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This is the talk page for the article "Earth Empire".

  • This space is for discussing changes to the article. Discussion on changing an infobox image or profile quote takes place on the appropriate project page for each. General discussion about the subject belongs to the comments, forum, or blog posts.
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This article is currently rated C-class on the Avatar Wiki grading system.

Change name[]

With the proclamation of the Earth Empire in the last episode, I propose to change the title of this article from Kuvira's Army to Earth Empire Army, since they are no longer an army which follows Kuvira ideal, but the army of the state created by Kuvira. The Earth Empire is a state, because it have a territory, an administration and a governement. Maxattac (wallcontribs) 16:39, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

This is something that should be discussion in the War Room, not on the talk page. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 17:30, October 17, 2014 (UTC)
It's done, Avatar Wiki:War Room/Rename Kuvira's army Maxattac (wallcontribs) 01:01, October 18, 2014 (UTC)

The gray sign is the sign of the earth empire itself , not the army, so I propose that we make an Earth Empire page , with that symbol as its symbol . With this page connecting to it because it's the empires army . Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)Tacolyte3Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)

It was decided a while ago to await the fate of the Earth Empire until we know for sure what happens to it. As of yet, the Earth Empire is an unrecognized "state", which thus only officially exists in the head of Kuvira and her followers. As such, it's still the Earth Kingdom at this moment. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 20:10, November 1, 2014 (UTC)
According to the declarative theory of statehood , a nations independence is not dependent on recognition, a state in official as you put it by having territory, a government, permanent population, and the ability to enter agreements with other nations . The Earth Empire fulfills these requirements, so it is a real country unrecognized or not, fyi this theory is supported by the fact that self determination is a recognized right in international law, several un resolutions have stated that unrecognized states are real despite lack of recognition, because of this yes the Earth Empire is a real nation and deserves its own page . In addition, the United States at first was unrecognized, but it wasn't just " in there head as you put it" it was a legal nation the entire time , same here .Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)Tacolyte3Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)
And according to the declarative theory of statehood, a state can only be recognized if it meets the four requirements you listed so long as any of the four components were not achieved by force. This includes the employment of arms, threatening diplomatic representations, or any other effective coercive measures, such as blockades. In addition to this, the constitutive theory of statehood defines a state as a political entity that is formally recognized by other states, a criteria which the Earth Empire does not meet. Common international practice involves merging concepts from both of these approaches, and regardless of which one is considered, the Earth Empire does not fit the criteria. In any case, international law withholds recognition for any "states" that are illegitimate, case in point being Northern Cyprus, Rhodesia, and the former Apartheid South Africa. Waterbending emblem Water Spout 07:40, November 3, 2014 (UTC)
  • The problem with your statement is that many nations have fulfilled all the requirements WITH Force , and still were and are true nations , case and point the United States, Egypt, Israel , Brazil, Greece , Mexico , South Sudan , all of these have violent wars or revolutions fought to gain independence, witch proves my point, nations can indeed gain independence by the declarative theory of statehood , even with violence , and Back to my earlier comment , only a government, territory, population , and treaty capabilities are required by this theory, and YES the Earth Empire fulfills all of the requirements, so it is a real nation and deserves its own page. Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)Tacolyte3Tacolyte3 (wallcontribs)

Structure of the article[]

Seeing as though this is gonna be renamed "Military of the Earth Empire", might I propose a revamp of the article to be more inclined with other "Military" titled webpages, like Military of the Fire Nation? (I know its kinda nitpicking, but the Earth Empire is kinda the "spiritual successor" [no pun intended] of the Fire Nation army from TLA time.) Superlogan7437 (wallcontribs) 04:27, November 6, 2014 (UTC)

Most certainly (it's not nitpick-y at all). Feel free to go get a head start on that if you're inclined! Waterbending emblem Water Spout 07:50, November 6, 2014 (UTC)
