer, P'Li, Ghazan, and Ming-Hua conversing in a Republic City apartment within the Spirit Wilds, with moss, roots, and an entire tree growing inside the room.] So, this location, we used to have-we were talking about this in one of the other...
Mike [Interjects.] The previous episode, yeah.
Bryan Yeah, the previous episode, but the um, that kind of uh, that, like, abandoned apartment wa-was where we saw Zaheer get his head shaved by Ming-Hua and her, like, ice shaver. [Mike affirms; laughs.] She, like, made a razor out of her tentacle.
Mike It didn't make the...
Bryan [In the background.] Loo...
Mike ... didn't make the final cut.
Bryan [Refers to Ming-Hua waterbending the end of her liquid arm into an ice dagger, holding it to a truck driver's neck.] Looked a lot like that. But anyways, if you were ever wondering about that scene, it was in that room. So, we just-the idea is the Spirit Wilds had taken over a-a block, or two, and uh, they were-they were hi-they were on the lam, hiding out.
Mike [Refers to when Ghazan asked Zaheer if they were still going to take out President Raiko.] Yeah, I mea-we don't explicitly say all this stuff, but we kinda allude to it, that, you know, that their first plan was basically to go to Republic City, get the Avatar, and then...
Bryan [In the background; simultaneously with Mike.] Take...
Mike ... [Simultaneously with Bryan.] take out President Raiko. [Bryan affirms intermittently; refers to when Zaheer decides to leave Republic City with his cohorts.] Uh, and obviously, when Zaheer went to Air Temple Island and Korra wasn't there, then uh, their plans were adjusted. But yeah, the-the idea is that that apartment's in like a pocket of spirit wilds that nobody lives in anymore, so they're-they're kinda hiding out. Um...
Bryan [Interjects; refers to when Zaheer and his comrades looked out at a cargo truck from a building rooftop, needing a covert way to evade the Republic City police searching for them.] But you get the idea in that scene when they're looking over that the cops are looking for them.
Mike Yeah, yeah, people know that, obviously, they've escaped. So, word has gotten out to keep an eye out for 'em.
Bryan [Refers to Lin, not believing her acupuncturist's claim that the therapy lets patients tap into their buried memories, giving off a sarcastic "uh-huh"; laughs.] I always [Katie chuckles intermittently.] love that read by Mindy. [Imitates Lin's sarcastic affirming murmur; Mike affirms.] So, now...
Mike [Interjects; refers to Lin's memories of herself at eighteen-years old, and Su at twelve.] And then, in this, we meet young Su, and uh, [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] the voice of Su, the young Su, was uh, Jessie Flower, who played the young Toph, or Toph. [Laughs.]
Bryan Original Toph.
Mike Original Toph, yeah.
Bryan Classic, "Toph Classic". [Mike laughs.] Um, so, it might be-it might not be re-like, readily apparent to viewers, [Refers to Lin's memories of confronting Su over her choice in friends.] but this flashback is a few years earlier [Refers to when Lin remembers herself at twenty-two-years trying to arrest a now sixteen-year old Su for aiding and abetting a robbery.] than the next one. [Mike affirms.] So, when we see these characters again, [Refers to the twenty-two year old Lin wearing the armor of a metalbending officer.] Lin is in a higher-ranking officer's uniform, she's a little bit older, and um, Suyin is-is older as well.
Mike Yeah, I think...
Bryan [Interjects; refers to the two boys Su hangs out with in Lin's first remembrance, who later end up arrested by the police officer for committing a robbery in her second remembrance.] But I think it is the same two, uh, jerks that she's hanging out with, right? [Katie gives an affirming murmur.]
Mike It is, yeah, [Bryan affirms.] and-and in that scene, it was-it was meant that, I think Lin was like around eighteen, [Bryan and Katie affirm.] eighteen or nineteen, I can't remember. But like, she had just been-sh-she was in the police academy... [Katie gives an affirming murmur.]
Bryan [In the background.] Ah, okay.
Mike ... like, she was-she was training, and then when we see her next time, she was...
Bryan [Interjects.] I thought she was like a beat cop, or something, [Mike affirms.] yeah. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] That's cool.
Katie [Refers to when a young Lin told Su that she was ruining her life by hanging out with her friends.] I feel like that scene kinda demonstrates something that a lot of kids can probably relate to when they have a younger sister or a brother who's sort of heading in the wrong direction, and, you know, Lin's very into rules, and, [Mike gives an affirming murmur.] uh, you know...
Bryan [Interjects.] So, we are actually, uh, also friends with Katie outside of work, and [Katie affirms.] we know her because of her brother. We went to college with Katie's brother, and he directed the Avatar Spirits documentary, [Mike affirms.] that many of you probably have seen.
Mike chuckles as Bolin, frozen in shock, looks back to see Pabu on his shoulder after Korra mentions it, having hastily explained that his presence at the Avatar's metalbending training with Su was that he was searching for the fire ferret.
Bryan And uh, so, yeah, it's like a big family. [Katie chuckles.]
Mike [Refers to Bolin telling Korra and Su that he should probably get a shot given that Pabu has "sort of a" venom.] This is a good example of where we had a line for P. J., and actually, I-I think in this case, we literally wrote, like, "P. J., improvise" [Everyone laughs.] like, 'cause we do, like, we had a bunch o' ideas, but we were like, "ah, he'll come up with something". [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] So, that little, like, the venom...
Bryan [In the background; laughs.] That's my favorite part.
Mike ... "has a venom," like, that was-that was, I think, P. J. in the room, just [Kate gives an affirming murmur.] coming up with some...
Bryan [Interjects.] Man, that cracks me up. And when he goes, "lived in a-in a gym," [Bryan and Katie laugh.] his-his improvs are amazing.
Mike Yeah. [Refers to when Korra successfully metalbends one of Su's meteorites during her second attempt.] So, we talked about Korra metalbending, a lot, and how it seemed like she would be able to pick it up fairly easily, um, because of her bending skills and bending prowess. [Refers to when Bolin asks Su for metalbending training.] So, we kinda gave the, you know, the-the training, or "the person learning the new skill" storyline to Bolin instead. Um, I mean, Korra's obviously learning, but...
Bryan [In the background.] Yeah, we don't focus on it. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.]
Mike ... it's not s-it's not such a struggle for her the way, [Bryan affirms.] like, airbending was, or something.
Bryan [Refers to the vehicles in Lin's second flashback having larger, thinner wheels than their contemporary incarnations.] So, we had to modify, you know, the-the-the car, the Satomobiles, and-and the Cabbage Cars, um, they already look pretty old-timey in Korra's time, [Mike affirms.] but we we-we had to try to make this feel like it was even, you know, these were even earlier models. So, put much, like, more like wagon wheel, real spindly, kinda old-timey wheels on these, and uh...
Mike [In the background.] They...
Bryan ... changed colors.
Mike ... [Refers to Lin pursuing a vehicle in her own through the streets of Republic City.] still got some good speed on them, though.
Bryan Yeah, [Katie gives an affirming murmur; Mike laughs intermittently.] that was the thing. [Katie laughs.] It was fo-it was-it was boarded and written as this exciting chase. [Mike affirms; refers to the shot of Lin's police van veering around and skidding forward, coming to a halt just as Lin jumps out of it toward the robbers' crashed vehicle.] I love that shot where-where Lin jumps out of the car, [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] skids out.
Mike [Refers to Lin wrapping up the two male perpetrators' legs with her metal cables as they fled, causing them to trip over and fall to the ground.] Yeah, so, those-those two guys that she just grabbed are the-were the two kids that we saw in the earlier flashback.
Bryan Yeah, [Refers to when Su stepped out of the crashed car, telling Lin to leave them alone.] and then you can see [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] that-that Suyin's a little older. [Refers to the closeup profile shot of Lin, sweating and panting as her whole body heaves from the stress of her memories.] Amaz-that's some model checking, right there. Man, that looks...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, Lin looks [Katie chuckles.] fantastic [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] throughout this whole episode.
Bryan [Refers to Guo, Lin's acupuncturist, telling her not to leave in the middle of a session.] So, you'll notice that that guy ha-oh, [Mike chuckles; refers to the several needles stuck in Guo's head from when Lin metalbent them out of herself with great force.] he's got some needles in his head.
A brief pause in commentary until Lin, dazedly sitting in her quarters, turns toward the entrance as she hears a sixteen-year old Suyin asking if she's going to stay in her room all day.
Mike [Refers to when Lin's vision comes into focus, the image of a teenage Suyin fading away to reveal Korra, telling Lin to apologize to Opal.] Uh, here we have a little-little, I think you pitched this, Bryan, [Bryan affirms.] after, like, the first draft, or something; we had-it was uh, just Korra showing up, or something, and we thought s-you know, you had the idea to keep-keep Lin in that sort of [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] dazed state.
Bryan Yeah.
Katie Um...
Bryan [Interjects.] Kinda like half dreaming. [Mike and Katie affirm.] Now, Lin, I-I-I think Lin is the type of person who represses her [Laughs.] emotions. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] Uh, that's pretty...
Mike [Interjects.] Yep. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] A-just a little bit.
Bryan Just a little bit.
Mike Yeah. [Laughs.]
Bryan But, you know, she probably doesn't dwell on these um, you know, these-these past events that shaped her life [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] and-and relationships, but that doesn't mean they don't have a strong effect on her. Like you were saying earlier, Katie, like, what are the things that make her who she is, and I think she's the type of person who just compartmentalizes stuff, tries to just throw their-herself into her job.
Katie Yeah, sorta just focus on her job, and not be distracted by...
Bryan [Interjects.] Yeah, by things like...
Katie ... things.
Bryan ... feelings. [Katie affirms.] Emotions...
Katie [In the background.] There's no time for that!
Bryan ... relation-relationships.
Mike [Refers to the shot panning down from a teenage Su to show that her wrist has been wrapped up by her sister's metal cable, with Lin trying to stop her from leaving.] Oh.
Bryan Man, beautiful animation, here. Great storyboarding, too, but...
Mike [Interjects; refers to Lin's right cheek getting lashed by her metal cable, the wire having whipped back after Su severed it with her knife.] And I love this moment 'cause now we see how Lin got her scars, [Katie affirms intermittently.] and that-and I-I, [Refers to Su's shocked expression as her sister screams in pain.] the point was that Su, as you can see on her face, like, that-her intention was not to scar her sister, um, but uh, you know, accidents happen. But I remember you, I think you came up with the title "Old Wounds"...
Katie [Interjects.] Yeah! Yeah.
Mike ... in the outline, or st-or the first draft, or something. I was like, "ah! This is the perfect title for this episode." [Katie chuckles.]
Bryan It is good.
Mike Love it.
Bryan Love it.
Mike Yeah, I mean, it-it works on many levels. Um...
Bryan [Refers to the sweating truck driver looking back to where Ming-Hua is in his vehicle, the waterbender currently pressing her ice blade into his side, and looking up in obvious distress; laughs.] I love this guy's...
Mike [Interjects; refers to Zaheer and his comrades using the truck driver and his vehicle to bypass the Republic City Police checkpoints on one of the bridges exiting the city.] Yeah, [Katie laughs.] and then we wanted, you know, like, it-we wanted to keep the bad guys alive, their story alive, but like, obviously they weren't gonna run into Korra or any of the crew, or whatever. So, came up with this storyline of them just trying to get outta the city [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] that was a little bit on lockdown, and just uh, kinda keep 'em-keep them being cool.
Bryan [Refers to when the truck driver, having been asked by a suspicious police officer to exit his vehicle, ran away from the scene.] Um, I love that this guy just takes off. [Mike affirms; laughs.] He's like, [Katie chuckles.] he's like...
Mike [In the background.] And this...
Bryan ... "I don't get paid enough for this." [Katie laughs.]
Mike I think this was another thing that was added in the, it was like a storyboard addition.
Bryan Oh.
Mike The-the-the part where he just bolts. Like...
Bryan [Interjects.] Just runs off. So good. [Mike and Katie affirm; refers to Ming-Hua driving the convicts' stolen vehicle, using her water arms to handle the steering wheel.] Love Ming-Hua as the getaway driver.
Mike Yeah. [Laughs; Katie gives an affirming murmur.]
Bryan She's a much better driver than Korra.
Katie I don't know if you mentioned that-this before, but I remember coming into the record with Henry Rollins, and he was just so prepared, and just totally got the character right away, [Mike affirms.] and just ha-asked all the right questions, and just totally got him.
Bryan I-I posted about that; I-we-I don't think we've talked about it in the commentary. Henry, you know, some-when you get, like, really well-known actors or-or personalities, you know, sometimes we have to just offer them the role, we-we-we can't audition them; their agents like to just keep offer-only for voiceover work. Uh, Henry not only wanted to audition, he wanted to interview Mike [Mike chuckles.] and me on the phone from to-while he was on tour; [Katie chuckles.] uh, I think we talked to him about a half-hour, um, wanted to know all about the character, what-what we thought about his philosophies, his history, his personality, um, motivations. And then he would-then, and only then, did he record his own audition, and-and completely was like, "and if you have any notes, and you want me to redo it, I will redo the audition". [Mike and Katie affirm intermittently.] This was all just to audition, not even being guaranteed the part; so, the guy cares. [Laughs.] He really cares about what he does, and he really liked the character, and he's like, "man, I mean, he's like poet, warrior, samurai, [Mike affirms.] you know." [Katie gives an affirming murmur.]
Mike No, he totally got the kind of like vibe that we were going for with-with Zaheer.
Bryan He's like, "you know, he's got pretty good, you know, his ideas are pretty good, [Mike chuckles.] they're just a little bit off center, [Katie and Bryan laugh.] you know? [Kate affirms intermittently.] He's a little out of balance". "A little-a little" is a strong word, but, um, yeah, it was a-it was a pleasure working with him. It was funny, in the crew, because they're-they're, you know, us, we are like, "Henry Rollins, wow!" and then all the designers were like, "who's that?" [Katie laughs.] you know? They were all-they were all...
Katie [In the background.] They're a little younger.
Bryan ... twenty-three and [Mike chuckles; Katie affirms.] twenty-two, and they have no idea who he is.
Katie [Imitating the designers.] "Oh, the guy from the LA Weekly, yeah!" [Mike chuckles.]
Bryan [Laughs.] Yeah.
Katie "That guy."
Bryan "Oh, he's on KCRW." [Katie chuckles.]
Mike [Refers to the shot zooming out from Bolin and Opal looking out at one of Zaofu's domed cities, framed in the center of the mountain valley, the blue, cloudy sky shining overhead.] Love that shot. [Katie affirms.] Pretty.
Bryan I...
Mike [Interjects.] I wanna go to Zaofu. [Katie chuckles.]
Bryan Had to re-redo that one. [Mike chuckles.] I-I-I kinda pieced together different background paintings to do that retake.
Mike Yeah. [Refers to a fifty-three year old Toph criticizing her daughters for their respective actions.] Now we get to see uh, Toph again, in her [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] adult form, which uh, we saw her in Book One. Um...
Bryan [Interjects.] The-the three Beifongs.
Mike Yeah. [Refers to Toph covering up Su's criminal actions by destroying Lin's arrest report, then having Su leave Republic City to stay with her grandparents.] And kinda see the-the [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] origins of the family strife.
Bryan [Refers to Toph's office in the Republic City Police headquarters.] And you'll notice, uh, this is-this uh, Lin's office now. [Mike gives an affirming murmur.] She's in her mother's office. So, um, you know, she must be repressing all those memories [Bryan and Mike chuckle.] really, [Katie chuckles.] really strongly if she's sitting in the very office. [Mike affirms.]
Katie [Refers to Lin criticizing Toph for covering up Su's crimes, with Toph retorting that, as the Chief of Police, she can't have a daughter in jail.] I love that Lin and Toph, uh, you-they're sorta butting heads, but it's pretty obvious they're so much alike. [Bryan affirms.]
Mike Yeah, definitely.
Katie [Brief pause.] They're both so uh, involved in their jobs.
Mike Yeah. And I like, too, that, uh, uh, like this backstory, like, it feels realistic to me. [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] Like, it's not, I mean, a big-it-it was a big deal for them as a family, but it's not the most, like, horrifying backstory that could've been revealed, you know? Like, it-but it feels like a real thing that coulda happened in a family that just, you know, resentments can-can last a long time, and...
Bryan [Interjects.] It's-it's kinda like [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] accretion, you know? It could start as a tiny little, [Mike affirms intermittently.] like a little seashell on the bottom of the ocean, and then you give it uh, you give it five million years, and it's a boulder. Um, and it doesn't have to be this like, yeah, like you said, some total sensationalist story. Um, but you-yeah, like, family resentments have uh, have built up on much less. [Mike chuckles; refers to the ground in front of Korra, Su, and Bolin breaking up and fissuring.] Love that.
Katie I think it makes uh, Su a little more interesting, too, to know, oh, she appears to be perfect, and has the Metal Clan, [Bryan affirms intermittently.] and this perfect family, and then finding out...
Bryan [Interjects.] She's got a past.
Katie ... she's got a past, too. [Bryan affirms.]
A brief pause in commentary until the scene fades in from a black screen to a long shot of Lin and Su standing apart from one another, the former poised for a confrontation, the latter standing straight and unflinching, while Korra and Bolin stand off to the side.
Mike Now...
Katie [Interjects.] This is the moment.
Mike ... the showdown [Mike and Katie chuckle.] we've all been waiting for.
Bryan I like these types of fights. Um, but, you know, as much as I like the ones that have really high stakes, I like these, like, emotionally charged ones where you actu-you know in the end, they're really not...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, they're not...
Bryan ... gonna-they're not really trying to kill each other...
Mike [In the background.] It...
Bryan ... but it's just the...
Mike [Interjects.] It was very cathartic, [Bryan affirms; refers to when Bolin tells Korra, as she doesn't have any brothers or sisters, that fighting between siblings is part of the healing process.] and that's why we kinda put in that line. I don't remember when we-if you came up with it, Katie, or if it was in the rewrite, the-the-Bolin and-Bolin saying, like, "you don't have any siblings. [Everyone laughs.] Fighting's all part of the healing process". [Katie affirms intermittently.] Like, that-that was kinda the idea of this-this fight. It was like...
Bryan [Interjects.] Which I feel like echoes our feelings to some of the reactions from the sibling dynamics in Book Two. [Mike affirms intermittently.] People-people were like, "what? Aang's children aren't just living a perfect fantasy all the time, [Mike and Katie chuckle.] and they don't just, like, get along [Katie chuckles intermittently.] and have those family cookouts all the time?". It's like, [Gives a skeptical murmur.] you must not have siblings; [Katie affirms intermittently.] I'm the youngest of five, and uh, this all seems...
Mike [In the background.] I mean, uh...
Bryan ... prett-pretty tame to me. [Laughs.]
Mike [Refers to when Su states that it wasn't surprising that Tenzin broke up with a bitter loner like Lin.] Yeah, and I think, like, Su saying, you know bringing up the Tenzin breakup. Like, your sibling knows exactly what to say to, like, [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] get...
Bryan [Interjects.] That...
Katie [Interjects.] Where to hit you.
Mike ... get your goat. [Laughs.]
Katie Yeah, they know.
Bryan That line is rough. [Mike laughs intermittently; Katie affirms intermittently.] I think it was really, like, pretty low of her, and-and tasteless. Um, but yes, siblings know how to push your buttons better than anybody else.
Katie And then though with Mako and Bolin, it's like uh, you know, they can have sort of mini-tiffs, [Mike affirms.] but with Lin and Su, obviously this is so much more because it's been building up years and years. [Bryan affirms.]
Mike Yeah, this was a fight years in the making.
Bryan [Refers to Lin and Su bending chunks of rock and metal objects at each other during their fight.] So, I like how intense the fight is, and how they're going at it full tilt, [Refers to Wei cheering his mother on, while Huan ruminates over the aesthetics of his damaged metal statue that Lin and Su used in their fight.] but the-the witnesses' reactions are all pretty mellow and co-comedic. So, it-it helps remind you that, [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] oh, it's okay, this isn't, [Laughs.] you know, it's not gonna [Katie chuckles.] end tragically, [Mike affirms.] or anything. [Refers to Su bending CG-modeled metal panels, decorated with Metal Clan's symbol and other shapes, at Lin.] So, when we designed Zaofu, we-we-the idea was to make the-these modular panels, it could be a design motif repeated throughout, and-and we went ahead and built them, and built them in CG so-because we knew they were gonna be a big part of the bending. [Refers to the background element metal panels built around the various garden terraces on Su's estate.] Um, kinda wish they were more integrated into the-li-like, all those things in the background are supposed to be those, but they were a little too detailed to put CG everywhere. But uh, oh well, that was the idea.
Mike [Laughs; refers to Opal, having gotten in the middle of Lin and Su while blowing away the earthbent objects they were carrying, asking why the two sisters would want to hurt each other.] Yeah, and I like that Opal's the one to break it up. [Refers to Wei, Wing, Huan, and their father standing on the sidelines.] I love that [Katie and Bryan affirmingly murmur.] the-all the guys, like, didn't do anything. [Bryan laughs.]
Katie [Laughs.] They're like, "we're not getting [Mike chuckles.] involved in this."
Bryan Bunch of idiots, [Katie chuckles.] the guys in the family.
Mike [Brief pause; refers to when Lin and Su respectfully talk about the difficulties they've caused to one other.] So, then, you know, with Beifong in this last little segment, here, you know, we wanted it to be that, you know, she had worked through this past issue a little bit, but that things weren't like... totally perfect [Bryan affirmingly murmurs.] with them. Like uh, uh, [Katie affirmingly murmurs.] you know, we didn't even have-although we often have characters hug, uh...
Bryan [In the background; refers to when Lin and Su shake hands after they reconcile.] They shake hands.
Mike ... they actually don't even hug in the end, they shake hands. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] Um...
Bryan [In the background.] They shake hands.
Mike ... this...
Katie [Interjects.] And I feel like, for them, it's a big deal [Bryan affirms.] to make peace and shake hands. [Mike affirms.]
Bryan [Refers to Lin wearing Metal Clan robes and attire after she wakes up and leaves her quarters following her fight with Su.] Well, and uh, [Mike affirms intermittently.] Lin is one of-she has the fewest costume changes of any character, I think, [Katie chuckles.] in the sh-any major character in the show; [Refers to when Lin was wearing her metal armor, then when she was wearing an undershirt with her metal greaves.] we just see her in various stages of, like, armor on, armor half off, you know? And uh...
Mike [Interjects; refers to Su's chef giving Lin a kalenutsco, a drink consisting of kale, walnuts, and coconut water.] Oh, we gotta talk-talk about the kalenutsco. [Katie chuckles.]
Bryan Oh yeah. Who came up with it? Why-do you guys remember who exactly came up with the-the riff on my name? It wasn't me, obviously. I wasn't...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, I think we-I think it was in the rewrite, but I can't re...
Katie [Interjects.] Yeah, I remember we came up with the ingredients, and I'm-I think it may have been Tim...
Bryan [Interjects.] It sounds like a Tim... [Mike laughs.]
Katie ... put your name as, yeah. [Laughs.]
Bryan Yeah, I'm-I'm-it sounds like a Tim thing. [Katie laughs.]
Mike I feel like you-you wanted some more healthy uh, food in this...
Bryan [In the background.] That...
Mike ... world, and then somewhere... [Katie affirms.]
Bryan [In the background.] That makes...
Mike ... we were like, "well-well-well, here's a smoothie in honor of Bryan." [Katie gives an affirming murmur; laughs.]
Bryan So, all the way back to Avatar, I have always had-been, you know, complaining that the writers are always just, like, every scene with food, it's like cake, [Mike and Katie laugh.] muffins, pie, and I'm like, you know, "guys. c'mon, man. [Bryan and Katie laugh.] Like, you-you know, I understand this reflects your diets, [Mike and Katie laugh.] but, you know, we need to, like, like, paint a better picture in this world," and um, Tim and Josh still, they're like, "Varri-cakes! I'ma just shove the whole thing in my mouth!". Like, all this-they love that stuff. So, yeah, they finally had a uh, a green uh, vegan smoothie.
Mike I just had a kale smoothie last night. It was delicious.
Katie Delicious! [Mike gives an affirming murmur.]
Bryan Well.
Mike Slurp it.
Bryan Well, Mike, you...
Katie [In the background.] Symbolic.
Bryan ... Mike, you and I have much more [Mike affirms.] si-similar diets. [Katie gives an affirming murmur.] But yeah, I appre-it wa-it was pretty fun.
Mike Uh, so if anyone out there wants to make the kalenutsco, let us know how it is. [Katie laughs.]
Bryan I think I'm gonna do a little cooking show, [Mike and Katie chuckle.] a little online cooking show. I'm gonna make some s-that, and some other vegan treats.
Katie A little coconut.
Bryan Yeah. [Refers to Opal, after being convinced by her aunt to make her own decision regarding going to the Northern Air Temple, asking her parents if she can talk to them about something, the scene then cutting away to Lin near a statue of Toph.] I like this scene [Katie affirmingly murmurs intermittently.] where it just, [Mike affirms intermittently.] you get the idea, starts. But anyways, back to the costume change, um, just seeing Lin wearing a Zaofu, like, outfit; it sh-uh, tha-that almost says all it-everything, [Mike affirms.] you know, the fact that sh...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, she's more accepting of-of that world.
Bryan She didn't even wanna come. She didn't even wanna get out of the airship [Mike chuckles; Katie affirmingly murmurs.] in the last episode.
Mike She's come a long way in these two episodes. [Bryan and Katie affirm; refers to Su saying that, in the same way Toph gave her and Lin too much freedom, she didn't give Opal enough.] And-and even uh, even Su's learned a little bit. [Katie gives an affirming murmur; brief pause.] Um...
Bryan [Interjects; refers to when Su tries to convince Lin to move to Zaofu.] But yeah, Su is just ready to be like, "alright, let's be best friends... [Mike affirms.]
Katie [In the background.] "I'm over..."
Bryan ... and you should move in," [Katie affirms.] and all this stuff, and... yeah.
Katie Yeah, they sort of deal with the past in different ways, and...
Mike [Brief pause; refers to when Su hints to Lin that she wants her sister as a co-director for her new dance performance.] Although, I do wanna see the spinoff where Lin becomes a dance director. [Katie laughs.]
Bryan [Laughs.] I feel like she would do something like STOMP.
Mike Yeah. [Mike and Katie laugh.]
Bryan You know, it'd be very loud, and-and-and, like...
Katie [In the background.] Hard.
Bryan ... slamming things around. [Katie laughs; refers to Lin and Su standing in front of Toph's statue at the latter's estate.] So, Ryu, uh, drew the Toph statue, and Fred Stewart painted it. I think Toph has the most statues, [Mike and Katie chuckle.] um, of any of the old characters in this world.
Katie [Refers to Lin and Su shaking hands after the former jovially promises not to attack her sister anymore.] There's the handshake.
Bryan [Refers to the closeup shot of Lin with a content smile.] She smiled, too. [Katie affirms.] That's big. [Mike affirms.]
Katie A little smile.
Bryan She-she put on the uniform, she smiled, and she did a handshake.
Mike But yeah, as we show in later episodes, they're-they still have their sibling [Bryan and Katie affirm.] rivalry going on. So...
Bryan [Interjects; refers to when Zaheer opens his eyes, stirring from his meditation, and telling his comrades that Korra is with the Metal Clan.] So, this is creepy; at this point, you don't know how Zaheer is [Mike and Katie affirm.] accessing this information. [Mike affirms.] Man of mystery.
Mike [Laughs.] Yay. Thanks, Katie.
Katie Thank you.
Bryan Yeah, thank you. Good job.
Katie That's great, thank you.
Mike Great job.
Katie Thank you.


See also[]
