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The Qiangda Kingdom seeks to reclaim the city of Bei Fu. Two men under pressure by General Tsuyo-sa must reclaim the city before they are court marshaled for incompentence. Aloi befriended Hui while she had gotten in another argument with Unaraq and they've stopped talking to each other for time being.

Rong Yan furthered his training in earthbending under the wing of Jushi, and supervision of King Gao. Kimaru meets with the Fifth Nation in the town of Chu Shi in Tuo province while Senlin sneaks into the Omashu Royal Palace where he confronts King Gao Zu.

Chapter 8: The Battle for Bei Fu[]

Book 3: Earth

Chapter 8: The Battle for Bei Fu

The sun shone through the hole in the chamber where Gao's artificial grotto had been built in. Today, Gao found himself inside of the chamber as he sat and prayed before Shanshen alongside his adviser Naoren De. The middle-aged adviser wasn't inescapable of the old liver-spotted king, he was dragged everywhere and often treated like garbage by the self-centered king.

Their morning ritual consisted of prayers to Shanshen and the other deities, lit candles were placed around, offerings, and incense. Naoren pulled out a bronze bell and a bronze stick he waited a total of three seconds before he hit the bell with the stick. This allowed Gao to focus during his meditation and helped him keep track of time because in recent years he's found himself to be forgetful of the time of day.

At the same time, Rong Yan attempted to maintain a sand spout in the King's arena while Unaraq spectated from the bleachers. While Jushi shouted at him to remain focused on his goal. Rong Yan lost balance and tilted to the left, the sand spout collapsed and he cushioned his fall with some air. The dust from the sand that had fallen back down to the arena floor surrounded both men. Jushi bent the dust cloud away from himself and his pupil and then shook his head.

"You've mastered two elemental spouts I don't understand how a sand spout is harder for you," commented Jushi. He crossed his arms and sighed, "Drill it again."

Rong Yan sighed as well he was a bit frustrated because Jushi was right how was a sand spout any harder than a water or air spout? Unaraq lounged back with his arms crossed behind his head as a cushion, his left leg rested crossed on top of his right leg. Rong Yan turned to face Unaraq when his friend yelled, "Here's a good tip! Your past lives are laughing at your failure that should be enough motivation!"

A boulder burst out of the arena floor and flew toward Unaraq who screamed at the top of his lungs. Unaraq threw himself down the bleachers and ducked under the path of the boulder. Unaraq cried out, "Sorry!"

Rong Yan returned to the Tiankong Er stance, or the double palmed air stance, which Bhudev created after he studied under the Air Nomads of the Baiyan Air Temple. Rong Yan positioned himself with one leg forward and one extended back, his arms extended in front of him with his palms open. It was a similar stance to the gen gua stance in airbending. He stood on the grainy sand and made another attempt at the sand spout. He allowed the sand to carry him upward the spout grew a bit higher, the sands spun faster and faster and he realized that was his mistake last time. He then concentrated on the speed of it and slowed down the sand's rotations. The sand spout rotated at a perfect speed now all he needed to do was maintain his balance and move around the arena once while on the spout.

"Hold it!.... Hold....it! Now do one lap around the arena!" barked Jushi from a distance. The Avatar kept his balance and moved at his speed in the spout. The sands moved some grain splashed near other areas even over the barriers. Rong Yan continued his attempt at the sand spout while Unaraq watched in awe and amazement.

Meanwhile, Aloi exited a dressing room stall in a traditional nomadic dress. The outfit was made of dandelion yellow dyed linen, with an orange-colored sash wrapped around the waistline. The design was similar to the Garsian style of wear. The style originated from the Hu Xin provinces many centuries ago when the three kingdoms fought for control of the land after Emperor Qin died. These people were eventually conquered by the Zhou Kingdom after the Shang were conquered to establish the monarchy and the unified Kingdom of Earth.

The Garsian ethnic people survived for thousands of years, the Hu Xin province was annexed into the Kingdom of Ba Sing Se and split into two. The Xia's capital Garsai became the capital of the East Hu Xin province while the western province was given a new city. The owner of the shop noticed that Aloi liked the dress, "Do you like it?"

Aloi nodded, "Sure do."

"I designed that dress a time ago for an old friend who passed away I never got the chance to give it to her. I'm glad you're interested in it," smiled the old woman. 

The shop was in the middle-upper district of Omashu where most of the middle-class shopped for their goods. She normally had her prayer beads around her waist but for this outfit, they were around her neck. Aloi asked, "What do you think?"

She faced her good friend that she'd made in Omashu over the past two weeks. Hui looked up then held his face in a concentrated expression as he thought of it. He pointed at her and then gave an over joyous expression on his face as he waved a thumbs up with his left hand.

"I'm glad you like it!" cheered Aloi, over the past week she spent her time trying to convince Earth King Gao to end the punishment of Prince Hui. Eventually, he caved in but told her to notify a guard if the prince acted out of line.

While Unaraq didn't approve of her friendship with the prince who when they first met had pushed Aloi after the accident that occurred. She forgave the prince and as it turned out they had things in common. Aloi also helped Hui gain his confidence to talk to the noblewomen in the city. Which Gao approved since he believed his son needed to abide his time with a companion. In exchange to teach her how to sign so that she could better communicate with him. 

While Unaraq argued with Aloi over her new friend she got angry with him and they haven't spoken in a week. Aloi had been ignoring Unaraq and even kicked him out of their chambers. Aloi faced the old woman again, "How much is it?"

Hui grinned then he stood up and touched the back of his earlobe with his left thumb and then brought his fists together by rubbing his fingers and then pointed at Aloi. The old woman gave a cheery smile and bowed to both Aloi and Hui, "She is? Great news, Your Highness. The dress is free!"

Aloi walked out of the shop in the dress while Hui waved goodbye to the woman, he strutted away and when he turned the corner Aloi picked up her pace. She questioned him, "Why did she give it to me for free?"

Hui pointed at himself then rested his left hand with his index and pinky raised on his flat right hand and tilted his head as he grinned then pointed toward the shop. He touched behind his ear with his thumb once more and pressed his fists together. Aloi gasped, "Why would you lie to her telling her I'm your girlfriend?"

Aloi was a bit upset now, "I'm returning the dress."

He pointed at Aloi then he raised two fingers with his left and waved his hand side to side horizontally. He explained with similar hand movements and repeated why he lied to the woman. Aloi sighed, "No Hui I can't take this."

Hui sighed, and clopped back to the shop a coin purse on-hand full of gold pieces, he was ready to toss the old woman a ton of gold coins over a dress that wasn't even worth so much. He gestured Aloi to wait outside with the dress. After a minute or two, he exited as the old woman kissed every step behind him.

"What did you do now?" Aloi asked him, his hands went from his chest toward the woman, Hui tapped his right hand with his left index and then drew a money sign in the air. Aloi felt a lot better but she believed Hui gave more than it was worth if the woman worshipped the ground he walked on soon after.

Kimaru held tight onto the reins of the snow leopard caribou he traveled on before he turned to search for the map in the saddle. He unrolled the map after he found it and looked to find where he currently was at. The town of Chu Shi was not too far off maybe another mile or two he thought, he had an important mission. He needed to convince the Fifth Nation fleet to join Senlin's cause, the idea was to conquer Ba Sing Se. For that, a combined fleet of rebels and pirates should accomplish the capture of the harbor in a matter of hours.

The capital of the Qiangda Kingdom was known according to Senlin to have a massive fleet and they needed enough power to defeat the Qiangdian fleet. A ragtag group of pirates and a rebellion navy seemed enough to take their enemy out. The last time he encountered Fifth Nation pirates was back in Dahongpao inside the Full Moon Bay ferry station that was owned by retired Fifth Nation pirates who wanted the simple life after living a life of crime.

Half an hour later, he found himself in front of a big town without wall fortifications he stood over the hill that overlooked the town of Chu Shi. From a distance, if he peered out he could make out the harbor behind the town. The town looked to have a dynamic hierarchy of social status, the poor side of town carried a lot fewer guards, while the middle-class area was connected with the bazaar where many of the business owners lived and operated their shops or restaurants. To the left were homes twice the size of middle-class homes.

To the far left built on a hill in Chu Shi was the magistrate's villa, the immense-sized piece of land was walled with his guards who patrolled the inside and outside of the walls. A small wooden bridge crossed over a stream that led toward the magistrate's villa. The home had two guest homes inside its walls, with the kitchen and dining hall in a separate building. The bathhouse was also a separate building, and the home itself was the biggest structure on the property.

A large patch of empty land sat in the center of the villa. This was filled with gravel that was bent to look like different designs in the gravel. Plants filled one section of the courtyard with a small pond where dwarven koi swam gracefully in the waters. Dwarven koi were believed to be in the same family as the elephant koi, through what scientists believe is evolution thousands of years ago a splinter group of koi fish mutated into the massive elephant koi while another group shrunk into the dwarven koi.

The magistrate's office was built outside to the left of his villa where soldiers were also stationed outside. In his office, governmental and religious matters were held here. Next to his office was another military base that held barracks and a training course for those who joined the military as recruits in Tuo province. 

To the right of his villa was the temple itself, where the people of Chu Shi gathered every other day to worship their deities. Behind most of the town seemed to be the harbor because Kimaru noticed the structures seemed to be more marine-like, there seemed to be ships there as well but he was unable to identify any flags from his distance.

A military checkpoint was set up outside of the town's limits Kimaru thought a line of would-be travelers would have stood and waited but it was abandoned with not a soul in sight. He reached into his satchel to feel the fake identification papers that he thought he might've forgotten. But he sighed a sound of relief when he felt the edges of the booklet. He pressed on from the hill when he reached the checkpoint he pulled on the reins of his beast.

A soldier stepped forward he looked like a rookie he identified the man by his uniform and not the patch. Since he remembered the descriptions given by Senlin that recruit uniforms were largely different than others like specialists or higher. The recruit wore a bronze coif on his head that had no light green feather present on the helmet.

He took a defensive stance and yelled at Kimaru, "Hands up where I can see them! Tribesmen citizens are illegal in our kingdom by order and decree of Earth King Qiang Zhen!"

Kimaru quickly thought of a solution out of the debacle he was in, another soldier came up from behind the checkpoint wall. He implored with his comrade, "What are you doing? You idiot!"

He pointed at Kimaru, "It's clear he's the enemy!"

"You didn't even ask him for his papers, how are you going to know whether he's here illegally or if he's a citizen?" maintained the specialist.

"I'm truly sorry about the rookie, may I see your identification papers please?" demanded the specialist.

Kimaru nodded and gave him the booklet. The more experienced soldier read the contents of the booklet, he noticed that the man he requested the booklet from was a Qiangdian civilian of Tribesmen descent. His name was even Kingsmen which raised no suspicions, "Welcome to Chu Shi, Mr. Ying!" the specialist greeted Kimaru then handed him back his identification papers after doing so he smacked the rookie upside the head.

"I'm reporting this incident to Captain Shu, you imbecile!" hissed the specialist.

Kimaru carried on to the stables which were the first thing he neared, it was the first business behind the checkpoint that surrounded the northern area of the village. He held some experience with Fifth Nation and how to find them. He planned to head toward the harbor and find a tavern or watering hole nearby.

Cranefish Town

The town of Chu Shi in Tuo province.

A place like Chu Shi, a militaristic town the Fifth Nation were clear enemies of the Qiangda Kingdom, if they showed their faces near their waters they'd be eliminated quickly. The smart thing to do was to take over merchant ships between their location and destination and pass themselves off as merchants. There is one thing that he remembered from the last time he encountered them was the password they often used amongst each other to identify other pirates or allies.

Kimaru muttered to himself, "Where the rum flows, the black flag flies." After he found a pen for his mount he gathered his satchel of things and slung it on his back and lost himself inside a crowd of citizens within the town. For any who followed him would lose sight of the assassin. At the same time, the massive wooden ship housed several shady men who wandered around the boat. They looked unfriendly to most of the random passerby their ramp was laid down to allow curious citizens to board their ship in search of exotic items for purchase.

This was the Fifth Nation flagship ran by Lord Sao Feng's crew, they were anchored on the harbor, their flag and sails were white however to throw off any coastal marines. The marine patrols were Qiangdian navy who sailed around the northern waters of the Qiangda Kingdom just off the coast of Tuo province. They were mostly out on patrol as they searched for Tribesmen vessels that strayed too far from their fleet or even scouting ships. A coast checkpoint was also set up by the navy which searched ships top to bottom and requested identification of all crew members.

Sao Feng sat in his cabin while he worked on the ledger he stole from the merchant ship that he and his crew sank to the bottom of the ocean floor. They had stolen some crates so that they seemed more convincing to the marines. Sao Feng was a genius when it came to the art of misdirection, down below deck were Yi Wu Shi and his pupil Makotok worked on the boy's studies. Yi Wu Shi taught the boy mathematics and how to read; something he'd find useful in the future as the third pirate lord of the Fifth Nation.

They sat across from each other on a wooden slab that was nailed to an empty barrel of rum. Yi Wu Shi had been the boy's education tutor since he was able to write. Sao Feng deemed it important that the most educated pirate teach the successor of Iminaurak basic things he needed in life like how to barter, read, write. and speak. At the same time, Yi Wu Shi went on and taught Makotok waterbending, under the direct supervision of Sao Feng.

Makotok has proven himself to be a skillful waterbender the verbal abuse from Sao Feng has helped the boy in the long run. It has been about a month since his last training session, Makotok liked bending more than education. Although Sao Feng cemented into his mind that he wants him to be more book smart and bending smart, than street smart. Sao Feng taking advantage of the idea of Makotok who trusts him into having him shaped into a powerful pirate lord. In reality, he's only doing what he can so a figurehead is formed. He might step down but if he controlled the pirate lord, he can control the fleet.

As the boy has gotten older he's wanted more privacy and independency but the regent lord has men watch the boy all day. Makotok has even started to refer himself to 'Mako' for short, a way to defer himself from his youth and indicate that now he's grown into a young man. The tray was filled with black ink while Yi Wu Shi ran a stroke of his quill on parchment before he handed it back to his student.

Then it snapped into Wu Shi's mind, "Pop quiz!" he beamed.

The boy sighed, "Not another one."

"When did your father establish the Fifth Nation?" asked his teacher.

"...Year seventy-seven of Ku Tei..." muttered Mako uninterested about the pop quiz because he's answered all these questions before.

"Seventy-seven of Ku Tei? Use the international calendar, Mako," corrected Yi Wu Shi. 

Mako spaced out and then back in and frowned, "Fine... year seven hundred and twenty."

"Correct, what was your father's first raid under the Fifth Nation banner?" he questioned his student.

"It was a raid on Kaiko in the Fire Nation, they were illegally growing psychedelic plants there and Dad wanted to make a profit off the plants. So he killed everyone on the island and had his crew take the plants. He had them sold to the triads in Ba Sing Se," answered Mako.

"Good I'm glad this is being cemented into your mind," commented his tutor.

"True or false, we won the raid on the city of Iqaluit?" quizzed Yi Wu Shi.

"False, it was the single greatest loss on my dad's record. He wanted to conquer the Southern Water Tribe city after they falsely exiled him from the tribe. It was revenge, in the end, we left empty-handed although Zenko allegedly defiled and murdered the chief's wife at the time...," responded the boy.

"And what happened to Zenko after he freely expressed himself to your father?" he smiled.

"My dad stabbed Zenko in the belly and had the crewmembers display his body in the next town over as a work of art with his entrails spread about," laughed Mako.

"Your father wasn't a savage as the mainlanders make him out to be, you must uphold the standards of the Fifth Nation, Mako. You passed the test," chuckled Yi Wu Shi.

"Wow didn't think you were going to throw that one in there," smirked Mako.

"You expected the same questions from the last pop quiz I gave you," joked Yi Wu Shi. 

Mako pointed at the parchment and then Yi instructed him further on what needed to be done, "Here I wrote this sentence I need you to find what's wrong in the sentence and properly place the grammatical symbols in the sentences."

Mako took the parchment from his teacher's grasp as he read the sentences written on the piece of parchment. He noticed the verb in the two sentences changed and he corrected them. Then Mako corrected the misspelled character for 'pirate'. 

He slid it back to his teacher and then explained what he changed, "The verb doesn't change in Kingsmen so the first sentence needed to line up with the second one which made sense since it was in the present tense. And also I corrected the character for pirate because you left out the first character's strokes on the top left side."

"Good work, Mako you make me proud," smiled Yi Wu Shi, finally he felt confident Mako was able to read, write, and use math appropriately. 

Footsteps were heard from the stairs that connected the poop deck to the below deck. Sao Feng entered below deck his arms crossed he carried a stoic and expressionless face, Yi Wu Shi glanced back to eye the regent lord while Mako looked up to face the leader of the Fifth Nation.

"Makotok that's enough schoolwork for today.." he ordered then he looked at Yi Wu Shi and commanded him, "Take the kid out onto the deck and teach him waterbending. I want him to be a master before he becomes of age."

The teacher and waterbending instructor of Mako nodded to his orders and placed down everything. He removed his tunic and revealed his bare and flat chest the Tuo province was in the spring season, so it wasn't as cold as the South Pole. Makotok sighed and put down his quill and went into his room to get ready. Sao Feng exited below deck and went back on the upper deck while he waited for the boy to get ready.

Meanwhile, Kimaru found himself now in the harbor district after two hours of exploration and across a sea of citizens. The harbor was mostly a boardwalk, the buildings were built on the land portion of the harbor. There were about fifty paces in the length of wood, faced to the north were the docks themselves. A few ships were docked here, there was another harbor blocked off by the wall fortifications. The docks over the walls belonged to the navy base here in Chu Shi.

Across the civilian docks was a wooden building with a sign that had a carving of alcohol and painted brown and golden colors. He knew that the phrase used as a password amongst Fifth Nation and their allies always led to Fifth Nation operations in taverns near harbor towns or cities. The tavern was filled with all types of seamen. They ranged from naval marines, sailors, merchants, boat owners, and also seemed to be seafarers. While stereotypically pirates carry a distinct appearance the Fifth Nation easily disguised themselves as normal people while they visited towns full of soldiers.

He paced over to the counter where the tavern keep filled cups with grog, the kind pirates and sailors drank themselves into a stupor. The tavern stunk of sweat, urine, and alcohol which invaded everyone's nostrils with a toxic odor. He sat between two burly and heavyset men, they were identical to each other probably twins he thought.


"What will it be, Tribesmen?" asked the tavern keep. A nomad in the bar played his bamboo flute instrument as the patrons cheered on the trained winged lemur in the middle as it danced around in some funny outfit.

"Do you have a gold-flaked rum?" wondered Kimaru, the gold-flaked rum was an expensive drink mostly popular amongst low-class nobility and the higher ranks of Fifth Nation pirates. Someone who drank that drink frequently was identified as a person with deep pockets. The gold flakes are edible and are thin and not sharp enough to cut anything inside of the person. The alcohol itself tasted of cinnamon-flavored rum. In reality, it was drunk because of the high alcohol concentration within the drink itself something pirates favored.

"I should have some it's a pretty pricey drink normally purchased by some crooked type of folk, you don't seem like the kind. That'll be a fifty silver pieces for a shot," replied the tavern keep he crouched down to rummage through the underneath of the counter. He found a bottle wrapped in linen cloth hidden in a small wooden crate. He removed the cloth to which a half-empty glass bottle of the stuff was found.

The tavern keep popped up from behind the counter again and grabbed a wooden jigger and poured the gold-flaked rum to the edge of the jigger before he slid it over to Kimaru. Kimaru tossed the liquid contents in his mouth and slammed his fist repeated onto the wooden counter which caught the attention of the two twins he stood in between. He tossed the tavern keep another fifty silver which got him another jigger of the drink.

Kimaru threw it down his throat and his entire body was given a shake of energy and disgust from the bitter drink. He stuck out his tongue, "Ack!" he cried out it was gross, one of the twins, the right-handed one turned to take a gander at the man in the middle.

"You okay there, bub?" he questioned the stranger a tone of concern in his voice. Kimaru nodded as he held the facial expression of disgust. The left-handed twin exchanged looks with his identical twin brother and then whispered, "Where the rum flows, the black flag flies."

Kimaru repeated it confidently, "Where the rum flows, the black flag flies."

The right-handed twin tapped and rubbed Kimaru's back and then led him to the corner of the tavern where he and his brother could communicate with the stranger. Kimaru sat down and seemed to be a bit buzzed from the two jiggers of the gold-flaked rum he consumed. 

The twin men sat across from him the right-handed one faced his twin brother, "I don't think he's all the way there, Zhifang maybe he's just some random guy."

"If he was a random guy Panzi he wouldn't have gotten himself the gold-flaked rum and he wouldn't have repeated our motto to us confidently," Zhifang answered.

"Welcome brother of who's fleet or force do you serve under?" Panzi inquired he wanted to know more about the stranger and wanted to make note of their encounter. 

Zhifang slapped his twin upside the head, "What are you doing?" he blurted out.

Panzi rubbed the back of his head and cried, "Ow! What was that for?"

"Senlin..." he whispered before he slumped his head down on the table.

"Senlin?" wondered Zhifang as he faced his brother Panzi. Panzi gave him a frown and shrugged he had no idea who Senlin was.

"Who's Senlin," drawled out Panzi as he raised his voice in Kimaru's ear, "You idiot he's out cold, what are you doing?!" scolded Zhifang.

"I'll meet you on the ship," frowned Panzi he rotated around to clop out of the tavern. 

Zhifang held him back as he placed his hand on his brother's left shoulder, "Oh no, you're carrying him to the ship Sao Feng will want to know who this guy is. And if he's not one of us we'll just toss him overboard!"

Unaraq and Jushi packed their things on Shen's saddle while they waited for Aloi and Hui to return from their shopping spree. Rong Yan had been busy while he communicated with the Earth King before their departure. Unaraq seemed bothered by the whole argument he had with Aloi after he called her a hypocrite because she went behind his back and visited Hui while he was grounded by Gao.

He spaced out too much that even Jushi noticed and felt his vibe he noticed that Unaraq's usual orange aura was muddy similar to the prisoner from two weeks ago. Jushi was concerned he bugged Unaraq, "You seem distracted what's wrong?"

Unaraq jumped up and shoved his things onto Shen's saddle then he slouched, frowned, and sighed. He faced his friend and responded, "I don't know, man. I've been dating her for almost four years and it's as if I don't know her. She's just too forgiving."

"One second she's sad and she's crying because Hui shoved her and he even directed a tremor in her direction. The Earth King punished his son, and what does she do?" continued Unaraq.

"She lies, she waited until we were wasted with the old king that day we arrived and snuck into the prince's room to.." paused Unaraq as he motioned air quotes and resumed, "'bring food to Prince Hui', she convinced the Earth King to let him go off punishment and now she's shopping with the guy who assaulted her two weeks ago."

"It's probably an Air Nomad thing to forgive those who attack you," giggled Jushi. Unaraq didn't join Jushi in the joke he remained upset and irritated about the situation.

"That's not funny, I had to grow out of the nomad jokes, I do THINGS...I normally would never do. I do them for her!" he commented he raised his voice and revealed something to his friend.

"I've never done that for anyone, but I change myself for her, I'm emotional support, carnal support, mental support, then she goes around and stabs me in the back literally after the kid's temper tantrum! Well next time I'm staying out of it, she's a grown woman," he finished.

"You're right she shouldn't have stabbed in you in the back but it seems to me that you're jealous she's shopping with Hui," commented Jushi.

"J-jealous?!" exclaimed Unaraq, he shimmied over to Jushi and whispered into his ear, "Why would I be jealous of him?! He can't talk!"

"You know for someone who gets offended over Air Nomad jokes, you're a hypocrite and a real jerk when it comes to the disabled," grumbled Jushi.

"I wasn't joking, it's a fact!" exclaimed Unaraq he pressed his finger into Jushi's right shoulder. Jushi lightly swept Unaraq's finger away. Aloi and Hui returned from their shopping at the same time Rong Yan paced out of the palace alongside King Gao who cackled with laughter.

Unaraq and Aloi stared at each other before Aloi looked away and Unaraq rolled his eyes. She fluttered her eyelashes at Hui because she knew it'd make Unaraq jealous. Which this was exactly her intention it was obvious that both Aloi and Unaraq were in a toxic patch in their relationship something they needed to work on.

"Hui, could you help me put my items onto Shen's saddle?" she asked the prince. 

He pointed at himself and then nodded quickly. He grabbed a few things under both arms and jutted his chin upward which raised a pillar of earth high enough to toss her things in the saddle. Aloi climbed the dragon and began to fasten her new things to the saddle while her other stuff was already fastened by Jushi and Unaraq.

Gao was joined by Prince Hui they bowed to Rong Yan, "Thank you for staying with us, Avatar Rong Yan. We hope that soon after the general has been defeated you can visit us again."

Rong Yan bowed in return to the Earth King and his son he placed a balled fist at the bottom of his palm. A bow of respect that people of the Fire Nation were taught, "Thank you for your hospitality Earth King Gao Zu and Earth Prince Hui Zu."

"Where are you headed next?" Gao questioned the Avatar.

"We're going to the Yu province in the Qiangda Kingdom, Unaraq's father is stationed out there. He needs us out in the field, maybe even to convince the two factions to stop fighting," answered Rong Yan.

"Wait Avatar I almost forgot," said Gao as he pulled out a sack of food from under his robes. Unaraq cleared his throat while Rong Yan remained nonchalant as to not offend the old king. Gao noticed the face of the Tribesman and cackled so loudly he slapped his fragile knee.

Rong Yan jetted himself onto Shen's neck as everyone watched Hui and Gao wave goodbye to them. Shen expanded his wings and had begun to flap them. As he picked up the momentum he ascended into the air. The Earth King and his son shrunk in size as the Avatar and his friends got higher. It took them about twenty minutes to get across the city and over the walls.

At the same time, an ear-splitting roar of a dragon echoed above the walls of the grand city of Omashu. Many peered to the skies to see a red beast soar toward the northeast, one of the men was stunned as he gasped at the sight of the beast. He just missed the Avatar by a split-second he thought, four years ago, he would've turned around and chased the young Avatar. But today he was a different man he was here for something else. He stared at the dragon as it disappeared in the distance he returned to face the walls of the city as they opened, Senlin grinned wickedly.

"Papers please," requested one of the Oma Kingdom soldiers his hand was out. Senlin's smile died and it shifted back into the stoic face he normally carried. He handed his papers to the soldier the name on the booklet had still been 'Teji'.

Omashu delivery system

Senlin's view of Omashu.

"Welcome to Omashu, Teji!" the soldier welcomed Senlin oblivious to the man's face. Senlin strolled in through the front gates of the gigantic city. Buildings sprawled about everywhere, tubes, and slides everywhere he looked. Senlin looked up to the heavens where he could barely see some buildings and homes at the tip-top was a massive shape. Luckily, for himself, he came prepared for this mission he was about to undertake. He reached into his satchel and took out a scroll, the scroll contained a modern map of the entire city of Omashu.

He studied it for about five minutes before he placed it back into his bag and headed toward a massive alleyway. There he found a grate that he tore open with earthbending before he leaped inside. Once inside he slid his right foot before he planted his left foot on the ground. His hands touched the wall inside, the vibrations rippled all over the sewer system. A torch wasn't needed he could sense the direction toward the palace.

Meanwhile, Kimaru was woken up with a splash of Yi Wu Shi's water from his waterskin. Kimaru's neck hairs stood up he was surrounded by strangers inside a wooden structure. Maybe he was in a building and they robbed him of all his valuables. His head turned in different directions he examined his surroundings. He noticed his things were on a barrel around him were the twins he met at the tavern Zhifang and Panzi, Yi Wu Shi, Sao Feng, and Da Fu were the new faces he didn't recognize from before.

"Who are you?" asked Da Fu.

"Ying Peng," lied Kimaru.

"Ying Peng?" Zhifang raised an eyebrow, "Isn't Peng an Oma Kingdom name?" he turned his attention to Sao Feng to seek an answer.

"Peng is a common Kingsmen name, Zhifang," corrected Da Fu. 

Zhifang thought about it for a second but his brother Panzi telepathically knew the answer his twin struggled to remember, "Wasn't Peng the name of an Earth King?"

"Yes, Peng was the sixty-fourth Earth King of the Oma Kingdom," Sao responded.

"Wait how do you know if he was the sixty-fourth?" Panzi questioned the pirate lord.

"Because the Oma Kingdom dates back to before Duryaja's Kingdom was established, you fool. The Shang Dynasty are the ancestors of the Oma Kingdom!" exclaimed Sao he was short-tempered and felt irritated over the stupidity of Panzi.

"You've never heard the folktale of Oma and Shu?" Da Fu questioned Zhifang, the twin stared at his superior blankly because he had no idea what he spoke about.

"Lord Da Fu, we know nothing because we're of the Fire Nation remember?" Panzi mentioned he had hoped Da Fu would remember. 

Da Fu lowered his head, "That's right I forgot."

Both twins shared a hearty laugh until Sao Feng shouted, "SILENCE! We're getting sidetracked!"

The ship's below deck had been more silent than an elephant rat, Sao Feng rose from the seat he sat in. Kimaru examined the man's face, he was bald and tan-skinned, he had a black fu manchu facial hair, one good eye and two unique things about the man was the tattoos inked over his left eye. Kimaru was being taught Kingsmen by Senlin he was able to make out a few words.

Something about if a pirate drank past candlelight, the pirate drank alone in the dark he wasn't able to make out the rest of the wording. The other unique feature on the man's face was whatever was hidden under the eyepatch. A black leathered eyepatch covered his right eye underneath the eyepatch was a massive burn scar. The skin in this area was mottled and cooked, the skin tone was much darker around the eye than on the rest of his body.

The scar covered the entire eye area, a smidge of his forehead, and half of his top right ear. People who gave him disgusted or horrified looks didn't live long enough to tell the tale of the encounter. Sao Feng wasn't a fan of the scar and wanted to wear a mask. Although he was convinced that the scar would make him more intimidating. Which now he sports an eye patch his only goals in life were to assist Mako and seek revenge on the Avatar.

"Who do you work for Peng?" inquired Sao Feng, he stared down the stranger who rested on the cot half nude. He was down to his fur loincloth with nothing to defend himself they thought except if only they knew he could drain water out of the air.

"You might know him the Great Betrayer, he assassinated the forty-first Earth King of the Qiangda Kingdom four years ago," replied Kimaru.

"That old war general who escaped the royal prison in Ba Sing Se?" wondered Sao Feng with curiosity as he arched his eyebrow.

"The very same, he desires an allegiance with the Fifth Nation. He seeks to overthrow the monarchy and conquer Ba Sing Se, only the Fifth Nation, and the daofei will rule the city. While everyone else will be mere slaves," nodded Kimaru.

"Quite a big mission there, what's in it for us if I lend him a fleet?" asked Sao.

"He offers the harbor and the harborside of the Agrarian Zone, he's building an army large enough to take the city by force. By land and sea," replied Kimaru. 

Sao Feng turned to face Da Fu, "Didn't you mention you were in Ba Sing Se before you joined the Fifth Nation?" Sao recalled when Da Fu mentioned he lived in the Agrarian Zone in the past. He requested an answer from his first mate who nodded.

"And what's the size of the harbor and harborside of the Agrarian Zone?" inquired the pirate lord.

"In all seriousness, the harbor and harborside are massive if you think Anmaak and Kauk are big, wait until you witness those areas with you're own two ey-...er I mean you're good eye," claimed Da Fu.

"Is that right?" he grinned at Da Fu then he turned his attention to Kimaru, "I'll tell you what we like the offer and we'll help but you're going to have to help us with something tonight."

"Done, what is it?" asked Kimaru as he sought more information.

"Chu Shi has a treasury in the noble section of the town where tons of gold and jewels are stockpiled and have been stored there for over a century. I'm led to believe that in a century a ton of things can be found and hidden here. You'll join Panzi and Zhifang along with an earthbender of ours, Zei," explained Sao Feng.

"And if we find nothing our lives are endangered for naught," Kimaru commented.

"If you find nothing it doesn't matter, what matters is that you bring my men back alive, it'll show me your worth and that of your Great Betrayer as you call him," assured Sao Feng.

Fort Shengqi, Yu, Qiangda Kingdom

Built on top of a plateau in between Yumen and Bei Fu was the ancient cylindrical tower fort of Shengqi. It was named after one of Avatar Avani's companions, an earthbender named Shengqi Airen, a low-class noble from Ba Sing Se. The fort was built over a thousand years ago during the Haijun Kingdom.

The tower was eight stories tall and the surrounding grounds were walled with walls of about five stories in height. The fort, walls, and grounds were built with white glazed bricks they decayed slower than other materials during the Haijun Dynasty. The fort was kept in supervised repair and tip-top presentable shape. 

The grounds that surrounded the palace were home to a legion of soldiers in Yu province a splinter group from the twenty-five thousand soldiers registered in Yu province at the moment. Fort Shengqi was one of the four forts sprawled across the Yu province, with Yumen holding the final legion of elite specialist soldiers.

Four entry points surrounded the fort built from earthbending parts of the plateau that were split over the age from erosion. These were often broken in the time of invasion forces that attempted to take the fort. Many had fallen to their deaths, truly a remarkable landmark and base for the Tribesmen to conquer if they dared.

A man sat in the war room of the fort his desk made of earth this is where he spent most of his days while in the fort. Stuck with paperwork and maps while the others trained the recruits and practiced their military exercises. The large room was at the very top of the tower in front of him was a big opening where a portion of the wall of the tower was missing. He'd often stand there as he spectated the sunset after his work for the day was complete. From this view, he was able to observe the fort grounds below and a bit over the walls.

From where he stood this morning as he drank his cold green tea which was the way he loved his tea. He oversaw the various recruits as they did a multitude of exercises from early morning runs to weapon fighting while the benders practiced their earthbending with their drill instructors. He continued to sip his tea as a dust cloud formed from the dirt picked up by ostrich horse feet outside near the western spine of the fort.

A messenger entered the war room when the colonel heard the footsteps he turned to face the courier. He saluted the middle-aged military officer, "Colonel Yansu, General Tsuyo-sa has arrived at the fort," notified the courier.

Yansu choked on his tea a bit and set down the tea quickly, the tea bounced inside the cup and splashed once against the edge of the teacup that a few drops fell onto a small table near him. He coughed and was in shock General Tsuyo-sa made a surprise visit from the capital of Yu, Yumen.

Yansu was not ready for a surprise visit from the general nor prepared but it's not like he had anything to hide. The colonel grabbed his things and ran down the tower to meet the general on the grounds, Tsuyo-sa sat on an ostrich horse protected with iron-plated armor around its head, legs, and neck. 


General Tsuyo-sa was known to be a serious, and strict man. Often carried either an expressionless or angry face.

The late quinquagenarian sat unamused and he seemed a bit tired while he lazily chewed on a ginseng plant root. His eyes carried eye bags but it wasn't from exhaustion, his eyes were a jade green color, his black hair was kempt and bound with a golden sangtuwan hairpiece, he was a dark tan-skinned individual. On his upper lips, he had thin facial strips for a mustache and thin bristly hair on his chin. Tsuyo-sa was of average height and normally slouched due to a back injury ten years prior in the final battle he fought.

He wore a Council of Five uniform, a brigandine under a yellow long sleeve tunic fastened by a green leather belt with studs, he wore ankle braces on his feet which he wore instead of shoes. Earthbenders often preferred ankle braces over shoes because they felt closer to the earth. Such was the style of the Qiangdian earthbenders. 

A large dark green cape was tied around his lower neck-upper shoulders area. On his left shoulder was the patch insignia of the Council of Five, his tunic sported many different ribbons and badges, even the golden Qian coin which was the badge only the Council of Five wore. There were only five made at one time even sometimes a badge was recovered from a corpse of a fallen member of the Council.

Colonel Yansu barked, "Open the gates!" he stood there as he cleared his throat not to embarrass himself in front of the general. Tsuyo-sa was directly above Yansu as he held control over six hundred thousand soldiers and Yansu and his men were a part of that field army. The gate rose out of the ground in between two walls five ostrich horses entered with the sixth behind them. Five soldiers remained mounted while they came to a halt. Tsuyo-sa entered and everyone within sight stood tall, silent, and saluted the general.

The general hopped off his ostrich horse and paced toward the colonel of Fort Shengqi and tilted his head up to stare at the man who continued to salute until he was ordered to stop. The quinquagenarian kept his stare and then said, "Stop saluting and look at me, Yansu."

The colonel froze and gasped then stared down at his superior officer, the general held an expressionless stare back as if the colonel stared into nothingness. The expressionless face shifted into a small frown which is what Tsuyo-sa usually presented on his face.

"I can smell the stench of fear on you, Yansu," began the old general.

"I-I was not expecting you, general Tsuyo-sa," Yansu stammered his words he was always nervous in front of the general for some reason. 

Fong welcomes Team Avatar

Colonel Yansu double checked everything was is in order when General Tsuyo-sa arrived.

The slouched veteran intimidated him even with lower back issues the general managed to hold his own. His earthbending although had been weakened it still didn't affect his skill. He placed his arms behind his back and glanced back at Yansu, "Walk with me, colonel. We must speak about important matters."

"Y-yes, General," coughed Yansu he jogged a bit to catch up with the old man.

"I came to check up on the forts in the western states of the kingdom I'm still left with the other two here in the Yu province before I head on to Gongzhu and Chongqing. I've been studying the issues here in the Yu province. I was made aware by Colonel Fong in Fort Zhezhong in southwestern Yu province about the Tribesmen presence here," explained Tsuyo-sa.

"Have you been working closely with the others to ensure the Tribesmen will be eradicated from our province?" demanded Tsuyo-sa as he invaded the Colonel's personal space and got in his face as he bore his eyes into his soul. 

His eyes twitched as he froze in fear he stammered his words once more, "Uhh..uhh of course we have..." the colonel tittered nervously.

Tsuyo-sa knew Yansu had been lying to him so it popped into his head then he grinned but said nothing. They held a conversation of everything Yansu held a document on from their fort location, "What of the navy in the western part of the province have you heard from them?"

"Sir they were wiped out by the Tribesmen a few months ago when they took Bei Fu. The only standing force is Yumen's," reported Yansu.

Tsuyo-sa expressed a face of disapproval after he was told the savage snowbacks killed a force of navy battleships in western Yu. He stroked his beard and frowned, "I'm sure Admiral Hotun is working on a way around this. I was not aware until now maybe he's reported this to the King."

They entered the war room and sat near the circular table in the middle of the room with a parchment glued to the table. The map had the entire continent drawn on it with markers placed in different spots, Tsuyo-sa clenched his left hand the markers shook before they floated into the air a few inches from the map.

Yansu returned with a scroll that contained a detailed map of the Yu province, to the northeast was the capital of Yumen, to the west was Bei Fu. In between was Fort Shengqi, southwest was Fort Zhezhong, south of Yumen was another fort, in the center of the province was another fort south of Fort Shengqi. Other miscellaneous landmarks were marked on the map as well as spiritual locations, towns, villages, temples, etc.

Yansu clutched a bronze gong and the drumstick and neared the view where he beat the gong which echoed across the fort. Some men ran toward the barracks where they knew Major Zihao will be located for the time being. After several minutes the major official in the fort showed up in the war room. Only he didn't expect Tsuyo-sa he too was startled he took a step back, the gasp was loud enough for the old general to hear. He instantly stood in a stationary idle position and saluted his superior, "General Tsuyo-sa, what a pleasant surprise it's good to see you."

"Cut the crap, Zihao I heard that gasp," commented Tsuyo-sa annoyed. Zihao cleared his throat and paced forward the table in the center of the room where he rested his palms on the table and leaned in forward as Tsuyo-sa gave them a new mission, "While I'm here and after the news, you've detailed to me about what's happening near here and in Bei Fu I'm led to believe you should lead the legion that will liberate the city."

"With all due respect, general we mostly have recruits here. While there are plenty of experienced soldiers, Governor Shangye has shipped most of the recruits to Fort Shengqi," Zihao brought up.

"You answer to me when you are spoken to, Major. If I order you to take those recruits into battle you will do what I've asked. Is that understood?!" shouted Tsuyo-sa.

"Y-yes sir," mumbled Zihao.

"Colonel Yansu you will teach those under you to respect me! Now on to the plan, I want you to leave tonight so tell those imbeciles down there to head in for rest! I want this fort empty before sunrise and near the city of Bei Fu by three hours past morning," yelled Tsuyo-sa he held his composure for the plan though he continued, "I'm sure you've heard that Major Mao was assassinated, the Tribesmen picked off the camps one by one in a matter of weeks. Truth be told they probably stole the siege weapons from Mao's camp. They'll be armed with what was found in Bei Fu and what they took from those soldiers. Have groups of earthbenders head in and dismantle some of the weapons, the fewer siege weapons the better. Bring your own trebuchets and if you can I suggest lighting the boulders on fire, if the Fire Nation can do it so can we," instructed Tsuyo-sa.

"We can set up a perimeter of camps around the city of Bei Fu," suggested Zihao.

"How good are those cannons?" Yansu inquired as he exchanged looks with both men.

"We can enhance the range with earthbending but the Tribesmen will struggle. If you set the camps up far enough and out of range they can't stop you. This is the moment where the glaives step in and disable the cannoneers," replied Tsuyo-sa.

"Don't the Tribesmen make bombs out of random materials?" Zihao asked.

Tsuyo-sa nodded, "Aye, poison, bodily fluids, pepper whatever those savages can get their hands on, those can easily be stopped with fire carts. We put an iron shield on each cart with a slot where the driver can see and then you position the cart on the weak points here, here and over there. Use spark rocks, the explosions should be able to damage and crumble the walls. Which gives you an advantage now that the walls are down."

"I've had my fair share of battles with them do not underestimate the Tribesmen, they're clever in the art of explosives and traps," advised Tsuyo-sa.

"Thank you, General," thanked Yansu.

"Major Zihao, let the watchtowers know that we rest early tonight," ordered Yansu, Zihao nodded his head in return to the order given to him by his superior. He saluted Yansu and then Tsuyo-sa before he exited.

Meanwhile, the evening hit the town of Chu Shi in the Tuo province, Kimaru prepared himself for the heist he and the Fifth Nation pirates were about to perform. He and three other men were tasked to steal a fortune from the treasury house of Chu Shi. A knock on the door was heard while he tied his belt the door creaked open gently it was the twin firebender Panzi.

Kimaru and Panzi maintained eye contact the fat firebender was sent to notify the stranger that everyone was ready, "We're waiting on you, stranger."

Kimaru gave a slight nod while his face was covered in stealth paint, the colors were black, gray and navy blue. Kimaru painted his face like an arctic snow leopard one of the stealthiest creatures of the North Pole. He fastened his waterskin around his waist and headed out of the quarters they permitted him to stay in. 

Panzi used his fingers to lift the gray bandana he wore around his face that covered half of the bridge of his nose. His brother wore a similar gray and black attire while the earthbender wore an entirely black outfit, a black tunic with trousers and black leather ankle braces on his feet. His head was covered his eyebrows and light brown eyes were only visible. His feet and his upper face were a pale color.

"Tribesman this is Zei a damn good earthbender and a better thief," Zhifang introduced Zei to Kimaru. 

Both men nodded at each other and they snuck off the unmarked Fifth Nation ship while Yi Wu Shi and Mako rested and Lord Sao Feng waited patiently in his cabin.

After thirty minutes of careful stealth, they stuck to the shadows of the walls, dark corners, sometimes underneath bridges. The upper-class district of Chu Shi had less patrol than that of the middle-class and lower-class districts. The lower-class district is often riddled with crime which has caused the magistrate to increase guards in the district. While there had been a low guard count here they pussyfooted another two blocks until they found themselves in the center of the upper-class district. The center is where the treasury house stood around it was a cobblestoned street all around the building itself.

Four streets that led toward several different directions of the district with homes that surrounded the treasury house. The treasury house only had one floor but Zei believed it to have a basement where he hypothesized the money and other valuables were kept safe. Two men guarded the front of the walls to the treasury house. The gates were shut and locked while another patrol surrounded the outside of the walls.

Zei had done a fair amount of scouting and had studied the place from the inside of the walls and building itself. On the way before they reached the upper-class district, he's explained that patrols, inside of the treasury house he remembered a total of six guards inside that may or may not be replaced with another round of shifts. 

Kimaru stuck to the shadows at the patrol who strolled around the walls made another revolution around the outer walls. He turned the corner as Kimaru leaned in the shadows for the right moment. A light gasp couldn't be heard all that the pirates saw was a shadow had crossed to the other side of the street near the outer wall.

The guard was taken by surprise he only uttered a soft gasp before Kimaru snapped his neck and killed him. Kimaru dragged his body behind some crates where he believed the body will not be discovered until sunrise once they're long gone. This gave Zei the signal to take out the guards in the front without any cause for commotion. He gained enough momentum to kick with right leg a slap of earth that gagged one guard, he rotated his body in three-quarters of a circle and dropped another slap of earth that slammed into the guard's mouth. Their painful cries suppressed by the earth that prevented them from screaming.

Both guards were knelt the earth engulfed both of them as they sank into the solid ground. He clenched both of his hands and they were finally enveloped into the ground without a trace of the men.

Zei fell onto the ground below and sank into the road, the earth had shut itself solid once more, Zhifang and Panzi tiptoed quickly toward the gates while Kimaru climbed the wall and found himself near some hedges that were decorated on the left and right walls of the finance house. Two guards patrolled the inside of the inner wall. The one who patrolled the left side of the inner wall was quickly incapacitated by Zei while the other's throat was slit by Kimaru with an icicle that he melted back into his water gourd.

Zei searched the body of the unconscious guard for the key then he jogged over to the locked door. Once he unlocked the door the big lock crashed to the ground silently Panzi about to scream because he was startled by the door opening had his mouth slapped by his brother Zhifang. Zhifang held an index to his lips and shushed his younger twin brother. They slipped in and gently closed the treasury house gates before the twins waited on each side of the door for Zei to break the door handle off the door itself with a swing of his foot. Kimaru uncorked his water skin and produced three icicles which he threw at three of the four guards. Two of them fell dead instantly, the third one was hit in the right shoulder, he staggered back and winced in pain as he leaned against one of the teller desks.

The fourth ran toward the alarm to ring the gong but was immediately met with a wall of earth that rose to stop him from contact with the gong. Panzi conjured to chains of fire and wrapped around the guard's wrists, another small slab of earth slapped around the guard's mouth before he could scream. 

On his knees he was coned by Zei, Kimaru shut the door behind them Zei kneed the guard in the face and told him, "You're going to cooperate with us now where are the valuables? If you refuse you'll die, if when we remove the gag from your mouth and you scream these two will burn your body beyond recognition. Understand?"

The guard frantically nodded as he bled from his nose one of his eyes had begun to swell after being struck in the eye and nose from the knee. Tears from both eyes the gag was removed, "It-it's at the bot-bottom of the st-stairs to ..your right."

"No survivors," Zei ordered the twins, he slapped the gag back on his mouth while Kimaru froze the lock on the door to the basement. Zhifang grinned while Panzi had a blank stare on his face as his breathing intensified both of the heavyset twins took stances and channeled a blast on the man. 

They burned him alive his screams muffled by Zei. The lock broke after it reached its freezing point the door was then ripped off its hinges with earthbending. Panzi joined the team soon after the guard no longer struggled.

Behind them was Zhifang, they rushed down the steps no men guarded a massive iron vault Zei knew this is where it'd be. He knew the fastest way was earthbending but also the sound of pounded iron might be heard above ground. Ice could work and is quiet but he knew the waterbender had a limited supply of water. 

Zhifang and Panzi stepped forward, "We got this," they said in unison. Both firebenders inhaled and shifted their stances to the Yama stance which was flat-footed as they pivoted their body to the side. One arm extended back while the other positioned just below the rib both men exhaled their air and shot forward a channeled fire blast that continued on their concentration to hold it.

The temperature of the room changed a few degrees that Zei stepped out while Kimaru transitioned his body temperature a bit cool so that he wouldn't have broken a sweat. The twins pressed on the iron's color slowly changed from a dark gray color to a red color with patches of dark gray. Several minutes later the red turned into an orange color then a pulsating yellow color. The door melted off its hinges Zei ran in even though it was like a sauna in the vault room. He used a pillar to stop the iron door from crashing on the ground. This would've caused a loud slam, he used another pillar to level the door evenly. Then he pushed the pillars to the side so his team didn't have to touch the extremely molten door. They ran inside the earth from outside the vault was used to shatter the locks of sealed coffers.

Several coffers were broken into with ice, melted with fire and shattered with earth, the twins carried big black linen sacks. They tossed about four coffers worth of stuff into each bag, Zei separated two bags he carried with him and handed the other to Kimaru. 

Gold ignots

The coffers found inside the treasury house.

Gold coins and silver coins were pushed into the sacks jewelry even a rare gemstone that's native to Dao province was found in one of the coffers. When their sacks were full they ran out of the vault and basement and into the ground floor of the bank. They soon exited while Zei scanned their surroundings they fled on foot toward the harbor without being seen.

Once they made it back on the ship safely they hauled the loot below deck while Kimaru knocked on Sao Feng's door. The pirate lord studied map when he heard the knock on his door he sighed and put his things away and went toward the door. He was surprised to see Kimaru, "It's done."

Sao Feng followed the stranger below deck where he was led to four black sacks on the ground one of the sacks had fallen a bit to the side the weight of the money made it lean to the right a tad bit that a few gold coins spilled out. His eyes lit up he gave a big smile something that wasn't often seen from the regent pirate lord.

He faced Kimaru and thanked him, "Peng tell the Great Betrayer I'm in, where shall we meet?"

"I'm not sure about that but where are you headed to after this?" Kimaru asked Sao.

"We're heading toward Garsai in East Hu Xin it'll take us about a month and a half to get there hopefully that's enough time for you to send a letter to me for a meeting point," responded Sao Feng.

"I will send a messenger bird to you when Senlin is ready, thank you," he thanked Sao Feng in return. He was about to head out but then Sao Feng stopped him, "Where are you going?" he questioned Kimaru.

"Returning to Senlin," he answered.

"Why don't you stay we're going to drink ourselves a celebration," smiled Sao.

Kimaru chuckled and then turned around, "Fine."

Bei Fu, Yu, Qiangda Kingdom

The big city west of Yumen still stood, the last battle had caused damage to the city's outer walls that the Tribesmen have repaired the walls a bit further. Weakness points were fixed so now the Kingsmen couldn't be able to exploit those areas of the city. It was as if the city was built by the Tribesmen themselves. Traps littered the fields in front of the city soon after the bodies of the fallen were retrieved by the Tribesmen and burned.

However, the fallen soldiers of the Qiangdian Kingdom continue to rot and be eaten by the carrion birds and other wild animals that have roamed the area in the past month and a half since the last battle took place. The inside of the walls remained largely the same although a statue of Chief Unirak was put up in town square while another of former Chief Cupun was erected in the harbor.

The harbor itself was full of docked battleships from both Tribes while the navy guarded the coast of the western Yu province and have invaded the waters of Chongqing far from the capital of the province which was located more mainland. The magistrate's home was used as the base of the military itself where the war room was located in. The home part of the estate was also shared by Unirak and Cupun, the guest home was given to the generals and admirals of their military. While the colonies representatives lived in the city districts where they were most needed. More colonials arrived from the North, smiths, cooks, craftsmen, etc.

Cupun's idea was to expand on the Yu province like his grandfather once did, successfully if it can be held. Drill instructors spent their days as they taught the recruits the usage of the Kingsmen artillery that was captured when the city was besieged. Cannonballs were retrieved by divers after each day of training there was a limited amount of hand cannons as well but some of the non-benders got used to the recoil from the weapon. Some guy dislocated his shoulder last week over the mishandled use of the hand cannon.

Some of the artillery craftsmen have worked on the mass production of makeshift bombs for supply. The chieftains planned to wait until every one of the new arrivals was settled in before they continued with their plans. One of the engineers from the city also learned through tests that the makeshift bombs never blew up inside of the cannon itself. Which made it a more important use for the artillery piece something that can be used in future battles if the Kingsmen ever returned to free their city from Tribesmen control.

Unirak sat at a table while he waited for a cook to serve him a meal for dinner. Cupun had eaten an hour before the chieftain of the South arrived to eat his meal. Probably because Cupun would have been busy during this time slot. His meal was brought forth a moo sow steak in the medium well quality. A special sauce made from moo sow blood and some local herbs caked the steak itself. A small bowl of the stuff was set aside for the chieftain to dip his cut pieces into the sauce.

A soldier stepped into the dining hall of the estate home where the chieftains lived, he bowed before his leader and saluted him. He felt as if he had bothered his chieftain while the man ate his food. He apologized, "My apologies, chieftain but a letter has arrived to you from Omashu."

"Omashu? From who? King Gao?" Unirak questioned the recipient he then guessed whether the eccentric centenarian Earth King sent him a letter. 

He extended his arm out while he continued to chew on his food. The soldier handed him the scroll then lowered his head and backed out of the dining room. After he swallowed the food he cleaned his hands before he touched the scroll again.

Unirak unrolled the scroll he was confused as to why someone from Omashu would send him a scroll. He believed if it was the Earth King he might want an alliance or maybe he decided to report enemy movement in his land perhaps? When he opened the scroll he scanned the parchment and found Unaraq's signature at the bottom.

Zuko opens a scroll

The scroll handed to Unirak from Unaraq.

He read, "Dad,

We're currently in Omashu while Rong Yan and the King meet on training business. He tested our new friend Jushi, Rong Yan's earthbending master. He wanted to see if Jushi was truly who he said he was. 

After he completed the tests Aloi and I went to our assigned chamber and hung out as we always had. You know relationship things I shouldn't share with you, she made friends with the Earth Prince. A mute named Hui, strange fellow that one but I could see where he gets it from, like father, like son. 

I believe I was asleep when Aloi left I awoke and couldn't find her I searched all over the residential wing of the palace. I eventually made it out of the palace by myself without guard assistance and saw her exiting a carriage with the prince. Now I'm not assuming she's doing anything weird with him I trust her, but I was worried sick she could've mentioned it. She seemed a bit dissatisfied when I asked her where she went. 

Well, this new friend of hers had a tantrum when we strolled back the King ran out with the Royal Captain of the Guard. She pivoted around and followed them when the King mentioned the Prince's name. I followed behind her at a walking pace and I wasn't aware of what happened next when I caught up to her she was in tears and she ran away crying. I'm not sure what happened but I went after her.  

I followed her a few blocks from the palace where she finally told me the stupid kid attacked her and his dad. But she mentioned the old king ended his tantrum in a few seconds, I wanted to talk to the kid but she told me to stop because she was right we're in Omashu. I just hope the guards aren't reading this later and arrest me for a thought crime. 

She went behind my back and even after the kid attacked her too, she went and brought him food. What was the point in telling me if she knew it was going to make me angry? I don't know why she can easily forgive people who try and harm her. I'm seriously thinking it's just an Air Nomad thing. We've been here for almost two weeks, King Gao has been observing Rong Yan's progress while Jushi teaches him earthbending in the safety of Omashu. 

He's not a master yet but I can say he's gotten a lot better, the Avatar threw a boulder at me that probably could've put me in an infirmary. But I deserved it so no hard feelings. Aloi and I got into a big fight yesterday about her hanging out with Prince Hui, I already told her she needed to stay away from that guy who knows..he might go on another rampage again and I don't want her to get hurt, she won't even look at me. 

I slept in Jushi's bed last night he kindly gave me his, while he made himself a bed out of earth. It's nice to have good friends, tomorrow Rong Yan plans on leaving we haven't decided on our next stop but I know our final stop will be in Bei Fu. I'll see you in a few weeks, Dad. We're coming.


Unirak smiled through half of the message written by Unaraq but when it reached the part where his son and his son's monk girlfriend got into another argument he frowned. When Unirak learned of Unaraq's relationship with an Air Nomad nun he was confused. He accepted the girl when they met but he didn't understand the relationship between a prince and a nun. Something that doesn't add up, two very different people. The impossibility of their relationship working was high even his sister didn't like the relationship but Tanaraq had her reasons.

When Unirak met Aloi however his assumptions of her changed when he realized she was nothing like the stereotypical Air Nomad. It all made sense to him as to why his son fell for the girl she was a rebel something that he could look into in the future if Unaraq's relationship with Aloi doesn't work out in the long run. He just hoped that she didn't eventually brainwash his son into abdicating his birthright and live in some temple in the mountains.

Unirak slid the letter away from himself to the top right corner of the table he sat in and then dipped our sliced piece of moo sow steak into the sauce. He continued to eat his meal and a slight smirk on his face grew when a random memory of Unaraq entered his mind. After an hour later of a finished meal and a recollection of memories of his family he headed to bed.

At the same time, the legion from Fort Shengqi marched toward the silhouette of a city in the distance. Soon they would enact their vengeance, soon Bei Fu will be freed from the clutches of the Tribesmen. Their siege weapons in tow, men pushed wooden carts with iron body shields in the front of the carts full of explosives, everyone however carried a large backpack on their backs. 

Yansu and Zihao planned on setting up camps for the evening around the city's outer perimeter they believed at least half a mile distance from the outer walls were necessary.

The men set down their camps they set up their camps immediately and hunkered down for the evening. Zihao placed a rule of no fires because it'd alert the enemies that they were in the location as they waited to strike. Zihao exited his tent toward the crowd of men then he declared, "There will be no fires tonight, doing such a thing will be endangering all our lives. The Tribesmen must not be aware that we are here."

The men gave a nodded salute to the major in command, Yansu would've been in bed himself but he's been busy on strategy. Tomorrow morning they will succeed where Mao's men failed the liberation of Bei Fu. Five thousand and fifty-five men camped and surrounded the perimeter. Every camp around the city was run by a lieutenant colonel, there were a total of eleven camps that surrounded the city's wide-open grassy plains.

Luckily, the Tribesmen might not have sent out many men that might stumble upon enemy camps. If anything the hunters wouldn't return soon, the hunters might end up and return to a city in ruins or even with different colored banners.  Some guards stood and watched vigilantly for any scouts or assassins prowled the open plains. Zihao had a spyglass which he peeped in the tool to peer into the distance. From the zoomed-in vision, he was able to see the walls of the city itself and silhouettes of men that went on about their lives on top of the walls. He believed these men were the wall archers on their evening patrol.

The men from the walls continued on their route around the walls some peered out into the night but they have seen nothing. Inside of the once Kingsmen temple of the city it was now decorated with ceremonial Tribesmen decorations. The statues were removed but one, the statue of Tiandi was still intact. Inside Anatkuk knelt in front of a fire pit, the fire crackled as he throat sang with his eyes closed he was in a deep trance as he spoke to the gods. There were two other apprentices in the area as they observed their leader and supervised him in the state he currently was in.

Anatkuk's eyes opened, his head lowered and he had begun to breathe once again he felt light-headed, a young man knelt with a wooden cup filled with fresh water. He questioned the head shaman, "Master what did they tell you?"

"Torngark speaks of treacherous intruders nearby, Anguta says she will take many with her our days are numbered but she didn't say. Tui has blessed up with his strength, La says the men must be found before she disappears from the skies above us," chattered Anatkuk the old shaman foretold the future through warnings given to him by the Tribesmen pantheon.

"We must tell the chieftains.." suggested the other apprentice to his master. Anatkuk shook his head, "No send the message to generals Issumatar and Anuun they must know about my projection."

The apprentice who suggested the idea nodded and bowed before his master before he left the temple to the western part of the city where the magistrate's estate was located. Nearby was the War Quarter of the captured city. 

He entered the base of operations and was blocked by one of the soldiers, "State your business," said the soldier.

"I'm on direct orders by Elder Anatkuk I need to share information with General Issumatar and General Anuun," stated the apprentice. 

The soldier stood aside and instead escorted the apprentice to the war room where the generals discussed the scout reports that were brought to them during the week. General Issumatar had written a report for Chieftain Tulok in Aupaluk but he was distracted while he waited for the ink to dry. The soldier knocked on the door both veterans lifted their heads toward the direction of the door. The soldier already stood idle in salute until one of the generals ordered him to be dismissed.

"Dismissed, private," commanded General Issumatar.

"And you are?" Issumatar asked the young man.

"I-I'm an apprentice of Elder Anatkuk, sir...er..general... I bring you his projection," the young man stammered his words then he titled the general incorrectly before he corrected himself. Anuun now sat at attention to the young man.

"He has forecasted and spoken to the gods he said Torngark speaks of intruders nearby, that Tui will protect us. La says we must find them before sunrise, Anguta states many lives will be taken but she didn't say who as she never does," answered the young shaman.

"We should deploy five scouts into the plains, Issumatar," suggested Anuun.

"Agreed I'll send word to five scouts, I hope they come back in one piece with reports," agreed Issumatar. 

He had time to kill while he waited on the ink to dry he left the war room followed by the young shaman who returned to the temple. Five scouts found themselves prepared in under an hour with their things gathered each scout was a bender. As they found themselves near the coast each felt the need to blanket the grassy plains with a thick fog. The wall archers were alerted of the situation by the scouts, so they needed to keep their eyes peeled.

They knew the standard procedure which was not to launch cannonballs, arrows, or icicles into the clouds of fog. These were the scouts as they snuck about the open area the men spread apart they needed to seem like as if they were a natural fog or else the intruders would know. After about an hour as one of the scouts skulked about he found himself few yards from a military camp. The camp itself was huge he estimated it to be about three hundred men or more, but less than a thousand men.

He accidentally stepped on a small stick which gave off a sound he sat in the fog he had hoped that no one from the camp could've heard the sound. He knew the sound couldn't be heard anyway so he sat there for a bit longer before he felt it was time to go back. 

At the same time, guards sat in their chairs as they talked about things and went about their rounds and shift. One of them noticed fog in the vicinity, and he felt as if the temperature dropped suddenly.

The warm air from just a few minutes ago was gone the light breeze that passed through his body now bit at it. His breath could be seen he turned to face the other guard in the front, an average height chubby warrior. He questioned him, "Hey Mung aren't you like one of those science guys?"

"No Tounao, carrots do not give you night vision," repeated the warrior.

"That's not what I was going to ask you, but I'm pretty sure they do," said the earthbender.

"They don't! What do you want?" Mung shook his head at the earthbender who was dumb as a rock.

"Aren't we like two months into the spring season? The air was warm ten minutes ago and all of a sudden its as cold as the Kunlun mountains in the winter," inquired the curious mind. 

The warrior sat on the question for a moment, then he heard a twig snap. Both men stood up, "Did you hear that?" Mung asked Tounao.

"Yes it sounded like a twig, maybe it's an animal Mung," commented Tounao he wanted to disregard the sound as a critter that happened to skitter through. 

Tounao sighed relief then when he was about to return to his seat Mung recalled his question, "What was your question again? You mentioned the warm air had dropped to an impossible degree in a short amount of time?"

Mung glanced back and Tounao nodded, Mung indicated to the earthbender to sense the vibrations near them. Tounao slammed his foot into the ground a sense of vibrations traveled of everything nearby. That's when he sensed the scout, and in a panic, he shouted, "Mung that's no natural fog!"

The scout heard the shout from the soldiers he watched he had been discovered a bell rang from the soldiers. The camp awakened as the scout ran through the fog, boulders were flung in his direction which he dodged. He pulled out a flare from his pocket and dispersed the fog before he knelt on the ground between the tall blades of grass. Tounao and his partner Mung chased after the scout while the camp awoke. Sparks flew and ignited the wick of the flare the waterbender pointed the flare to the sky, it burst and an ember flew into the air.

"Alert the chieftains! One of our scouts has discovered intruders!" yelled one of the archers on the wall.

"Prepare the cannons and the artillery fire! Archers! Benders!" barked the captain on the wall.

Soldiers ran around as they rummaged through things on the walls and rolled cannons to the edges of the walls. One of the lieutenant colonels exited his tent, "Men prepare for the battle they sent scouts in! They knew!"

He peered into the skies and saw that no moon was present but it was cloudy nonetheless, he ran back inside his tent he knew that Lord Qin protected him and his men.

A war horn was sounded by one of his men in the camp it was loud enough for the camp just about several yards away to hear the warhorn. A symphony of warhorns echoed all the camps were alerted by the danger. Some of the scouts that remained in treetops or even still in the grasslands froze before they ran off to their ordered position which was closer to the wall to avoid being cannon fodder.

One of the camps was the first to abandon its place the siege weapons moved forward this camp had a total of ten ballistae, three glaives, and five fire carts with iron shields in the front. They moved forward from there spot and continued closer to the walls of the city. The coordinator waited for the men to get into a distance. They had torches ready in their grasp as they waited for the coordinator, "Now!"

The cannons fired from the western wall of the city, only a few missed their targets while other cannonballs exploded after they crashed into the ground. Explosions had gone off a few men that ran through the open fields dead on impact. The engineers behind the bastillae smashed their hammers into the levers of several of the siege weapons. The city's being hit on all sides, another flare from inside of Bei Fu went off.

This flare was a signal that recalled all hunters, fishermen, and the naval battleships back to the city because it was being attacked by enemy forces. Soldiers rushed into Unirak's room the door slammed opened the chieftain abruptly awoke from all the ruckus. Alerted he grabbed his club and yelled, "Soldier what is going on?!"

"Apologies, chieftain but the city is under attack by Kingsmen soldiers. They've returned with more men," apologized the soldier before he knelt before Unirak. Unirak grabbed his armor and began to equip it the soldier assisted his chieftain so the man had a quicker time to finish.   Cupun rushed down the hall with some royal guards while Unirak exited out of his quarters with facepaint and the skull helmet of a polar bear dog. With his club on his back, his machete at his side, a dagger in his boot, he kissed the betrothal necklace of his late wife before he stashed it in his pocket. He dashed behind his brother-in-arms and caught up with the former chieftain of the North.

"Cupun," called out Unirak, the former chieftain glimpsed behind him and asked, "Yeah?"

"Good luck we should head to the war room first I'm sure our generals and admirals are there," suggested Unirak. 

Both of the men ran toward the war room the walls shook after being hit by massive earth projectiles launched by the Kingsmen army. Four men stood around a table as they saluted the men as they entered as they were being expected.

To the left were the General of the North and the Fleet Admiral of the North, they were fraternal twin brothers Issumatar and Oomailiq. To the right was the General and Fleet Admiral of the South, Anuun, and Atattuk both the chieftain and the former chief neared the table in which an expansive skin was sprawled on and held down by knives.

"Report," said Cupun, Issumatar nipped to Cupun and Unirak's side of the table and pointed at the map drawn on the dried animal skin. 

He reported, "One of the young shamans reported that Elder Anatkuk foresaw intruders nearing the city, that Torngark gave him a prediction, Anguta claimed many will die but didn't state of which side. Tui will give us his strength."

"What of La?" asked Unirak.

"La is not present in the skies of above, chieftain. She has abandoned us tonight maybe we're meant to lose this one," replied Issumatar.

"Not all is lost the elder and his shaman apprentices are working on pleading La for assistance. We shall not perish," added his brother Oomailiq.

"I suggested to Issumatar of sending in air support through the use of the mammoth bustards available on site. We have twenty of the gigantic birds we can place bombardiers with a supply of the bombs we had produced on a massive scale since our last battle. They won't know what's coming," urged Anuun.

"That's a damn good idea, Anuun. Let's do that!" marveled Unirak in approval.

"Admiral Atattuk what do you think of the air? Is it moist enough to conjure artillery from thin air?" questioned Cupun.

The old fleet admiral nodded, "Yes, chief Cupun. The air is moist enough tonight for even assassins to be out in the fields hunting down stragglers."

"Atattuk I need coastal support, a barricade should suffice if the Kingsmen call in reinforcements," ordered Unirak.

"Yes, milord," nodded Atattuk he then left the war room in a hurry. Anuun mentioned, "Thank Kura-Kura I asked the men to dig trenches and throw water into them. Who would've thought the Kingsmen were going to attack tonight. I'll get some of the waterbenders out there."

"Good idea, did anyone send in the recall signal to all hunters?" requested Unirak. Issumatar raised his hand and nodded, "That was the first thing that happened before the cannoneers engaged the enemy."

Everyone ran out of the war room and toward their positions Unirak ran toward the walls with twenty men they needed to patrol the weak points that they reinforced but they felt as if the Kingsmen knew something about the city that they didn't. At the same time, the artillery coordinator swung his arm down a barrage of arrows that were released into the air.

Several men hauled fire carts toward the weak points of the city one of the men had been too late he didn't raise his shield as did the others. He was struck dead by an arrow, an earthbender charged in and shoved the cart forward. 

He yanked earth out of the ground and shaped them into hand-sized rockicles as he continued to push the cart he searched for an opening. The coordinator swung his arm down again another barrage of arrows whistled into the air.

The men with the fire carts rushed forward and raised their shields, the arrows were prevented from puncturing their flesh. Several flashes from the upper walls were seen the ear-splitting booms that came from the cannons gave some of the men below tinnitus and blew their eardrums. Some could only see mouths move while they witnessed their allies blown to bits by the searing iron balls that crashed into the earth.

A few earthbenders made it to one of the watchtowers as they stood below they waited for their other team member who was the last to dodge cannonballs that flew directly at him. An unnatural fog crawled about this was an assassin sent into the battlefield, since this camp of men were unaware of the waterbender tactics. 

They were a bit too naive they cheered as the young soldier sprinted toward them he ducked under an arrow that could've easily ended his life. Out of the fog lashed out tentacles of water the young warrior screamed at the top of his lungs. Unable to break himself free he tried his best the men were horrified they flung boulders into the fog. 

The waterbender dodged the two of the boulders that came his way the third took his feet and he toppled over. The mist however hadn't dissipated he fell to the ground he groaned. The non-bender shrieked and bolted toward the wall as his comrades saved his life.

"You alright kid?" wondered one of the more experienced soldiers, he rapidly nodded his head. 

Two of the earthbenders jumped into the fog whatever it was in there needed to be killed. Especially, after they almost took the young man. At the same time, several benders mounted the massive mammoth bustard birds from the arctic mountains of both of the poles. Wrapped around their torsos were bombs, while each mammoth bustard carried two bags, one on each side filled to the brim with makeshift bombs.

All twenty of the bombardiers were in the air now as the mammoth bustards let out a cry that echoed through the landscape. Some of the men confused shouted at each other, "What is that scream?!"

Others shrugged more arrows showered the skies and rained down death on the enemies, the assassin in the fog failed and was killed by the earthbenders. Hand cannons were used by warriors that came out of the gates of the city, massive body shields with a single opening moved forward. Sparks flew at the wick of the hand cannon four small pellets flew simultaneously out of the hand cannon through the opening of the shield and struck two men dead.

The warriors moved forward one of the gigantic birds in the sky screeched as a boulder from a ballista almost hit it. The bender on the bird hovered above the siege weapon and threw a bomb. A wave of pepper juice and sand layered on the siege engineers the bombardier targeted. The men were blind this incapacitated them another passed by and pierced their bodies with icicles. The flock of mammoth bustards swung in all around the outer perimeter of the city's walls men surrounded the city and rushed toward the wall.

One group of benders collapsed a watchtower on the southern wall of the city two bombardiers passed above one dropped glass casings filled with oil on the men the other tossed an incendiary bomb. As the last bomb crashed to the ground the oil caught fire and immediately consumed the men in the fire. Screams were heard the benders ran in separate directions the watchtower soldiers caught in the rubble injured and trapped.

Ballistae that surrounded the walls have released another barrage of boulders the walls shook as if an earthquake hit the land. A bombardier took the lead when he realized the bastillae are a mix of wood and iron. He realized he could've disabled the siege weapons by combustion, luckily for him, his fellow bombardier carried barrels of oil that were to be dumped on enemy soldiers. He pulled on the reins of the mammoth bustard he rode on and pulled over to the other bombardier. 

The man turned around to face his comrade, "Go over a line of siege weapons and uncork the barrels of oil, pour it all out I'll drop incendiary bombs on the engineers below us."

"I was told to use these on the troops!" shouted the other bombardier.

"Defy the order work with me we can make this happen and end the barrage of boulders that could potentially break the wall soon," requested the bombardier. The man who had two oil casks strapped to his flying beat turned his attention to the wall that once again shook after being hit by a line of boulders. 

A volley of icicles, arrows, cannonballs, and bombs flew in different directions enemies far and wide were hit by several things. An iron cart halted for a second an incendiary bomb flew at the earthbender who pushed the cart. Out of the ground, a boulder engulfed the bomb when the device exploded it shattered the boulder. He scraped two spark rocks together which lit the cart on fire, the wicks shrunk within a few seconds he shifted the earth near him and shoved the cart at the wall near the collapsed wall tower.

A big explosion occurred enough to cause a large crack in the thick wall that grew bigger the men trapped in the watchtower were blown to bits in the rubble. The oil casks were emptied on a line of siege weapons on the eastern side of the city, bombs dropped and immediately engulfed the siege weapons on fire. Corpses littered the fields already but the Qiangdian army had enough men to break through the Tribesmen defensives and retake the city.

As men neared the wall on the western field one of them tripped over a line that set off a ton of explosives in a line. The soldier killed himself and about twenty men one of the men a few rows back witnessed the scene and shouted, "Watch out for traps!"

Several flashes came from the western wall cannonballs shot out of cannons and managed to hit their targets that were still at a lengthy distance. Cannon fodder flew in all directions some men shrieked in fear, rage, and disgust. More explosives gone off some of them attempted to run for the water to swim near the harbor but were quickly dispatched by waterbenders that surfed on the water on discs of ice.

Some of the equipped with ice weapons encased on their forearms they jetted themselves forward off the disk which gave the platoon of men enough energy to rush forward and fight. Men were being impaled with ice spikes left and right. The waterbenders rushed in as they stabbed into Kingsmen torsos and heads. 

Boulders flew at the waterbenders, the one who led the charge was hit by a boulder not fast enough to dodge it. His comrades retaliated with icicles that were quickly stopped by walls of earth that rose in defense of the men. They were still clearly exposed to the archers and cannons, however. And even if they defended themselves against the artillerymen there was still the danger of the bombardiers on the flying beasts. 

Another earthbender rose a wall of earth, a cannonball flew at smashed into the wall. The thickened wall shook but caused not enough damage to crumble the wall. The same earthbender wrapped the cannonball in the earth and threw it back at the cannoneers.

A massive circular boulder flew toward the cannoneers and smashed through the upper portion of the wall was the artillerymen were positioned at. Two men were killed by the initial hit, a cannon was destroyed on the northern wall fire carts raced toward the wall where the weak point was said to be located at according to Zihao. 

A barrage of arrows and icicles flew through the air, the men behind the fire carts protected by the iron shields in front of the carts. Others fell dead the deafening roars of the mammoth bustards still heard overhead.

One of the fire carts had a bomb explode inside which instantly killed the warrior who pushed it. One of the fire carts stopped an earthbender in Bik Kiu stance he rose a few pillars, a total of three. He punched and kicked smaller portions of the pillars at the massive bird. 

He was tired of the damn beasts overhead, the bombardier's flying mount dodged the incoming projectiles. The third and fourth projectiles slammed into the belly of the beast. It screeched in pain and fell from the sky, the rider fell off the saddle of the falling bird. Two earthbenders spun in one revolution and out emerged a large stalagmite that impaled the fallen bombardier. While he didn't fall to his death he sure was caught by a spike.

The mammoth bustard riding bombardiers flew all around the city of Bei Fu's outer walls they dropped explosives, bombs that broke into fecal matter or urine, stink bombs. Another one of them ran out of bombs he returned to the ground. When he landed several men ran over with more bombs and gave him a restocked supply. He was given ten flash bombs, "What are these?" he questioned the craftsman.

"Flash bombs don't look down when you throw them, you'll end up being blinded too so be careful. This should disorient them enough for our men to be able to dispatch them. Hurry Unirak ordered for the gates to be opened," responded the craftsman.

The huge wooden gates of the city creaked open as he ascended back into the air he saw a wave of blue and purple as it poured out of the gates and into the open fields. A nasty fog encircled the men near the southern wall. The Kingsmen were unable to see through the mist that enveloped them, screams of men echoed some of them darted their heads around confused and scared. 

Another man yanked by water tentacles, blood-curdling screams echoed before they had gone silent. Some of the warriors pulled out their weapons as they waited. They anticipated for the cowards to show themselves now they heard faint sounds of drums in the distance. A veteran whispered, "What now?"

An assassin popped out of the mist he made an effort to slice the veteran's neck, the veteran ducked and pushed the assassin away. Another earthbender trapped the man up to his ankles in the earth now trapped and unable to move. This was his end, a siege engineer made the motion to swing his hammer. One of the men flinched because he didn't want to see the blood and gore after the engineer would have smashed the assassin's head clean off his body.

An arrow struck the hammer-wielding non-bender in the head, his hammer hit the ground first, and then he fell dead with a loud thud. A warrior screamed the veteran angry as ever pulled out his jian and decapitated the trapped assassin. The men stood frozen in the fog the veteran scolded them and yelled, "Move you, fools!"

Soon the wave of blue and purple collided with the sea of light green hues weapons were parried, echoes of clinks and clanks rang in everyone's ears. The screams of the losing soldiers, the battle cries of those who were victorious. The drums were faint but they could be heard. Some of the naval ships from the south that were harbored now anchored near the coast outside. The marines opened the trap doors cannons lit up several cannonballs flew into the two armies that fought for control of the city.

The drumming had gotten louder the hunters returned from their camping days while they were empty-handed. They were angry at least twelve of them arrived on their arctic leopard caribou they rode around the battle that occurred by them. One of them hopped off his mount and ran for the coast he dived into the water and then later burst out of the water in a spout.

The field in front of him had canals of water with unnatural pools of water he balanced and moved in the spout of water toward the canals. Which he found it easier to maneuver himself in, waves crashed into the Kingsmen troops several rocks flew in his direction. Stopped by waves formed by this master bender or by others in the area.

More bombs were dropped below the bombardiers on the massive bird creatures they soared on. Explosions and friendly fire happened more soldiers and warriors fell dead, the mammoth bustards didn't stop others returned to inside the city. They were now equipped with poisonous bombs that would be dropped on the backline of soldiers.

Cupun powerwalked with Issumatar toward the city square he questioned his general, "Did you have the men inspect the city yesterday morning?"

"Yes, chieftain," nodded Issumatar.

"General, I'm not a chieftain anymore just call me Cupun or Lord," commented Cupun, he felt as if being called the chief or chieftain he took the title and the respect from his son Tulok who was now the reigning leader of the Northern Water Tribe.

"Apologies, Cupun," he apologized Cupun questioned him further and inquired, "The plan that Unirak implied to us the other night in the war room. Was it done?"

"Yes, milord I assure you the saltpetre was poured around the city's outer walls and in abundance. I've made sure the Colonel-General carried the order out. It's up to him to decide when the saltpetre is set aflame," assured Issumatar.

"We need to have this place under our control the Avatar arrives in a few weeks. Chieftain Unirak's son, Prince Unaraq has sent a letter ahead of time to notify us of their arrival," mentioned Lord Cupun. 

The walls shook once more the bombardiers on the mammoth bustards took flight once more with a set of poisonous bombs. Another flare was set off from the wall this was to notify the soldiers in the back lines to pull up their bandanas to avoid the poisonous liquid inside the bombs from entering their mouths or nose. The hunters noticed the flare as well they used something to wrap their faces with. Several waterbenders held a water spout they balanced on top of it while their enemies were underneath. Icicles flew in different directions Tribesmen warriors eviscerated, crushed, and/or chopped their opponents to pieces.

A young warrior slammed his shield into a Kingsman which staggered the experienced soldier. He saw the opening he needed for victory against the Kingsman. He charged toward the man to plunge his sword into the man's chest. An earthbender on an ostrich horse galloped through the battlefield he dove fists first into the ground which caused a large wave of earth and a quake to disorient the Tribesmen soldiers. There were about eighteen to twenty-seven siege weapons left, a stone bolt from a glaive pierced the air but was halted by a massive wave that froze it. The bolt was aimed at the wooden doors that the men needed to break through to invade the city.

The Colonel-General observed the situation from the wall he barked an order, "Light the saltpetre!" One of the men ran toward the letter and slid down it until halfway he was crushed by another boulder that hit the wall. A stain of blood marked the wall as it shook once again, the Colonel-General shook his head in a fury he conjured water out of the air and used it to form a slide that he was able to skate down to the ground by the walls. A torch in his hand he threw it at the white grainy substance and watched as it ignited quickly. The walls and the doors were now protected by a layer of firewall, the earthbenders needed to find a way to get past the wall without burning themselves.

The earthbenders in the front lines were terrified by the sudden engulfment of flames some of them ran away while they were on fire. Others died in the flames the Colonel-General raised himself ten feet into the air on a spout a barrage of arrows from the Kingsmen were prevented by his wall of water that froze. There were no siege weapons available that could've smashed the ice wall, the majority were disabled by air support. Cannons flashed from all sides of the walls the cannonballs darted through the air to reach their targets.

Arrows from both sides flew men raised their shields, Zihao returned toward Yansu's camp an arrow near the right collar bone area. His lamellar plated armor showed visible cracks and dents in the chest portion of the armor set. He had a gash on the left section of his forehead, two men carried him back to camp. 

Yansu ran out of his tent the healers came toward the injured major, "What happened?" inquired Yansu.

"The major was injured in battle we made sure the bender was dispatched before he was brought back. We almost lost him," answered one of the soldiers. Zihao coughed out some blood he was not only injured but he was also exhausted. Another flare had gone off this time the flame on it was colored white from some chemical used by the soldiers.

"They're surrendering? Why are we surrendering?!" yelled Yansu.

"Tell them to get back on the battlefield, we need to take that city back or General Tsuyo-sa will have all our heads!" shouted Yansu. The other soldier sighed, "They're protected by a firewall sir, they have too many men we only came with nearly six thousand we're fighting a battle that took several hours and we took a quarter of their men while they took out most of ours. I don't want to disrespect and chime in but we need to come back with the entire force of Yu and take back the city."

"I make the orders here, not you!" argued Yansu. Another bombardier arrived overhead the soldiers attacked the man on the mammoth bustard he cut the casks that were strapped to his mount's saddle off. The casks exploded as they contacted the ground oil splashed and washed over the men. The healers noticed the oil from the mammoth bustard flew off and returned toward them with a flip in the air, the healers ran with the soldiers that carried Zihao. He dropped two incendiary bombs on Yansu and the men who carried Zihao.

They were reduced to ashes, the men who remained a part of the legion fled from the city's open plains. The final blasts of the cannons halted, the bombardiers on the mammoth bustards returned toward the city. The waterbenders put out the firewall that surrounded the city's outer walls, the hunters, and soldiers who survived assisted in the recovery of their fallen brothers and headed back into the city of Bei Fu. 

Victorious they won another battle against the Kingsmen this time without the assistance of the moon. They believed this to be a challenge from the Moon Goddess and they accepted her challenge and overcame it.

The soldiers who fled found their camps and their superiors dead burned by the incendiary bombs, there were only about three hundred survivors left. Three hundred that lived to fight another day, Lieutenant Colonel Li Hao survived the battle. 

He now led the survivors and ordered them around. He removed his helmet and saw the remains of the razed camp. He wiped his forehead and sighed, he placed his hands on the ground they were enveloped in earth. He grabbed swords and helmets and piled them together as a memorial mound for the fallen.

Li Hao sniffled a bit and then rose to his feet again he dropped the earth gauntlets from his hand and picked up his helmet off the ground, "Come on let's head back to base from there we'll strategize with Fort Zhezhong and we'll follow General Tsuyo-sa's orders. For now, I just want to get everyone back safely."

Omashu, Oma Kingdom

Senlin dropped down from another hole he entered a large chamber lit by dim green crystals found in the mines of the city. He took a glimpse at the map just to make sure that he was going in the right direction. He noticed a manhole ladder in the far left wall as he paced over to it he had the map in between his lips.

He lifted the lip a tad bit it was dark, the lid gently closed again, Senlin slammed his left palm against the wall of the sewer. He closed his eyes and could mentally picture that he was indeed somewhere inside the palace now. He hopped out of the manhole before he slightly kicked the manhole lid with his foot. The tunnel was now closed, he folded the map and pulled out another that carried secret tunnels used only by the royal family that led directly to the throne room where he believed Gao might still be in.

The secret tunnels were known not to be guarded by any royal guard which made the tunnels a ton safer and a ton quieter. He found himself in front of a tall wall to which he sunk the hidden door which revealed the tunnel used for emergencies. Once he entered he rose the hidden door once again and used his seismic sense to navigate the tunnel. The tunnels were dark and he carried no torch but it wasn't a difficult task for Senlin. He eventually found himself near a dead-end which he believed was the hidden tunnel entrance that ended by the Crystal Throne.

He slammed his palms onto the wall of the tunnel's dead-end he was able to sense that it was indeed the throne room. He felt Gao Zu's shriveled and wrinkled feet, he felt the vibrations of several others in the area. At least eight men he also sensed bigger feet that clopped about he wasn't sure who's it was but he sensed the heart was new in this one.

Senlin took in a deep breath he memorized the position of the royal guards he slammed his foot forward and shoved the wall open. The hidden door flew at two royal guards, Hui held his father's hand as he assisted the old king toward his quarters. They both suddenly turned around Hui shrieked to the sound as Gao a bit startled witnessed Senlin incapacitated all eight royal guards that stood ground.

Omashu palace interior

The palace of Omashu.

Gao Zu grew infuriated and pointed at the Qiangdian traitor, "YOU!"

"What are you doing here?!" he yelled at Senlin. He tugged Hui's right wrist and positioned his heir behind him. Senlin noticed this and grinned, "I came here for something that you'll give me or else the Oma Kingdom will find itself without a king or..." Senlin paused.

His grin grew wickedly his eyes found their target and finished, "...an heir."

"KILL HIM, YOU FOOLS!" barked Gao he released the men from their binds all the guards ran at Senlin. 

He stood there silently and patiently one of them came toward him with a spear. Earth shot at fist and formed into a rockicle which he then used to impale the royal guard. Senlin pivoted himself around and lunged the spike into the royal guard's abdomen.

Gao watched in anger he shoved Hui, the young mute prince ran away he understood the situation and he needed to hide. Hui dashed down the residential wing toward his room there was another escape tunnel built. The plan was to find a way out of the palace toward the barracks where he can alert the generals of the intruder.

Two men tossed boulders at the Great Betrayer followed by Gao who smashed his fist into the ground and formed a tremor toward the intruder. Senlin sank into the earth the boulders flew at Gao who smashed them with his head. The tremor continued and injured another guard Senlin burst out of the ground and grabbed ahold of one of the royal guards. The guard sank into the earth beneath his feet unable to get out. Senlin reappeared behind another and repeated the same process, before he burst out of the ground and shot rockicles at the remaining guards only three deaths, with the fourth left bleeding.

He stood on the opposite side of Gao, the old King stared dead into the eyes of the once-great Senlin. The same man he and his men fought against, a living legend to all the daofei in the Kingdoms, with a cold expressionless tone Gao questioned the Great Betrayer, "What do you want?"

"You're not going to give it to me just like that, I challenge you to a Gen Da," responded Senlin.

"A Gen Da in my throne room?" smiled Gao he paused he sank the Crystalline Throne into the ground below, "Fine."

Gao threw his robes to the ground as he stretched his body and stood tall he towered the Great Betrayer, "I may be old but you've never seen an earthbender like me," cackled Gao.

Gao began he stomped down three half-sized pillars emerged out of the ground, they were waist-high. The pillars were split into three sections while in Ma Bo he punched two sections toward Senlin who held a defensive stance, a Lau Kiu stance he stood similar to Ma Bo but pivoted only his upper-body. He faced Gao one arm balled into a fist near the waist while the other was extended out closed into a fist except for his index finger.

The first two sections of earth flew toward him, Senlin used his fist positioned at the waistline to shatter the section while with the other he clutched onto the section with his hand and redirected it at the other section that flew toward it. The sections crashed into each other which caused rocks and pebbles to fly in both directions. Senlin while the Lau Kiu stance swung his arms and out emerged plates of earth which prevented Gao's tremor from crawling toward the Great Betrayer.

Gao's hands trembled earth magnetized to his skin, his hands and forearms that completely covered in earth. Senlin grinned he repeated the same thing as the old king did except his entire body was covered by a suit of armor. They ran head-on at each other Senlin formed one gauntlet into a spike of earth while Gao formed his into a mallet.

Gao sidestepped and twirled to the left and struck Senlin's armored back, Gao released the earth around his left hand. Senlin felt the vibrations of Gao's next move he crossed both arms and blocked the earth gauntlet. Gao saw the general's reflexes and was shocked to see such a move while Gao concentrated on the Gen Da he thought about Senlin's move.

Senlin shifted into a Deing Kiu stance he had one clenched fist in front of him while the other pointed down as he faced the king sideways, he pivoted his torso to the right then to the left and then used both arms to lift a column of earth pillars which Gao bounced off the last one and performed a backflip and slammed his knees and fists. This created a wave of earth that caused Senlin to stagger about a bit and almost lose his balance.

Senlin lost his balance and fell back a bit but then used earth to save himself Gao leaped into the air about to drop a boulder he carried between both hands on Senlin's head. Senlin sunk into the ground along with the earth that caught him. Gao landed and the boulder crumbled to bits, Gao was infuriated he changed into a Back Fisted stance, both hands were clenched beside the waistline. He walked minimal steps around jagged rocks shot out of the earth he had hoped Senlin would be impaled by one.

Senlin emerged out of the ground behind Gao, Gao smiled and kicked a stalagmite backward that Senlin rolled backward and sent another line of columns at the old king. Gao Zu slammed his foot into the ground, rocks burst out he threw a combination of kicks and punches. Senlin dodged one of the boulders, one struck his left shoulder, another was blocked before it hit him in the chest, the fourth struck his right. 

The projectiles flew at him at a great speed he was in awe that the centenarian Earth King could even lift a finger. He underestimated the old bastard but the reputation and claims were right, the old master could handle himself in a fight. The Earth King of the Oma Kingdom was arguably the best earthbender in the Oma Kingdom, second to the Avatar himself.

He continued to focus on the objects flung his way he didn't pay attention to a huge chunk of the wall that was thrown at him. It blew up into smithereens the force and size of the object hadn't done much damage because he used his arms to break the chunk that slammed him into the wall. Senlin fell to his knees he broke a sweat and he panted. The mad king cackled and struck the ground with his left fist the throne room shook as Senlin could barely hear the muffled maniacal laughter of the liver-spotted, wrinkled Earth King.

A tremor formed on the ground it crawled toward him that split into three, one came for him while the other came at Senlin from the sides. As they neared him he took in a deep breath waiting for the tremors to join again he shoved his palm into the tremors and redirected a bigger one toward the old king. The large tremor rose into a pillar and got the old king by surprise. The palace guards from the outside felt the ground as the palace shook.

"What the hell is happening? The seismograph hasn't detected an earthquake!" shouted a royal guard.

"The King!" yelled one of the ten royal guards run into the throne room, Gao leaned against a wall while he reacquired all his strength to continue. Meanwhile, Hui made it to the war room he scrambled inside and almost fell before a royal guard caught him by his collar. One of the generals anointed by Gao had written down a report he heard the commotion that he peeped upward and saw the deaf prince. He dropped everything when he noticed the young man was in distress.

The general dropped to his knees and knelt before the distressed prince, "Your Highness what's wrong?" questioned the general concerned.

Hui shook his head and his hands at the general he pointed at himself then he brushed the finger against his other hand and pointed downward. The general still confused remembered he couldn't understand sign language and there was no sign of Houshe either. 

He asked the guard, "You, what is he saying?" The guard shrugged.

Hue sighed and facepalmed he bent the floor below to spell out the distress message for the general, "Wow I didn't think the kid had a talent," he muttered to himself. 

Hui pointed down at the message, "Hurry someone invaded the palace and killed the guards inside the throne room. My father's in trouble!"

The general read the first three words then he freaked out and bolted toward the palace, the guard was confused until he paced over to the message and ran out of the war room himself. Hui chased after them both. 

Senlin sealed the entrance to the throne room and made sure that it'd require several men to open the throne room. He clopped over to the exhausted Gao Zu, nabbed him, and tossed the king over his shoulder toward the center of the throne room.

Senlin stood in a Bik Kiu stance coned the old king who lowered his head in exhaustion as he continued to pant for air. Gao forfeited the Gen Da, the old king coughed as Senlin circled him slowly, "W-what do you want?"

"I never thought I'd be face to face with another Earth King, I'm sure you know the last one dropped dead in his sleep after I paid him a visit," smirked Senlin.

"Do you what you want to me but let my son go," requested Gao, Senlin chuckled he answered, "Gao you're a man of your word that's not how the Gen Da rules work. I won, not you."

"I can't get my request if you're dead, this war has been going for over a thousand years. When will it end, Gao? I'll spare both of your lives if you make me commander of your armies, I'll send a full invasion force straight through Qiangdian territory. We'll ransack Taiyuan in Pingyao on the way there before we take down the walls and I take my rightful revenge, with Earth King Qiang Zhen and his heir dead, the civil war will end and we can unite it under your rule," revealed Senlin.

Gao Zu coughed, "You think you're big enough to end this war?"

"This war was bigger than Avatar Giralal, King Shuicheng, bigger than Avatar Avani, Mun Jin, Xi Tong, bigger than my grandfather Peng, bigger than Ta Po, bigger than Avatar Ku Tei..." Gao coughed some more before he paused.

"This war will continue to take lives until both kingdoms destroy themselves..this war will never end.." murmured Gao.

"The Avatar over several lifetimes avoided the war because the war could never be won, it could never be stopped. Avani and Giralal spent their final years attempting to end the war. A stupid piece of parchment meant nothing to the kingdoms and they continued the bloodshed. Ku Tei learned about this and retired soon after he realized he couldn't end the war. My grandfather continued to send the sons of Oma into battle because that's what he was raised on. We fight because that's all we know," explained Gao.

"Save the waterworks, Gao. I'm not them, Giralal died in the war, Avani wasted her time, Mun Jin didn't care because the world was more important, all that mattered to Xi Tong was the throne, Ku Tei knew this war was bigger than all of us. But not I, I could've ended this war when the Tribesmen attacked us. That would've weakened it for the Oma Kingdom to take over," commented Senlin.

"Why do you want us to win so badly? Just so you can usurp the throne from my son and rule?" Gao questioned the Great Betrayer.

"I've been a traitor to the Qiangda Kingdom that doesn't mean I should be a traitor to my mother's kingdom. It's time to end the war, Gao. This is the only way," Senlin divulged, the throne room door collapsed the earth shattered.

"....with the power invested in me..." coughed Gao the old king cleared his throat, "...I hereby declare you commander of the Oma Kingdom armies.." whispered the Earth King, Senlin released the centenarian from the earth cone. Gao regained his breathing while he rested on the ground the general, along with several royal guards and Hui behind them entered the throne room.

The throne room was destroyed a complete mess all of them took a stance while Senlin held a wicked grin. The weakened King slowly rose to his feet Hui pushed two guards and ran over to help his father to his feet.

"Surrender or die!" barked the general, Senlin remained still Gao ordered them to halt, "Stand down! This is your new c-comman..." the old king fainted several men rushed over to the monarch and assisted him toward his quarters.

"You're lucky the king anointed you something otherwise you'd be in a pool of your blood," threatened the general. 

Senlin bore his eyes into the general's soul, the veteran turned his gaze away from the intruder. He licked his lips and returned to face the expressionless man and threatened him again, "If you hurt the prince I will hurt you."

Senlin clenched the man's neck and slammed him against the wall, "If you threaten me again I will end your miserable life and that of your family. You have no idea who I am, don't you people have a better respect for your commander?" smirked Senlin.

The general gasped he shook his head in disbelief and disapproval, "Salute me,...general...that's an order," commanded Senlin. He sighed and saluted Senlin.

"Muster the men I want to see how many of the provincial guard there is right now," mentioned Senlin.

"The provincial guard is only deployed to protect the capital city," commented the general. 

Senlin examined the general's name embroidered into his uniform, "I don't care what their purpose is I want them on the training grounds now, I'll train them and then I want them marching toward Pingyao soon, General Ling," ordered Senlin.

"That's General Ming to you," muttered the general.

"Did I make myself clear?" asked Senlin.

"Yes, Commander Senlin," nodded General Ling Ming.

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