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The Republic City power plant is a facility that provides electricity to Republic City's populace by means of lightning generation conducted on-site by firebenders.[1]


In an effort to raise the thirty thousand yuans needed to enter the Fire Ferrets into the Pro-bending Tournament, Mako found decent pay as an employee at the power plant generating lightning.[1]


Power lines

Power lines outside the plant.

The power plant's workers direct their lightning toward the tip of a machine, which absorbs the electricity and stores it within batteries. The electrical energy is then channeled to the power lines surrounding the factory, which extend across the city and distribute power to its many boroughs.[2]. Plant managers are often desperate to find workers, as the constant generation of lightning is so taxing on a bender's chi reserves. Because of this, young men like Mako are often sought out to work the grueling position. [3]

At least six employees work in the machine room at a time. The workers do not generate electricity continuously, but periodically rest themselves for a brief moment before re-initiating another stream of lightning. As a precautionary measure, employees cover their face with a metal mask when working, and are all clothed with a protective black chest plate over their white shirt. The laborers are notified of the end of their working hours by a horn.[1]


  • During Avatar Aang's lifetime, lightning generation was not a common ability, and despite it becoming more common seventy years later, the skill is still held in high regard, earning the firebenders working in the power plant "decent money".[1] However, in the game, Welcome to Republic City, working at the power plant is described as a "hard, thankless job [which] pays little", thus contradicting the statements given about it in the series.

See also

