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Thod's disciples were sibling warriors who served in Gilak's nationalist army.[1] Nonbenders from the South Pole, they were trained in the art of chi-blocking by Thod,[2] which made them an asset in Gilak's efforts to procure a position of power for the Southern Water Tribe, especially against influences of the Northern Water Tribe. After a prisoner exchange went wrong, Thod's disciples were incapacitated by Team Avatar.[3]


Thod's disciples fleeing from Katara and Sokka

After stealing Maliq's briefcase, the siblings fled on a snowmobile from Katara and Sokka.

Thod's disciples were hired on as servers for a restaurant in the Southern Water Tribe. Shortly after being hired on they used the opportunity to attack Malina and Maliq, while they were eating with Hakoda and his children, and steal Maliq's briefcase. Katara and Sokka ran after them and after they got outside the restaurant, they saw the disciples commandeered a snowmobile and chased them on foot to the outskirts of the city where Katara waterbent an ice sled, continuing the pursuit. Thod's disciples managed to escape, but Katara and Sokka followed the snowmobile trail and their footprints to the shipwreck of a Fire Nation ship, the hideout of the Southern Water Tribe Nationalists, where the two fugitives took the briefcase to Gilak.[1]

The duo made an appearance at Malina's announcement ceremony where they chi-blocked Malina and then they scarpered when Gilak's rebels were incapacitated by the Northern and Southern defenders, resulting in the duo getting imprisoned.[2]

The two youngsters returned when Gilak, now freed by the traitorous Officer Lirin, ganged up to avenge his capture upon Hakoda and Team Avatar.

The duo later appeared as part of an exchange between the Team Avatar and the nationalists between Southern Chief Hakoda and Earth King Kuei. As the trade began, they, along with their master, chi-blocked Toph, Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Zuko. After Gilak attempted to cut the Bridge of No Return, the two siblings were incapacitated by Katara and Toph, who revealed that they, alongside the rest of Team Avatar, had wore chain mail armor, thus negating the effects of chi-blocking. After their leader's death, they were presumably imprisoned once again.[3]


Being members of the Southern Water Tribe nationalists, the two disciples were extremely loyal to both Thod and Gilak. They showed resentment against the restoration project as well as the Northern Water Tribe for attempting to exploit the south for their own. They were also cautious as they chi-blocked Sokka, acknowledging that he was a threat despite knowing he was not a bender.

They seemed to hold grudges against their enemies, as the female declared that chi-blocking Katara was payback for the chase earlier as well as throwing them in jail.


Both siblings were capable chi-blockers, having learned the technique from Thod. They were able to use this technique against Malina and Maliq, as well as to confidently attempt to incapacitate Team Avatar.


Graphic novels[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante; Konietzko, Bryan; Yang, Gene Luen (writer), Sasaki of Gurihiru (penciling, inking), Kawano of Gurihiru (colorist), Heisler, Michael; Comicraft (letterer). North and South Part One (September 27, 2016), Dark Horse Comics.
  2. 2.0 2.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante; Konietzko, Bryan; Yang, Gene Luen (writer), Sasaki of Gurihiru (penciling, inking), Kawano of Gurihiru (colorist), Heisler, Michael; Comicraft (letterer). North and South Part Two (January 25, 2017), Dark Horse Comics.
  3. 3.0 3.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante; Konietzko, Bryan; Yang, Gene Luen (writer), Sasaki of Gurihiru (penciling, inking), Kawano of Gurihiru (colorist), Heisler, Michael; Comicraft (letterer). North and South Part Three (April 26, 2017), Dark Horse Comics.