Well, that's not its name ... but ...
The term "Democratic movement in the Earth Kingdom" has not been confirmed by official sources.
"I really think the Earth Kingdom would be better off if the states were independent and had elected leaders, like the United Republic." |
— Wu to Korra[1] |
The democratic movement in the Earth Kingdom is a reform initiated by Earth King Wu, supported by Avatar Korra. Its ultimate goal is to abolish the Earth Kingdom monarchy and begin its transition to democracy in order to establish independent states throughout the nation with a democratically elected government.[1][2]
After the invasion of the United Republic of Nations was thwarted by Avatar Korra and her allies in 174 AG, Kuvira, the Great Uniter, surrendered and ordered her armed forces to stand down, which resulted in her arrest. The seat of power of the Earth Kingdom was officially returned to Wu and the Earth Empire was reportedly dissolved.[1]
It was during Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding that King Wu first expressed his desire to abolish the monarchy of the Earth Kingdom in order to establish independent states with a democratically elected government akin to the United Republic. Although Avatar Korra was initially surprised by his wise and mature decision, she pledged her support.[1]
As a direct aftermath of the Earth Empire's invasion to Republic City, many civilians lost their homes and were forced to live in refugee camps. Zhu Li Moon and the Air Nation worked to help provide housing and food to the civilians in the city. President Raiko saw his popularity plummet due to his null participation in the campaign as he neglected visiting the camp and initially refused to fund a project to build housing for the evacuees.[3] Eventually, Zhu Li decided to run as a candidate for presidency against Raiko.[4] As expected, she became more popular among voters due to her presence among the evacuees, which ultimately led to her election as the second president of the United Republic of Nations.[5]
Announcement to the world[]
One month following Kuvira's surrender, King Wu publicly declared his intention to resign and abolish the monarchy, although the manner in which he did this is uncertain. In the next months, Wu traveled throughout the Earth Kingdom and met the heads of the nations's constituent states with whom he discussed the end of the monarchy and the implementation of democracy. Though some states remained opposed to his plans, a first election was scheduled to take place in the State of Gaoling.

Three months after the fall of the Earth Empire, Wu decided to hold a press conference in front of the new City Hall about the progress of his plans. After much planning and many discussions with the leaders of the Earth Kingdom, Wu announced that the first democratic election would take place in two weeks in the State of Gaoling. After this, the elections would continue in the other states so that, within a year, the Earth Kingdom could complete its "peaceful transition to democracy". While part of the citizens applauded his decision, others expressed their discontent with the end of the monarchy. The reporters then started to ask Wu various questions regarding the plausibility of his timetable and his position on the opposing nations. Unsure how to answer, the unsettled king began to sing in response. He declared the questions absurd and reaffirmed his decision to step down while throwing his crown into the crowd. This left the onlookers mostly confused. After finishing his song Wu fainted, forcing Zhu Li to take over and hold the rest of the press conference on her own.[2]
Commander Guan's candidacy[]
After Kuvira's trial, King Wu asked Team Avatar and President Moon to accompany him to the State of Gaoling for the upcoming elections as he had recently received reports about a group of holdouts from the Earth Empire hiding in the city that refused to surrender, led by Commander Guan, the head of the empire's southern forces during the rule of Kuvira.
In Gaoling City Hall, where the voting would take place, King Wu and Avatar Korra learned that the two candidates running for Governor of the state were Chief Magistrates Ling and Bak, two of Gaoling's finest government officials. The young king expressed his disappointment as neither of the two candidates would make any political reforms possible as his intention was to bring in new political blood, not to keep the outdated Earth Kingdom bureaucracy alive. Just as they wanted to leave the City Hall, Guan and his troops arrived. Following the Avatar's plan, they let Kuvira attempt to order her former followers to stand down. However, realizing they were now loyal to their new commander, she attacked Guan, choking him and threatening him.

Commander Guan declared his candidacy to run for Governor of the State of Gaoling.
After Kuvira was incapacitated by Asami Sato and taken away from the scene, Commander Guan expressed the reason behind his presence in the city, claiming that he had not come to stop the democratic process, but to take part in it with the objective of soon having candidates in every state of the nation so that no one would be able to question the Earth Empire's right to rule. Handing his paperwork to Mayor Rhee, the strategist officially declared his candidacy for Governor of Gaoling. Unable to prevent certain candidates from participating, King Wu supported Korra's idea to convince Toph Beifong to also enter the election in hopes of finding a more popular candidate to run against Guan.[2]
Toph Beifong's candidacy and capture of King Wu[]
- Main article: Gaoling Crisis
Wu and Korra found the old earthbender in the Foggy Swamp and, while she was initially unwilling to run for governor, the two managed to change her mind and make her step outside of her comfort zone. Back in Gaoling, Toph signed the documents to officially become a candidate for Governor. When she inquired Rhee about her chances to win the election, the mayor answered that if she would have asked yesterday, he could assure her an easy victory, however, overnight there had been an unexpected groundswell of support for Guan, which they had witnessed in the streets at their arrival and heard them mindlessly repeat the same slogan over and over. Toph's brainwashing theory was proven true when Kuvira confirmed that Guan and Dr. Sheng, an Earth Empire scientist, had employed this mechanism against Bolin, Mako, and Asami. Soon, they realized the commander's plan to steal the election by brainwashing the citizens to vote for him.[6]
With the aid of the Metal Clan, the Avatar, Toph Beifong and Kuvira fought the Earth Empire and Korra's brainwashed friends. However, Wu was captured and subsequently brainwashed at the reeducation camp.[6] A brainwashed king arrived at Gaoling City Hall, informing Mayor Rhee that there would be a change of plans, and announced that the election would take place that day, for which he issued a royal decree. As a direct result of Wu's order, Guan won the election in a landslide.[7]

King Wu announced that he will not resign as the Earth Kingdom's monarch in Gaoling City Hall.
After Kuvira managed to force Guan to surrender, the team gathered in Gaoling City Hall with Mayor Rhee to oversee the process of restoring the citizens' minds and will. After considering the recent events, the Earth Monarch announced to the people that he had decided to alter his kingdom's path to democracy, declaring that each state would now come up with its own timetable for elections, according to the wishes of its citizens. He realized that to expect the Earth Kingdom to become a democracy overnight was unrealistic and, therefore, for the time being he would keep his title of king.[7]
Further efforts at reform[]
While King Wu continued his reforms, his wish for democracy was regarded by some in rural communities as a far cry from what they needed, the people in question being more concerned about food and shelter than distant concepts like democracy. At the same time, corrupt politicians capitalized on the rampant poverty by feeding their citizens lies about holding elections, placing the blame for their woes on the Earth King.[8] Nevertheless, Wu continued to work at reforming the political system, enlisting the aid of experts such as Republic City University dean Shihan to draft democratic policies.[9]
When an Earth Kingdom estate wanted to hold an election in a small province that had widely expressed interest in electing a representative, militant royalists wanted to put a stop to it, and were even willing to assassinate the campaigning politicians in order to do so. King Wu tasked a group of people with preventing any would-be assassins or saboteurs from derailing the election.[10]
- Wu's plan to abolish the monarchy in favor of a democratically elected government was inspired by the democratization of the Kingdom of Bhutan under the 5th Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.[11]