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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to Chimera in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.


The year is 2001 AG, the world is experiencing a "Dark Ages." 200 years earlier, the United Republic of Nations was a highly prosperous federation with the best technology that the world had ever seen yet. But then, that all changed when the drought came. It came to the largest farming community in the world, the former Si Wong Desert. The hot summer had prevented any water from traveling through the irrigation ditches and the land once again became desert. As with many tragedies, people are always looking for someone to blame for their problems. Seeing as the drought had occurred during the summer, the Earth Kingdom farmers in Si Wong blamed the Fire Nation. The ultimate result was 200 years of war, and death, and, anarchy.

In that span of 200 years, the art of bending was lost as everyone was trying to just to survive and the Avatar was never found. It was presumed that the Avatar had simply ceased to exist and that bending was gone forever and the world was doomed to an eternity of death and despair.

Then, a young boy living by himself in the ruins of Ba Sing Se changed everything...



Chapter 1: The Secret

Chapter 2: The Confession

Chapter 3: The Northern Air Temple

Chapter 4: The White Lotus

Chapter 5: Grand Lotus T'las

Chapter 6: Kyoshi Island Part 1: Journey to Kyoshi Island

