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The scene opens with a top-down view of a collection of tents and people, the sun casting shallow shadows on the green grass underfoot; a banner in the corner denotes the location below as the "Temporary Evacuee Camp". Outside one of the tents, a line of evacuees has formed. The frame cuts to the tent's interior where Tenzin, Korra, Jinora, and Ikki are manning a curry line. On the stack of supply crates behind Ikki is Meelo, lazily lying down; Poki sits perched above him, looking down at him.
Tenzin [To the refugees.] Step right up, everyone! Lunch is served!
Ikki [Ladling out a scoop of curry, smiling as she talks to the refugee in front of her.] You're in for a mouthwatering treat today! My mom makes the best tofu-and-mung-bean curry!
Refugee It smells delicious, thank you!
Meelo, airbending a vortex over his head, begins playing with Poki, who flies around the vortex, grabbing at it and chittering loudly. The frame's foreground shows half of Ikki's face, which transitions from a smile to an angry, disgruntled deadpan in an instant. She turns toward Meelo.
Ikki [Yelling; aggravated.] Meelo, quit goofing around and give us a hand over here!
Meelo [Nonchalant, eyes closed.] Hey, I did my part. I helped save the city from that Kuvira lady and her mecha giant. These people should be serving me lunch as thanks!
Ikki [Snapping, pushing her furious face close to his.] You are the most self-absorbed, self-obsessed, self-centered person I've ever met!
Meelo [Still nonplussed.] All those words mean the same thing, you know.
Ikki growls loudly and storms away in frustration.
Ikki [As she passes Korra.] When is my brother going to grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around him?
Korra Maybe Meelo just needs the right motivation. [Glancing down at Ikki, a crafty look in her eyes.] I have an idea.
Korra steps away from the table, heading over to Meelo. Leaning up casually against the stack of boxes, she props her head up on the back of her hand and starts her pitch.
Korra Since you're not busy, I could really use your help with some Avatar stuff.
Meelo [Sitting up, interested.] What kind of Avatar stuff?
Korra [Close-up of her face as she gives him a mysterious side-eye.] I've been given a top-secret, super-important, potentially deadly assignment. And you're the only one I trust to bring with me. Are you in?
Meelo [His face bright with excitement, he leaps into the air, his exuberant yell drawing the attention of the refugees.] Does a platypus bear poop in the woods?! [Shot zooms for a dramatic close-up of his face, his fist clenched, his expression daring, and Poki peering over his shoulder.] Let's roll!
The scene changes to show Korra and Meelo walking toward Naga.
Meelo So, what's our mission? Did Zaheer escape from prison? Did Amon come back from the dead?
Korra Uh... not exactly. [Takes out a folder from Naga's saddlebag.]
Meelo Then who's our target?
Korra [Presenting a photo of a cat-owl taken from the folder.She' is. Her name is Nibbles.
Meelo [Let down.] Nibbles? Your super-important mission is to find a cat-owl?!
Korra Not just Nibbles. A bunch of pets are missing. They were separated from their owners during the evacuation and the families have asked me to find them.
Meelo [Sitting down, disappointed.] So there's no zombie Amon?
Korra [Kindly.] No. But there are several families desperate to reunite with their beloved pets. Imagine how you would feel if Poki was lost. Wouldn't you do anything to find him?
Meelo [Looking at Poki.] Yeah, I would. Okay, I'm in.
Korra [Holding a chew toy in front of Naga's nose.] This is Nibbles's favorite toy.
Naga sniffs at the toy and acquiring its scent, stands up to start sniffing for its source, with Korra and Meelo jumping onto her back.
Korra Naga should be able to pick up her scent.
Seeking Nibbles's scent, Naga heads into the streets of Republic City.
Meelo Does Naga smell anything yet?
Korra Be patient, Meelo.
They walk along the vine-covered Kyoshi Bridge.
Meelo How about now?
Korra Still nothing...
They enter the area where Korra once tried to use her spiritbending to remove some overgrown spirit vines.
Meelo Now?
Korra No.
As they enter an area filled with trees, Naga picks up Nibbles's scent from close by and lets out a low growl, something Korra quickly takes notice of.
Korra She's found something!
Meelo [Throwing his hands in the air.] Finally...
Korra looks up to see Nibbles sitting on a tree branch grooming herself, oblivious to the arrival of the three.
Korra [Whispering.] Look. Up there.
Meelo [Checking the folder, not lowering his voice.] Sure looks like Nibbles to me.
Korra Shhh. We don't want to startle her.
Meelo Don't worry, I got this. [Jumps off of Naga's saddle toward Nibbles, before shouting at her.Nibbles, I'm here to save you!
Having heard and seen Meelo, Nibbles hisses in fright at him. By the time Meelo lands on the the branch, there is nothing but a ghostly outline where Nibbles used to be.
Meelo Hey, Nibbles!
Looking around, Meelo notices a startled Nibbles flying off into the distance.
Meelo Where are you going?! I'm trying to help you!
Back on the ground, Korra sighs and presses her palm to her forehead. Up in the branches, Meelo opens up his wingsuit and flies after Nibbles.
Meelo Come back!
The two fly through the branches of the trees, before Nibbles glides through the open window of an abandoned apartment building. Meelo flies in after her, and sees Nibbles perched on the backrest of a chair.
Meelo [Landing.] Ha ha! Gotcha! [He starts tiptoeing toward Nibbles, raising his hands as if to grab her.] I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to take you back to your family.
As he approaches, Meelo hears an oink sound from offscreen, and looks around to see a sheep pig staring at him. He then sees more animals around the apartment; an iguana parrot lying on the branch of a tree growing through the floor, a goat dog with blue fur lying on a couch and growling at him, and a turtle duck quacking at him from on top of a coffee table. Meelo is reduced to silent staring, before he takes out Korra's folder and begins looking through it.
Meelo Wait a second ... [The next panel shows the folder open with all its photos on display.] I knew you all looked familiar! [Looking up to see that all the pets in the folder are present in the apartment.] Korra! Come quick! I found the missing pets!
A man, Jobal, then enters the doorway behind Meelo, his face hidden by shadow.
Jobal Who are you? What are you doing here?
Meelo [A look of surprise appears on his face, but he looks over his shoulder.] The name's Meelo and I'm here to take these pets back to their owners. Who are you?
Jobal [Bending flames from his left hand and glaring at Meelo.] I'm Jobal. And these animals aren't going anywhere. They've been living with me ever since this neighborhood got evacuated.
Meelo Wait. So you didn't leave the city during Kuvira's invasion?
Jobal Of course not! The government doesn't have the right to kick me out of my home. So I stayed put. And when all those families abandoned their pets, I took them in and fed them. They're like family to me now.
Meelo But their real families miss them. [Shows the photos of the goat dog and the sheep pig with their loving owners.] See?
Jobal [Looks at the photos with sad eyes.] Well, isn't that sweet.
Jobal dispels the flame in his hand, before looking to his left and stroking the top of the goat dog's head. He then sits down on the couch next to the goat dog, as the rest of the pets gather around him.
Jobal [To the pets.] This nice young man is going to take you all back to your real families, now. So I guess this is goodbye. I'll sure miss you.
Jobal hugs the goat dog, as Meelo watches the scene with a sad look, before an idea occurs to him.
Meelo Actually, why don't you come with me, too? There's a real nice camp you could stay at with lots of warm food, tents, and plenty of people to keep you company.
Jobal Really?
Meelo [Pinching his nose and fanning his face with his hand.] And no offense, but you could use a bath.
Jobal [Amused.] Tell me about it! All right, I'll take you up on that offer. Thank you.
The scene changes to the evacuee came late in the afternoon as Nibbles's owner cuddles her pet, with her parents and Korra stood nearby as Meelo walks away with a bowl of rice, Poki on his shoulder and Ikki peeking at her brother.
Evacuee father Thank you so much, Avatar Korra.
Korra [Looking at Meelo and pointing at him with her thumb.] I have to give Meelo most of the credit. He found all the lost pets.
Nibbles's owner I missed you, Nibbles!
Meelo [Trotting away, holding a container of rice.] Happy to be of service!
Meelo then enters a tent where Jobal is sitting down.
Meelo Dinner is served!
Jobal Wonderful! I'm starving.
Meelo [Takes out a whistle and grins.] And that's not all. Guess what else I got you?
Jobal [Eating the rice.] Clean pants?
Meelo Nope--
Meelo blows on the whistle, causing a swarm of winged lemurs to fly into the tent as Jobal reacts in surprise and a smiling Ikki observes from behind Meelo.
Meelo Meet your new pets!
The lemurs waste little time scrambling and climbing all over Jobal.
Jobal My own flying lemurs? Are you sure I can keep them?
Meelo We have like a million of them on Air Temple Island.
Ikki [From behind Meelo.] See? Didn't it feel good to help someone other than yourself?
Meelo [Scratching his nose.] Yeah, I guess it did.
Ikki [Handing him a mop.] Great! Then I bet you'd love to help me clean out all the outhouses!
Ikki proceeds to drag a now unhappy Meelo away by his collar as Korra watches with an amused grin.
Meelo Aw, man!
The End


See also[]
