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The Idealist

Samten is featured as an example for the Idealist playbook.

The Idealist (理想者) is one of the playbooks for Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game, an outline of a character archetype that can be customized in the game. The Idealist is one of the ten playbooks featured in the Core Book,[1] and is described as a survivor of some terrible harm, now struggling to maintain hope and a belief in the good of the world and others. Their balance principles are Forgiveness vs. Action.[2]


The Idealist has a past, full of suffering and tragedy, that strengthened their beliefs. Play the Idealist if you want to awaken the hope in everyone around you.[3]

Noble, pained, kind, committed. The Idealist has suffered some tragedy in their past, something terrible that left them with pain and anger, but also with hope. Even in the fase of tragedy, they felt and pursued a belief that people could be great, that the world could be better. The Idealist pursues that belief, taking action to help people, connect them, and solve problems.

The Idealist still has an edge to them, however, and a capacity for unforgiveness. After all, something terrible happened to them, and it can be hard not to crave vengeance against those responsible. At their best, the Idealist can turn that drive into a push to change the world for the better. At their worst, it can drive the Idealist to extreme, dangerous action.[4]

  • Starting stats: Creativity 0, Focus -1, Harmony +1, Passion +1
  • Demeanor options: Lonely, Compassionate, Joyful, Grieving, Earnest, Resolute


The Idealist's two principles of Forgiveness and Action represent these two poles.

Their Forgiveness principle is all about their desire and ability to forgive, to move on past transgressions and offenses through empathy, understanding, and emotional catharsis. Forgiveness does not mean the Idealist offers it to everyone, unambiguously — it just means the Idealist is committed to resolving and moving on from past pain and injury. Sometimes it needs someone repentant on the other side; other times, the Idealist expressing forgiveness is more important than the perpetrator asking for it.

The Idealist's Action principle, on the other hand, drives them to take action, to do things and change the world directly. Sometimes, Action expresses itself as vengeance, attempts to punish those responsible for wrongdoing. Other times, it expresses itself as using the drive toward justice to directly act and make things better, destroying dangers, protecting the innocent, and making real, immediate change.

The Idealist tries to balance these two principles by finding a way to both take action and make change, and to be compassionate, merciful, and forgiving. Their Moment of Balance signifies finding this perfect equilibrium. The Idealist stops the actions of others, whether through their skills and training or through their words, and finds a way to fix a major problem through compassionate action.[4]


Moment of Balance[]

The pain of the world can be overwhelming, but balance brings peace. You bring everything around you to a stop — villains, arguments, disaster — and set the world right.[4]


  • The Strength of Your Heart
  • Whatever I Can
  • Your Rules Stink
  • Can't Knock Me Down[5]

Growth question[]

Did you improve the lives of a community of average citizens or help an ordinary person with their problems?

The Idealist's growth question points them always toward helping people, wherever they go. Be it a whole community of average citizens or an ordinary person, the Idealist grows when they aid the innocent, the less powerful, or the needy. Their growth question will not drive them to help the powerful or the mighty.[6]


The known Idealist playbook characters from Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game are:


  1. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 164.
  2. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 165.
  3. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 112.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 187.
  5. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 188.
  6. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Core Book, Version 1.0, 2022, p. 189.