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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to The First in a Long Line in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.

The First in a Long Line is an adventure story that tells the tale of the origins of the Avatar, and why it was needed.


A normal day in the North Pole turns into one that will have unprecedented consequences on the future of the world, when a formerly bendless girl becomes the first to be able to learn all elements. But with this responsibility comes a great price, and will she be able to make the right decision for the world when the time comes?


  • Inna, the First Avatar
  • Kaio (雄海), her very best friend
  • Zhīdào Suŏyŏu Shuí, a mysterious friend (Yet to be introduced)



None as of yet.


See more

For the collective works of the author, go here.

v - e - dThe First in a Long Line
In The BeginningThe Forbidden WorldNotoriously Shady and SlyInnocence Lost
Inna • Kaio • Gituku • Zhīdào Suŏyŏu Shuí