Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

Bryan Konietzko Hey, guys, this is Bryan Konietzko, co-creator and executive producer.
Michael Dante DiMartino And this is Mike DiMartino, the other co-creator.
Janet Varney And hey, it's Janet, Korra.
David Faustino Hey, David Faustino, Mako.
Bryan Oh, you guys should just hyphenate your na-last names like that. [David and Janet laugh.] Faustino-Mako.
David "Faustino-Mako".
Mike I like it.
Janet Janet Varney-Korra.
Bryan I like it.
Janet That's not too bad.
David Hello, everybody. [Bryan affirms.]
Mike So, uh, yeah, so this is uh, after the-everyone's finally back in the city, after all these-all being apart for so long.
Bryan [Refers to when Bolin arrives at Republic City's city hall to deliver the news about Kuvira's use of spirit vines.] Yes, Bolin-Bolin's back, and it's kind of like a uh, sort of a-this episode reminds me of Book Two; it's like this spiritual... [Mike affirms.] spiritual one again.
Mike [Refers to Ryu giving a tour of Republic City's Spirit Wilds.] Oh yeah, we got to bring Ryu back again, which was fun. Uh...
Bryan [Interjects; refers to when Ryu's father "proudly" comments that Ryu at least has a job now.] And his-and his dad. [Laughs; Mike affirms.]
Janet So great.
David Uh, this is also a flashback episode?
Bryan No, no, no.
David Okay. [Mike chuckles.]
Bryan Just has a feeling of, like, the spirit-y stuff from Book Two.
Mike Yeah. And, yeah, Jon Heder, who was Napoleon...
David [Interjects.] Oh, yeah, he's genius in this.
Mike ... Napoleon Dynamite, did uh, Ryu, and he also did Ryu's dad.
Bryan And then Maria Bamford plays...
Mike [Interjects; refers to when Ryu's mother detailed Ryu's achievements to the other tourists.] The mom.
Bryan ... Ryu's mom. [Mike affirms.] She's hilarious.
David [Refers to Ryu's agitated behavior and tone while giving the tour.] He sounds-it's great ‘cause he sounds just like [David and Mike laugh.] Napoleon in this.
Bryan [Refers to the male, bestacled tourist asking Ryu if they are in the Spirit World.] So, this is, finally, we get to hear-this is the opportunity to hear Steve talk, that guy with the orange top and the little, like, red vest scarf thing. [David gives an affirming murmur.] He was just this-s'posed to be just a background character in Book One, and um, [Janet chuckles.] Sylvia, our color stylist, I, you know, I told her I wanted everybody to have really muted, kind of Old World colors...
Janet chuckles as Ryu goes through his flash cards as a spirit vine creeps toward the tour group, stating his notes did not mention such a possibility.
Bryan ... for the city, and she colored this-this-this uh, senior citizen guy just this bright orange-red outfit, [Janet laughs.] and I-I didn't change it, and it went through, but for some reason, he just, you know, we have to reuse a lotta, like, background characters for-for different scenes, and um, [David gives an affirming murmur.] we would-he just kept popping up, and you'd always notice him.
Janet [Laughs.] I love it.
Bryan And so I think the fans had picked up on it, like, "who's this guy? He keeps pop-popping up." So...
Mike [Interjects.] Now you see him.
Bryan ... we would joke that his name was Steve. Uh...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, maybe uh, s-here's an assignment for everyone, to go out and find all appearances of Steve [Bryan affirms.] in past episodes.
Janet Oh, Steve sightings.
Bryan So, our other joke was that it's not the same guy, it's just a really popular style, [Mike and Janet laugh.] with uh, with the-the senior citizens...
Janet [In the background.] So dumb. [David chuckles.]
Bryan ... in Republic City, and uh, they all just end up wearing...
David [In the background.] Whoa.
Bryan ... the same outfit, but, uh, John Michael Higgins did that voice, and it's hilarious. He's like, [Imitating and referring to the tourist as he prodded a spirit vine with a stick.] "I'm gonna poke it with a stick." I just...
Janet [Interjects; laughs.] I remember that day, recording that.
Bryan And that, [Imitates the babbling sounds the tourist makes when he was dragged away by the spirit vines.] I love it. [Janet sighs; refers to the backgrounds of the Spirit Wilds that Korra, Opal, and Jinora walk through, the abandoned buildings being choked by the massive vegetation.] Some cool paintings, uh, by Melissa King for this section. [Mike affirms.] Uh, she was a-is an awesome background painter that we brought on for Book Four. Um...
Janet [In the background.] Uh...
Bryan ... we just had so much work to do, and she helped out.
Janet What do I need to do to get my hands on some of these original paintings?
Bryan They're digital, [Bryan and Mike chuckle.] so I could just give you the file. [Laughs.]
Janet [In a stereotypically nerdy voice.] But can you send me into the computer world [Mike, Bryan, and Janet laugh.] so it's real?
Bryan Yeah. Is it weird when you guys are doing this commentary, and then you're just hearing your voice, like, underneath? [Mike chuckles.]
David It's a little strange, but it's a lot easier than seeing yourself on... [Bryan affirms.]
Janet [Interjects.] I agree. [Mike chuckles; Bryan affirms.]
David Isn't it great, just listening?
Janet [Sighs.] It's the best, just listening. [Mike chuckles.]
Bryan That's funny, ‘cause I ha-well, I don't like seeing myself on camera, either, but hearing myself talk's pretty awful, too.
David You just get used to it.
Janet It took me a long time, yeah.
David You get used to it.
Bryan Well, you...
Janet [Interjects.] It took me a long time.
Bryan ... you guys have nice actor voices. [David makes an unsure exclamation.]
Janet You guys have very nice voices.
Bryan Oh man. I got...
Janet [Interjects.] Pipe down.
Bryan ... mush-mouth, I got lockjaw, I can't...
David [Interjects.] Oh.
Janet Just ridiculous.
Bryan Mumble my words together.
David That's how I felt when I was interviewing you guys the other day. [Bryan, Mike, and Janet laugh.] I don't know what my problem was. I had to clean that up, so much.
Bryan That was just the morning.
Janet That's funny.
Bryan It was-it was just early.
David I was, like, blabbering. [Bryan and Janet laugh; makes several incoherent sounds.]
Bryan It's hard, man. When I-when I've tried, like, I would actually audition for voices on Korra; like, I would go home and record, and audition and turn it in with all the other ones, and, like, and uh, au-you know, and I would judge my own take. [Laughs.]
David That was hilari...
Janet [Interjects.] You know... [Gives an affirming murmur.]
Bryan [Interjects.] It is so hard; like, you think like, "oh, I can do this voice ‘cause I do silly voices, and people laugh at lunch, or whatever," and it's, like, then when there's a microphone, [Janet laughs.] and you have headphones on, like, you realize, like, Jeff Bennett has, like, an instrument. [Janet affirms.]
David Oh, sure does.
Bryan He is a master...
Janet [In the background.] Oh, sure.
Bryan ... of that instrument.
David Master.
Janet Sure.
Bryan And I have, like, a little store-bought, like, [Janet laughs.] ukulele that won't stay in tune. [David and Mike laugh.]
Janet [Laughs.] But I will say that, um, some of my favorite things are when we're doing ADR, and Mike has recorded a scratch track...
Mike [Interjects.] Oh yeah.
Janet ... because, uh, and for-tell me if I'm wrong, [Mike chuckles.] but you just-you seem like you've resigned yourself that you know it's not even gonna be close, so you... [Bryan laughs.]
Mike [In the background.] I-we-well...
Janet ... don't even try. It'll be like if Ko-you know, if Korra's just like, [In a defiantly indignant tone.] "I didn't say that!" Mike's version'll be like, [In a demure tone.] "I didn't say that." [Bryan and Janet laugh.]
David No, it'd be like-it'd be like...
Janet It's so...
Mike I do try...
Janet [Interjects.] There's no emotion in it, at all.
David It's be like-it'd be like, [In a dispassionate tone.] "I didn't say that." [Bryan and Janet laugh.]
Mike Well, alright, in my defense... [Bryan, Janet, and David laugh.] I never claimed to be a great actor. What I try to do...
David [In the background.] Fit the...
Mike ... is, at least, get the timing that I think...
Janet [In the background.] Sure.
Mike ... you guys, uh, that I-‘cause since-since I've heard you guys so-so much, like, I kinda know, like, ho-kind of how you might read it. So, I [Janet affirms.] just try to approximate it.
Janet No, but I-my whole point is I love it [Mike chuckles.] because it always makes me smile.
David Well th...
Janet [Interjects.] It just makes me smile, every time.
David Well thank god-thank god some people think this is hard work, [Bryan laughs intermittently.] because otherwise, we'd be out of work.
Janet That's right, that's right.
Bryan No, you...
Janet [Interjects.] Keep telling 'em it's hard, guys.
Bryan You guys are golden throated... [Mike laughs.]
Janet [In the background.] Oh my gosh.
Bryan ... ra-radio...
David [Interjects; laughs.] "Golden".
Bryan ... you-you know, teleplay...
Janet [Interjects.] I didn't have any sense of, like, I wanted to do cartoons because I, again, just like you were saying, Bryan, I felt like I could do funny voices, and so getting this, and having people write me, and say-now I'm just patting myself on the back, but just so everyone knows, you do-I did not, like David was saying, I didn't grow up being like, "I sure have a great voice," and I was shocked when someone would write and not say anything about the acting, but just be like...
David [Interjects.] I know.
Janet ... "I find your voice very soothing." [Mike chuckles.] I was like, "what? [Bryan and Mike laugh.] Why don't I find my [Mike chuckles.] voice-voice very soothing?"
David [Refers to Lin looking at Raiko as the president states they need to launch a pre-emptive strike against Kuvira.] Chief Beifong-Mindy.
Janet Whoo!
Mike And we should point out this is our...
David [In the background.] Ms. Sterling.
Mike ... [Refers to Fire Lord Izumi telling Raiko the Fire Nation will not support such an aggressive escalation of conflict.] the brief appearance of uh, Fire Lord, who is uh, Zuko's daughter. [David and Bryan affirm.] So, we, yeah, this season, I mean, we had talked a lot about the Fire Nation's potential role, and her character, and-and it was just one of those things where, like, we-we just didn't have time to, like, do a whole episode about her, or, you know, the-Zuko and her [Bryan affirms intermittently.] relationship, and I'm sure people will be disappointed, but um, you know, it's-we-we-we just-sometimes, you gotta make some choices about what to focus on, and uh, you know...
Bryan [Interjects.] This is, like, this episode hasn't been released yet, and uh, [David gives an affirming murmur.] at-at the time that we're recording this, but, yeah, we already know that you're gonna be [Bryan, Mike, and Janet laugh.] disappointed. Uh...
Janet [Interjects.] Welcome to the future, [Mike chuckles intermittently.] we know we let you down.
Bryan Yeah, but, I mean, I look at this season, and, like, there's a lot that Korra's not even in, [Mike affirms.] and-and not just 401, which was, like, an intentional thing, but, like, there are so many characters, and there're so many storylines, and we can barely fit in our-our-the-the-the main character who the show's named after, [Bryan and Mike chuckle.] like, let alone, you know, the Fire Lord for a country that's really barely involved in this storyline.
Mike I know, we added so many characters over the-over the seasons. Um, but it's great; it's kinda like you have this great, like, team that you can, like, pull some reserves off the bench when you [Janet chuckles.] need a, you know, certain storyline, or...
Janet [Interjects.] Remember-remember when we were signing something, David? We were signing a Nickelodeon poster for season three, and you signed it, and then you looked at it, and you go, "what? I'm not even on this poster. [Bryan and Mike laugh.] There's, like, eight characters on here...
David [In the background.] I know.
Janet ... and I'm not on here!"
David I know, I was really upset about that. [Mike laughs; Janet affirms.]
Bryan [Refers to when Mako reassures Bolin that he was not an idiot for initially following Kuvira, and that he was doing what he felt was right.] I like this moment with Mako because I think he's showing, like, a lotta maturity, here. Again, I think he's grown up, you know.
Mike Yeah, they all have grown up, um, a lot over the years.
David Hopefully, I can follow in his footsteps. [Bryan and Janet chuckle.]
Mike Yeah, and even, yeah, Bolin, too, this season, we wanted him to be, you know, [David affirms.] we-we wanted him still be goofy Bolin, but he's...
David [Interjects.] But you can see the growth, yeah.
Mike ... you know, he was going on off his own for the first time, had this big-big job with Kuvira, and trying to-trying to change the world, and help-help people out.
Janet But to be honest, and not to get all cheesy again, in um...
Mike [In the background.] No, please, go ahead.
Janet ... as I've been in previous episodes, we can have David balance me out by making fun of me, [Mike and Bryan chuckle.] but that's one of the things that I think is great about this series, too, which is that, you know, like in real life, horrible things can happen to you, and that doesn't have to change the person you are, [Mike affirms.] it just means that you've learned, and maybe you've wisened, and maybe you haven't, but you still-you can have something terrible happen to you that you don't feel ready for, and that doesn't mean that the core of your humor and your heart are gonna change.
Mike Uh...
David [Interjects.] How can I make fun of you for...
Mike [Interjects.] That's a great point.
Janet I know, but... [Mike affirms.]
Bryan [Brief pause; refers to Mako and Korra looking at each other in concern after Jinora's spiritual projection pleaded for help, only to fade away.] Dun-dun-dun. [Mike affirms.]
A brief pause in commentary until Korra and Mako walk up to Lin, currently standing at the police perimiter at the Spirit Wild's entrance.
Mike So, this, yeah, we-this was an episode, too, where we got the chance to have Korra and Mako kinda team up again, [David affirms.] um, as friends, and they've, as we were saying, they've grown up a lot. So, they're... [Bryan affirms.]
David [Interjects.] They can handle it.
Mike ... they're cool with it.
Bryan I think it's cool, seeing, like, you know, we had the-the relationship stuff, and then the awkward post-breakup stuff, [Mike affirms.] but now, like, [David affirms.] they're just, like, adults. Like, if you met them, you'd be like, "oh, you guys used to date? I just thought you guys were, like...
Janet [In the background; laughs.] Yeah.
Bryan ... just really good, like, like, colleagues," you know? Or, like, [Janet affirms.] close crimefighters, or something. [Janet laughs.] I think it's cool.
Janet "I bet you guys were really just close crimefighters." [Mike and Janet laugh.]
Bryan You know, despite, [Refers to the side view of Korra and Mako as they break their way into an abandoned building, using their bending to fend and seal off the encroaching spirit vines.] I love this shot. It's one of my favorite shots; that's why we put it in the trailer. [Refers to the green, glowing vegetative pods enmeshed inside the building Korra and Mako entered.] Cool painting; um, again, Melissa King did these-these keys, really pretty. [Refers to Jinora, Ryu, and the other tourists being contained inside the pods.] Little Aliens...
Janet [Interjects.] So sci-fi, yeah. So sci-fi.
Bryan ... kind of uh, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Janet [Gives an affirming murmur.] Pod people.
David [Refers to the spirit vines' victims being unconscious, while their spirits are imprisoned in the Spirit World.] Nice to take a nap in there. [Janet chuckles.]
Bryan [Laughs.] It's like a, yeah...
David [In the background.] That's what you guys need...
Bryan ... sensory deprivation chamber.
David That's what you guys need after this job, the...
Janet That's right.
Bryan Man.
Janet Hypersleep.
Mike Going in my pod.
Bryan I might buy a sensory deprivation chamber, that sounds [David chuckles.] like a good investment. [Mike chuckles.] Just throw it in the garage.
Mike [Refers to Korra stopping Mako from physically opening the pods with his bending, electing to use her spiritbending instead.] Yeah, there were a lotta, like, this beat, too, like, where we're-we try to show, like, how Korra's changed in her, like, approach to fighting, and dealing with problems, and not always, like, doing the super-aggressive thing [Janet chuckles.] as the first option.
Bryan Yeah, it's cool to see that she's, like, I mean, she's not as tapped in as Jinora, [Mike affirms.] who's, like, "super spirit" person, but um, it's cool to see, like, Korra sort of has these, like, intuitive, [David gives an affirming murmur.] uh, understandings of, like, the spirital-spiritual going-spirital? What is that? [Janet chuckles.] Spiritual stu-I got the mush-mouth, now.
Janet Well, that was like a portal...
Bryan [In the background.] Spirital. You know...
Janet ... it was "spiritual" and "portal"...
David [In the background.] I rubbed off on you.
Janet ... put together. It was "spirital".
Bryan It's real "spirital", that show.
Janet You ship spiritual and portal. [David laughs.]
Bryan [Laughs.] I do. I ship the Spirit World and the spirit portals. [Janet laughs.]
Mike [Refers to Korra hallucinating Zaheer attacking her again, the rogue airbender telling her that she will never get the poison out.] So, bringing back Zaheer was something we really wanted to do for this uh, this Book, too, like, since he was one of our few villains who didn't perish... [Laughs.]
Bryan [Interjects.] Didn't expire.
Mike ... at the end of the previous season.
Bryan I remember even talking about it in Book Three; I think we, even back then, because we were working on both seasons, um, at the same time, there was a bit of overlap. I think we talked about it, that we might see him in Book...
Mike [Interjects.] Oh yeah. Well, I really...
Bryan ... in Book Four, yeah.
Mike ... I mean, I was at one point, I wanted him to get away at the end of Book Three.
Bryan Oh, I remember that. I remember that.
Mike But then everyone agreed it was better that he gets captured, [Bryan affirms intermittently.] but-but then as-I was like, "as long as he's around, we can use him at some point." [Janet gives an affirming murmur.]
Bryan I think I-you and I had a discussion [Mike affirms.] about that; I was like, "let's just put him in jail!"
Mike [Laughs.] Um, but that, yeah, that, you know, Korra's gone through all these, like, her personal, uh, psychological, uh, struggles, [Refers to Korra deciding to confront Zaheer in person, believing he is preventing her from entering the Spirit World.] and tha-and that she's, you know, gonna finally go face the dude that, you know, was the cause of all this suffering and pain.
Bryan [Refers to Mako's gelled hair as he listens to Korra and Tenzin argue.] More importantly, I like that Mako basically, like, admired General-the young General Iroh's hair, [Mike chuckles.] and he was, like, [Janet chuckles.] when he got this fancy job, he's like, "you know what? I'm gonna uh, I'm gonna rock that guy's hairstyle." [David chuckles.]
Janet That's right.
Bryan Um, I saw-it-I think it was an IGN review that was, like, very, very positive, but they were like, "the writers performed, like, some, like, logistical gymnastics to get Mako in that job," and I was like, "what?"
Mike [Laughs.] Really?
Janet Wow.
Bryan So, though we never explicitly, like, explain how he became Prince Wu's bodyguard, [David affirms.] I thought, like, that was the most...
Janet [Interjects.] It made sense to me.
Bryan ... uh, it made tons of sense; basically, [David affirms.] Mako is this cop, but he's really famous. [Janet affirms intermittently.] He's this famous, like, pro-bender, very high-profile, and then he became this famous, you know, he's part of Team Avatar, he's always in the papers, you know, fighting these major, like, archvillains, and you've got this guy, like, like Prince Wu, who probably saw him on the cover of a magazine, he's like, "I want that guy."
David "I want that guy."
Janet Exactly.
Bryan You know, [David chuckles.] and that's how it happened.
Janet Exactly.
David "Get him for me."
Mike Yeah, we...
Bryan [Interjects.] How that was, like, logistical gymnastics is just beyond me.
Mike Yeah, ‘cause we also show how he's kinda, you know, he's kinda in with Raiko, so he can call up Raiko, and be like, "hey, get-get me that guy, I love that guy!"
Bryan Yeah, totally.
Mike [Imitates Raiko.] "Oh, alright." Uh...
Bryan [Interjects.] By the way, we love IGN; it's all good, [Mike chuckles.] but I just thought that was a strange...
David [Interjects.] Shoutout to IGN! [Mike chuckles.]
Bryan ... [Laughs.] strange comment. We need some of Dave's hip-hop radio show sound effects, right there.
David Yeah, bang, bang, [Bryan makes some gunshot sounds.] bang, bang. [Janet laughs.]
Bryan Little crowd, cheering.
David Yeah, yeah. Oh, no, that's a real crowd in there, man, [Bryan, Mike, and Janet laugh.] what're you talking about? [Laughs.]
Bryan Dave just had us on his aw-his uh, awesome radio show.
David Oh...
Bryan [Interjects.] It was very fun; we had a real...
Janet [Interjects.] I got to do it too, you guys.
Bryan Oh yeah. You-you-you recorded yours?
Janet Yeah. [Bryan affirms.]
David And I got to hear some of Bryan's music, and we played it, by the way.
Janet So cool.
Bryan That was fun. I really...
David [In the background.] Yeah, and...
Bryan ... I really appreciate that, that was cool.
David Yeah. Got lotta great response, by the way.
Bryan Awesome, thank you.
David Back to Leg...
Bryan [Interjects.] That was cool. No, and that was unplanned; it was, like, I'm sitting here, talking about like, "oh yeah, I do music," and I'm like, "oh wait, I just released a song, like, a couple days before that."
David Yeah, it was perfect, it was perfect.
Janet [Refers to when Bolin tried to reconcile with Opal by inviting her to a picnic under false pretenses, having sent her a note via Pabu that detailed how he was supposedly injured.] I just wanna quickly say, like, if we were playing a game where someone was like, "what are some different moments in the show that you would transport yourself to, if you could?" and just the idea of eating a hot bun on a picnic with Bolin [Bryan and Mike chuckle.] and Pabu, that was like, "I could get into that, [David chuckles.] that looks like a fun afternoon."
Bryan [Refers to when Opal sarcastically stated she would love to eat steam buns with the man who worked for Kuvira, who is currently imprisoning and torturing her family.] So, you would've had a different reaction than Opal, there. [Janet affirms intermittently.] You would've been like, "look, I'll hang out and eat these buns, but we're not getting back together." [Laughs.]
Janet Yes, I would've.
Bryan Nice. [Refers to the bust with a bobcut hairstyle placed in front of Raiko's office window.] So, you see that creepy bust [Mike chuckles.] behind Raiko? We have no idea who that's supposed to be, but it kind of looks like Korra; I don't know if you-you might not see it yet.
Mike There's, like, this statue he has in his office that's...
Janet [Interjects.] Interesting.
Bryan It doesn't look fully sculpted yet. [Janet and Mike affirm.] It's got this-it looks like it was made out of, like, like, ice...
Mike [Interjects.] Papier-mâché?
Bryan Yeah, [Mike and Janet laugh intermittently.] it's like this lumpy, and, like, he and Korra have such a bad relationship, but it, [Janet affirms.] I like this idea that he's like, "you know, sometimes I need to unwind, and I work on this plasticene sculpture of the Avatar. It's just for the-the uh, the library."
Mike Or it's-or it's a young Buttercup.
Bryan [Laughs.] Yeah. [Mike chuckles.] That was Mike's...
Mike [In the background.] His wife.
Bryan ... Mike's theory.
Mike Yes. Yeah, before they got married. [Refers to the White Lotus prison Zaheer is held in, the facility being built inside a mountain, with his cell being accessed by going through two elevators that descend underground.] So, this is the uh, yeah, the new, extra-fortified prison, [Laughs.] White Lotus prison.
Janet Pretty impressive, pretty impressive.
Mike First time around, you know, they realized they had some security problems.
Bryan So, I, yeah...
Mike [In the background.] So...
Bryan ... [Refers to the archaic gate and subterranean tunnels of the prison.] I think, was that this was, like, a pre-existing temple that they, like, this underground temple that they retrofitted to be a prison. [Brief pause.] William Niu did the design of this stuff. Really cool s-love these, like, this uh, temple's amazing.
Mike [Refers to the scene building up in intensity as Korra mutely moves through the prison, telling Mako she needs to do this alone as she takes the final elevator to Zaheer's cell.] Yeah, I'm glad we were able to take some time for this, like...
David [In the background.] It's gorgeous, man.
Mike ... this moment of her facing him down, ‘cause usually you have to rush through, like, this kinda stuff, [Refers to a chained Zaheer levitating in the air, sitting in a meditation pose.] but there's our-there's our buddy.
Bryan [Refers to Zaheer's beard and long, unkempt hair.] He grew his hair back. Wow.
A brief pause in commentary until the scene fades in from black to a high angle shot of Korra standing before Zaheer.
Bryan So, yeah, this is this cool, subterranean, ancient, abandoned temple, [Refers to Zaheer's cell being illuminated by large, glowing green crystals.] with-it's got those uh, green Ba Sing Se crystals. We had this idea that the uh, I think I wrote...
David [In the background; refers to Zaheer angling his body forward to lunge at Korra, his serene expression turning to one of wroth.] Hoo!
Bryan ... about it in the old art book, that the um, Ba Sing Se, like, its riches came from mining and selling those crystals all over the world. That's kinda how they... [David gives an affirming murmur.]
Mike [Brief pause; refers to Korra and Zaheer discussing the source of the former's spiritual block.] Janet, do you remember if you recorded with Henry on this?
Janet Alright, this is the-this is the thing, guys; yes, I did. I feel I was in the booth with him, many times; never just one-on-one, though. [Mike affirms.] So, usually, where I remember, and this is not fun for people who can't place it physically, but I was in this iso booth we talk about, where I-sort of like this dark booth in a corner, where I can't really see anyone unless they're sitting right in front of me, which is usually where Dave sits, [David and Mike affirm.] so we can interact.
David I stare at you through the glass.
Janet Henry would be in the back corner of the room...
Mike [In the background.] Oh, okay. [Laughs.]
Janet ... the furthest corner away from me, which only added to how intimidating it was, [Mike and Bryan laugh.] because it is a...
David [In the background.] Way back here, yeah.
Janet ... dark corner that's not well lit.
Mike [Laughs.] Yeah.
Janet So, I would look across this room, and see him in the shadows, [Mike chuckles.] and I didn't really have any interaction with him, socially, outside of that, even though I desperately wanted to, ‘cause I'm a fan and I think he's an amazing person. Um, and so, in this unintentional, method way, I feel like I had zero [Janet, Mike, and Bryan laugh.] interaction with him, except to be horribly intimidated.
David Well...
Mike [Interjects.] So, I guess that kinda worked.
Janet It was effective.
Mike Or, yeah. [Bryan chuckles.]
David Well, when you'd be out in the waiting room, when we'd all be hanging out, eating bagels, and talking and chopping it up, he'd be in the corner, really rehearsing. [Mike affirms.]
Janet That's true, [Bryan affirms.] that's true.
Bryan Or just, seriously, looking like Zaheer. He'd have his eyes closed, and he'd be, like, meditating, like, really intensely. [Mike and Janet affirm.] So, the thing is, Henry is incredibly approachable, super friendly...
David [Interjects.] Super sweet.
Janet I know!
Bryan ... and, like...
Janet [In the background.] It's-it's just me being a geek.
David You could tell at Andrea's...
Bryan Yeah, Andrea's party.
David Andrea's party.
Bryan He was-he just-we chatted him up for a long time. [David affirms.]
Janet Well, see, I was out of town for that. [Bryan affirms.] She said, bitterly. [Bryan chuckles.]
Mike [Laughs.] Missed out.
Janet Yeah. You know who I wish I would've gotten to hang out with more was Gary Cole. [Bryan affirms.]
Mike Oh, yeah, yeah, he...
Janet [Interjects.] ‘Cause I'm such a fan of his, and I-he was at the table read, and I got real excited, and then...
Mike [In the background.] Oh yeah. Well, he...
Janet ... he recorded separate from me, and I was like, "ah, alright." [Laughs.]
Mike Yeah, he played the Dai Li sergeant in Book Three, so he-he didn't have a huge-he was only in a couple episodes. So...
Janet But I still like to say I worked with him. [Janet and Bryan laugh.]
Mike Yeah. Yeah, no, that's what's cool about, I mean, what's been amazing, over the years, like, all the awesome actors and actresses we've had come in for, whether it's a big role, or, you know, just a smaller part, um, [Bryan affirms.] it's crazy. Like, even, you know, I'll see, like, Spencer Garrett, who plays President Raiko, I'll be wa-he was on Mad Men for a couple episodes...
Janet [In the background.] Yeah, wasn't that exciting?
Mike ... and-and then he was on, you-House of Cards, like, [Janet affirms.] for some-which totally made sense, [Bryan affirms.] as a politician [Laughs.] guy.
Bryan We've had a lot of Mad Men-we've been very lucky [Mike affirms.] to uh, one of our favorite shows, and we've had a lotta those actors.
Mike [Refers to Zaheer telling Korra, as they try to meditate into the Spirit World, to not fear what may have been as she reexperiences the moment when he asphyxiated her.] Yeah, I so love that her enemy kinda becomes her key to-key...
Bryan [Interjects.] It's-it's a very Clarice Starling...
Mike [In the background.] Yeah, there's a little...
Bryan ... Hannibal Lecter kind of a...
David [In the background.] Ahh.
Bryan ... arrangement.
Janet I appreciate that. [Mike chuckles intermittently.] I was a huge fan of that movie [Mike affirms.] when it came out. [Bryan affirms intermittently.] Yes, I know it was also a book, guys. Don't worry.
David I read the book first, by the way.
Janet Me, too.
Bryan I...
David [Interjects.] That was the first time I've ever done that.
Mike Ah.
Bryan I think I did that, but only because I wanted to be able to claim that, and be cool. [Janet laughs.]
David And you know what?
Bryan You know? Like, I was, like, a kid, and I was like, [In a mock snooty tone.] "I'm gonna read the book first." [Janet chuckles.]
David And the mov-and the movie didn't really disappoint.
Bryan No, it was good. [Janet affirms.]
David Back to Legend of Korra. [Bryan and Janet laugh.]
Mike [Refers to Korra, having reconnected with Raava after entering the Spirit World, tells the light spirit she missed her, with Raava telling the Avatar that she has always been with her.] So, I always thought that, like, Korra wasn't able to really, like, chat it up with Raava just ‘cause...
David [Interjects; refers to the shot tracking with Korra as different landscapes rapidly move past her.] I love this.
Mike ... she still had a lot of, like, like when-when she was talking to her, it was, like, during Harmonic Convergence, and, like, [Janet affirms.] things were-spiritual energy was much more powerful, and-and then she got hurt, and obviously wasn't fully in-in touch with that side of herself. So...
Bryan So why'd you break the rule?
Mike No, no, I'm saying now she's kind of, like, she's in the Spirit World, she's overcome more of her, you know, spiritual blockage, so to speak.
Janet [Refers to when Raava told Korra that, being connected to all the energy in the Spirit World, she was never helpless.] That was April, right? Who did Raava?
Mike Uh, April Stewart, yeah. [Bryan affirms.]
Janet Yeah, I love April, she's great.
Bryan Yeah, sh-very good. She did such a good job that, uh, [Refers to Korra standing stationary as she passes through lush green fields, craggy, mountainous terrain, and darkened, obscured forests in the Spirit World.] by the way, that cool travelling shot, just wanna point out the...
David [In the background.] I love that shot.
Bryan ... awesome designs [Mike affirms.] that Christine Bian did; uh, she and I did those together, and then, uh, Emily Tetri did those paintings. Really cool, and then Studio Mir-I don't know if Matt Gadbois worked on that one, but they did beautiful compositing on that. We were worried about that shot, and it looked-it looked great [Janet gives an affirming murmur.] from the get-go. And, like...
Mike [Interjects.] Yeah, I don't think we...
Bryan [Interjects.] I don't think we did any retakes.
Mike ... called any retakes, yeah.
Bryan Yeah, looks awesome. This is a good line by Jon Heder.
David, Mike, and Janet laugh as Ryu regains consciousness inside his opened spirit vine pod, commenting that he feels "all spirit-y".
David Genius.
Janet I love Jon Heder. [Refers to Ryu's hair being partially dyed blonde.] Now, is-is Jon's character, like, the first real indication that there's hair dye? I guess there's al-some red and some streaks.
Bryan Well, the...
Mike [Interjects.] Ginger was...
Janet [Interjects.] There's some streaks!
Bryan Ginger had the Varri-dye. [Mike affirms.] She wou-she would-the uh, Varrick has a whole line [Janet affirms; Mike chuckles.] of hair dye.
David Ah...
Janet [Interjects.] That's funny.
David [Refers to Tenzin's arrow tattoo along his forehead.] P. J. and, "this guy's got an arrow on his head. Why?" [Bryan, Janet, and David laugh.] That was genius.
Bryan [Brief pause; refers to Korra telling Mako that, while she will never forget the trauma Zaheer inflicted on her, she has accepted the fact that it did happen to her.] So, yeah, even though Korra got the poison out a few episodes ago, it's, like, this was sort of her big turning point. [Mike affirms intermittently; refers to when Korra said she felt good again.] I think this is actually-marks where she's much more whole now.
Mike Yeah, definitely. [Refers to Bolin trying to explain to Opal that he understands there is nothing he can do that will make up for his past mistakes.] We got our last little scene to set up the next big episode.
Janet gasps as Bolin iterates that, despite his prior statement, he will never stop trying to convince Opal to take him back, resolutely declaring his love for her.
David Aww. [Mike chuckles.]
Janet [In a heartbroken tone.] Opal.
Mike Op-yeah.
Bryan "Bopal".
Mike If P. J. was here again.
David Bo...
Janet [Interjects.] "Bopal".
Bryan [Laughs; refers to the scene cutting from a profile shot of Opal looking back at Bolin, to a long shot of the two standing by Opal's flying bison, with Lin silently looking down on them while sitting atop the bison's saddle.] I love this reveal, in this cut, right here; [Mike affirms.] Beifong's been listening [Janet laughs.] the whole time. You know she's sweating, [David laughs.] she's like, "oh man, I'm so uncomfortable." She's also probably like, "oh, don't invite him."
David That's genius, [Janet affirms.] I didn't notice that. [Mike chuckles.]
Janet That's so great.


See also[]
