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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to The Animals of Senlin Wood in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.

The Animals of Senlin Wood is a story that follows a group of animals from the Earth Kingdom's Senlin Wood and their journey across the Earth Kingdom to find a new home after their own was destroyed by the Fire Nation. The events that occur coincide with the Avatar: The Last Airbender canon.


Lion turtle forest

The Senlin Wood was a forest full of life. All sorts of creatures, large or small, fast or slow, all of the animals of the wood lived their lives with little provocation of anything outside the woods. The forest protection was kept by the spirit of the wood, Hei Bai. Life went on undisturbed ...

Then, the humans appeared.

With the settlement of Senlin established, life began to become more hazardous as time went by for herbivore and carnivore alike. Species steadily declined more and more with the farmers around Senlin. The final straw had finally driven the animals to their death in a blazing inferno: the Fire Nation and their bending had seen to that.

For those that perished in the burning flames, their troubles were over ...

For those who remained, a common goal and a moral oath kept them together as they went to find a new home and leave the Senlin Wood behind them.


The Oath

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For the collective works of the author, go here.
