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Fire Nation emblem
Komodo sausage

After being cured, the sausage is soaked in brine for weeks and stuffed with rice and a variety of spices before being smoked.

The komodo sausage is a traditional Fire Nation delicacy made from the meat of a komodo rhino. Because of its portability, it is frequently served at picnics and sporting events.[1]


During the late Hundred Year War, the traveling merchant Fan intended to take a package of komodo sausage to his old friend Zhang, who lived in Omashu. However, Fan was refused entry to the city as he was carrying fire flakes, which were considered Fire Nation contraband. He instead turned to a group of adventurers and requested they brought the package of komodo sausage to Zhang.[2]


  1. From older Avatar: The Last Airbender official site, originally on Nick.com. Encyclopedia now broken, archived at The Lost Lore of Avatar Aang - Gear: Komodo Sausages.
  2. "Omashu", Avatar: Generations. Navigator Games & Square Enix Mobile London (February 28, 2023). Square Enix.

See also[]
