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Forums: War Room Amon, and removal of bending abilities question.
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So I just watched the whole series up until episode 11, and was wondering about when a person has their bending abilities removed. What I was thinking was that obviously bending ability has something to do with heredity, and chi, but when someone like Aang or Amon removes a persons bending ability can they still pass their bending abilities to their children? I tried rationalizing this, and I was wondering if anybody knows more about energy bending. Does it involve removal of the chi or just the blocking of chi, to prevent the use of bending, and if it is completely removed or even blocked, can bending ability be still passed genetically to offspring. If it could be wouldn't the whole prowess of the show be pointless, due to benders never actually dying out, without mass genocide? I suppose that this could be extrapolated to question whether or not the chi could be restored to a bender "EAP'

what happens if you attempt to do it on a nonbender? Rydersilver (wallcontribs)

I think you would get more responses if you put this in a blog. The war room is more for bringing up/debating topics effecting the function of the wiki. Cheers. :)Koh Koh the face stealer 08:08, June 20, 2012 (UTC)