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ABCLAF Logo This Kataang one-shot takes place in The Ember Island Players.

Chapter Eighty-Nine: Through the Fire[]

This play sucks, he thinks. I know I'm not supposed to use words like that . . . but this is ridiculous! I'm not a woman, I'm not an incurable prankster, and I definitely, definitely . . . am not a woman! He watches, and his eyes narrow. Do I look like I have . . . He winces. A . . . chest? A woman's chest? The actual word flutters through his mind, and he pushes it away the ferocity of a tigerdillo. Ugh!

The curtains open, and he glances at the stage with some—

His eyes widen.

It's the catacombs.

The crystal catacombs! I walked in, and I saw Zuko and Katara— He shakes his head. No, no, it's okay. They weren't actually doing anything, 'cause if they were— Again, he pushes the thought away.

The fake-her sits on a rock thing, and the skirt sort of falls, exposing her very bare leg. The actress-her smiles seductively and leans towards the fake-Zuko. "I have to admit, Prince Zuko. I really find you attractive."

He makes a strange noise in his throat, halfway between a startled cough and a vomit-like sound. Wait—did this really—?!

The actor-Zuko glares, and the not-her cringes. "You don't have to make fun of me," Zuko growls, and he notices how low and suave the actor's voice is.

Sort of like the real Zuko's.

"But I mean it." The actress-her voice sounds so genuine. "I had eyes for you since the day you first captured me."

First captured her? You mean tied her to a tree! His hands shake in his fury, and he grasps the railings; his knuckles grow white from the force, and for once, he wishes that he could feel the power of the Avatar State, but the Avatar Spirit lies dormant. Maybe if I go crazy on them, maybe then they'll understand how stupid this all is!

"Wait," the actor-Zuko answers. "I thought you were the Avatar's girl."

That's right! She is my girl! We're going to marry and have fifty billion kids! That'll show you!

The actress-her laughs. "The Avatar‌?" The not-her stands up and, swaying her hips in a rhythmic pattern, steps closer and closer to to the not-Zuko. "Why, he's like a little brother to me!" His eyes widen, and he glances at her—but he finds that Zuko is blocking his view. His throat constricts. "I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way! Besides, how could he ever found about . . ." The not-her clasps the not-Zuko's hands, and they stand as if preparing to tango.

I danced with her! You can't do anything! I danced with her! You will never, ever, ever take away my memory of that dance! He stands up, his heart pounding. I need some fresh air.

He turns and stalks off.

I can't just sit here and watch this lie anymore!

But in his heart, he fears that every word is true.


"A . . . chest? A woman's chest?" -> I couldn't use the actual word, and neither would Aang, in fact. Here's a hint: It's five letters long, starts with a B, and definitely isn't in McNuggets, no matter what the box claims.

"The fake-her sits on a rock thing, and the skirt sort of falls, exposing her very bare leg." -> My thoughts when watching this: . . . harlot!

"Zuko growls, and he notices how low and suave the actor's voice is.

"Sort of like the real Zuko's." -> Hi, paranoia. Nice to meet you.

"His hands shake in his fury, and he grasps the railings; his knuckles grow white from the force, and for once, he wishes that he could feel the power of the Avatar State, but the Avatar Spirit lies dormant." -> This is a reference to an absolutely amazing DeviantArt . . . that I can't find at the moment.

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