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Fire Nation emblem
This article is about the airships manufactured and used by the Fire Nation. For other similar uses, see Airship (disambiguation).
Fire Nation airship over capital

Fire Nation airships primarily serve as aerial warships during times of war but can also be used as a mode of transportation.

Fire Nation airships are massive aerial warships designed and manufactured by the Fire Nation.[1]


After the conclusion of the battle for the Northern Air Temple, the Fire Nation was able to acquire a hot air balloon that had been lost by Avatar Aang and his friends during their defense of the temple. Despite losing the battle, War Minister Qin, the overseer of the Fire Nation's weapons development, proclaimed upon recovering the remains of the balloon that the defeat was "the gateway to many victories".[2] His scientists reverse engineered the technology to produce both more war balloons and at least seventeen modified versions, called airships.

Fire Nation airships

The revelation of an airship fleet ensured the Fire Nation's victory over the invasion force on the Day of Black Sun.

On the Day of Black Sun, after the invasion of the Fire Nation failed, the Fire Nation released five of these zeppelin-like aircraft, alongside several war balloons, to bomb the invaders. Despite this, the entire force survived thanks to a quick defensive wall the earthbenders conjured up. Much to their horror, the airships did not turn around to bomb the invaders again, but kept going for the beach where they bombed the submarines the ragtag army had used to infiltrate the Fire Nation Capital, thus trapping the invaders on the Fire Nation mainland. Aang and the other younger members of the group managed to flee on Appa, but were forced to leave the adults behind as prisoners of war. The small group escaped just as Princess Azula's airship tailed them. She chose not to follow them since the bison was too fast, but was certain that they would be back.[1]

Upon learning of Zuko's imprisonment in the Boiling Rock, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai went to the prison in one of these airships. After Sokka and Zuko managed to escape with Suki, Hakoda, and Chit Sang, they took control over Azula's airship and used it to return to the Western Air Temple.[3]

Following the escape, Azula led a fleet of airships to attack the Western Air Temple. The airships now featured a cannon able to shoot bombs, and a command tower. Despite the attack, the Avatar's entire group managed to escape on Appa while their allies fled on the airship they stole at the Boiling Rock.[4]

Ozai's airship fleet

Phoenix King Ozai commanded the entire Fire Nation airship armada to travel to Wulong Forest during the arrival of Sozin's Comet.

Prior to the battle at Wulong Forest, Zuko revealed to the rest of Team Avatar that Fire Lord Ozai had commissioned his entire armada to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground when Sozin's Comet arrived. Using over a dozen warships and the enhanced powers granted to the firebenders by the comet, these airships commenced to burn down the Earth Kingdom. These plans were thwarted, however, when Toph, Sokka, and Suki hijacked one of these airships and rammed it into the rest of the fleet. Meanwhile, Aang used his enhanced powers to destroy Phoenix King Ozai's personal airship, which was three times the size of a conventional airship and adorned in a more ceremonious manner. While Aang took care of Ozai, Sokka, Suki, and Toph continued their progress by forcing the remaining airships to crash into each other, effectively saving the Earth Kingdom.

Overall, only two airships survived the Hundred Year War in working condition, namely the one that Suki hijacked to save Sokka and Toph,[5] and the one stolen at the Boiling Rock, both in possession of Team Avatar and their allies.


Fire Nation airship

The bottom view of an airship shows hatches used to launch bombs at ground targets.

In contrast to the small, two-man crew war balloons, the Fire Nation airships are enormous vessels, comparable to Fire Nation cruisers in size, composition, and crew complement. The structure is made entirely of metal and can carry at least fifty crew members. These war machines are powered by hot air and employ multiple propeller sets on the sides of their hulls for propulsion.[6] They are extremely long and are adorned with an ornamental dragon's head to instill fear into enemy forces. They can carry dozens of bombs that are dropped from the hatches on their underbellies in order to destroy ground targets. The airships can also be armed with rudimentary cannons that launch these bombs. They also support some sort of communication system, as there were crew members dedicated to this specific function.[7] Catwalks also hang from the ship's underside so that firebenders can fire projectiles at incoming enemy air forces; for safety reasons, these troops are secured with harnesses.[8]

Ozai had his own personal airship, which was noticeably larger than the others and featured a golden phoenix head on the front, instead of a bronze dragon's head.


Fire Nation engineers working

Several engineers worked in the engine room of an airship.

Airships are crewed by firebenders for defense, engineers for operation, and an airship captain. Normally the crew is composed of regular firebenders, but during the battle at Wulong Forest, the airships were manned by Imperial Firebenders. Each standard crew also has a commanding officer.

Airships can carry at least fifty crew members. Apparently the engineers fulfill only a supporting role in the fueling of the airships and are not necessary for its running, as the one hijacked by Sokka's group was able to work long after its engineers were dumped with the rest of its crew.[7]


The airships can be crippled by breaking the rotors that propel it. In addition, they are unable to keep up with other methods of transportation, such as a sky bison.


  • The Fire Nation airships served as the basis for the later, more modern airships used, among others, by the police in Republic City as well as the Equalists and the military of the Earth Kingdom.
  • These airships were originally planned to be used during an attack on Ba Sing Se, however, the writers decided that they were better used to counter the attempt to invade the Fire Nation.[9]


See also
