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This is the talk page for the article "Ukano".

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This article is currently rated C-class on the Avatar Wiki grading system.


In Avatar The Last Airbender: The Burning Earth he is the first boss and he can Firebend but in "Return To Omashu" he is not a Firebender. And in the First Level you are in New Ozai and you fight The Governor. So is it canon that he is a Firebender? Avatar Master

All in all, I think that the series is more canon the video games. Omnibender 22:20, 17 May 2008 (UTC)

Unless Mike and Bryan confirm say that themselves, he's not a bender. Omnibender - Talk 17:17, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

The game kindof has it's own little story, as you can see their are many inconsistancies with it, so cannonly speaking he most likely is not a Firebender. Joey - Talk 17:38, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Page Title?[]

Shouldn't the page be called 'Omashu Governor'? Seeing it was only called New Ozai during Firelord Ozai's reign, surely the new Firelord Zuko would change it back to Omashu. Though we have no definite proof that he is still governor after Ozai's downfall. On wikipedia it says that his fate is still unknown. Thoughts? Maiko-Is-Forever 07:22, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

No. He reigned over the city while it was names "New Ozai" and probably until Bumi took over. So he only was their, at least seen their, when it was named "New Ozai." Joey - Talk Contribs 13:36, 27 December 2008 (UTC)