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Forums: War Room Cat
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This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion was:

A general article for cats will not be created.

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I proposed this a while ago, but I don't believe it ever reached consensus. Thus, I'd like to propose this again. This is honestly something that perplexes me as to why it hasn't been done before. We currently have an article for a "bearded cat", which is simply a bearded variation of a cat, and yet we have no general article for cats, despite having seen several other cats throughout the series. We also have an article for dogs. I propose we create a "cat" article (a draft has already been made here), and merge bearded cat into it. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 21:33, April 13, 2012 (UTC)

I don't see the need for a whole page about cats. This may be a good disambiguation page, however. We have a page about dogs because there was a dog featured in Misty Palms Oasis. For the cats it different. Every cat that appeared has a page of its own as it were all considered to be different species/characters as all cats -with the exception of the bearded cat- had a name. All the information we have about cats it already on the respective pages of the other cats, so why create a new page with only duplicate information? Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 09:42, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
Boy, I dunno. The sample page is already longer than the Dog page and doesn't mention the cat seen in The Tales of Ba Sing Se (who does have a name). I don't remember any cat in Appa's Lost Days, though. I'd have to say if we can find a nameless cat, add the page; if the named cats all have pages of their own, it's not needed. The dog page is needed to show the only dog seen in the series. A disambiguation page for "Cat" linking to all the named cats' pages would be nice. DesertDog (wall) 11:06, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
At first I would agree with creation of the article (nice sample page). But, yeah...most all the cats we run across are named thus having their own article. But hey; keep the article in user space, maybe it can come out later if we get more info from LoK. :p Vulmen (talkEoK) 13:38, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, if you guys say so. Still, I really don't get why we have "bearded cat". All it really is is a cat with a beard. It's not a character page, either; it's a species page. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 17:28, April 15, 2012 (UTC)
